
  • 网络competitive taekwondo;WTF
  1. 宁德市竞技跆拳道的现状与发展对策

    Situations of competitive taekwondo and development strategies for it in Ningde city

  2. 世界跆拳道联盟(以下简称世跆联)是国际上最具影响力的竞技跆拳道运动组织机构,是国际奥委会认定的唯一奥运会跆拳道项目管理机构。

    World Taekwondo Federation ( the " WTF ") is the most influential international competitive taekwondo organization , which is recognized by the International Olympic Committee as the sole governing authority of taekwondo at the Olympic Games .

  3. 竞技跆拳道是新疆竞技体育重点发展的优势项目。

    Kickboxing is a competitive sport program in Xinjiang .

  4. 本文对于新疆竞技跆拳道实现跨越式发展目标和不断发展壮大,具有很强的现实意义。

    This study has a strong practical significance to develop and enlarge continuously kickboxing in Xinjiang .

  5. 竞技跆拳道对抗中的心理特征分析

    Analyzing Mental Characteristic in Taekwondo Competition

  6. 竞技跆拳道实施新规则之思考&以2008年全国跆拳道冠军赛为例

    Thinking about the implementation of new rules of athletic Taekwondo & With 2008 National Taekwondo Championship as an example

  7. 河北省竞技跆拳道后备人才培养现状与发展策略研究

    A Study of Present Fostering Situation of Reserve Forces of Athletics Tae Kwon Do in Hebei Province and Its Development Strategy

  8. 本文主要就新规则的出台与启用对我国竞技跆拳道技、战术及裁判员临场执裁等方面产生的变化与影响等问题进行探讨。

    This paper explores the problems of change and effect on techniques , strategies , on-the-spot ruling of the referees due to the implementation of new regulations .

  9. 普通高校高水平跆拳道运动队是发展跆拳道事业尤其是竞技跆拳道的关键,而教练员队伍的建设则是制约高水平跆拳道运动队建设的核心要素。

    Colleges and University sports teams is the development of Taekwondo career , especially the key , and the construction of coaches is the high level Taekwondo Team restricting the core elements .

  10. 通过对2004年河北省第11届运动会跆拳道比赛的成绩分布、运动员参赛情况和技战术使用情况进行分析,了解我省竞技跆拳道的发展现状及存在的问题,并提出相应对策。

    The paper gives us some idea of the present situation and problems of kickboxing in Hebei province through analysis on the grading performance , participation and tactics use in the 11th Hebei Sports Meeting , then it puts forward the corresponding countermeasures .

  11. 由世界跆拳道联盟2001年10月30日最新修改、审定的跆拳道竞赛规则,于2002年7月1日在我国正式实施。新规则的出台,势必会给我国的竞技跆拳道带来重大改变。

    The new revised and approved kickboxing regulations , made by the World Kickboxing Alliance on Oct 30,2001 , was put into effect formally in China on July 1, 2002.That is bound to bring about great change in our country 's kickboxing sports .

  12. 研究认为:福建省跆拳道运动的发展已有一定的基础,但目前在全国处在中低水平,省队竞技水平不高、经费投入不足、优秀后备人才缺乏是造成竞技跆拳道水平不高的主要原因。

    The study shows that the athletic taekwondo in Fujian has a certain foundation , though , still at a low level in China .

  13. 在当今竞技体育中,众多项目的裁判工作屡遭非议,裁判员风波一直是竞技体育中不和谐的一部分,因此,裁判员的研究对我省的竞技跆拳道运动的发展有着十分重大的意义。

    In modern sports competitions , the referees of many events are usually criticized . Therefore , the study of the taekwondo referees has a great significance for the development of this sport .