
zhāng chéng
  • rules;constitution;statutes;regulation;solution


zhāng cheng
  • solution;way
章程 [zhāng chéng]
  • (1) [regulation]∶指组织的规程或办事条例,也泛指各种制度

  • (2) [solution] 〈方〉∶指办法;主张

章程[zhāng chéng]
章程[zhāng cheng]
  1. 根据轮流担任领导的新政党章程,他们在一年后会轮换职位。

    They will swap posts in a year 's time , according to new party rules which rotate the leadership .

  2. 章程从明天开始生效。

    The rules will be brought into action tomorrow .

  3. 这个俱乐部的章程不允许女性成为正式会员。

    The club 's constitution prevented women from becoming full members .

  4. 我心里还没个准章程。

    I 'm not sure yet what 's the best way .

  5. 教务会议已经通过了一项记分制度章程。

    The Academic Council has passed a statute of marking system .

  6. 这些章程是政府制定的。

    The regulations are constituted by the government .

  7. 第三条中华人民共和国公民,不分民族、种族、性别、职业、宗教信仰、教育程度,承认中国红十字会章程并缴纳会费的,可以自愿参加红十字会。

    Article 3 All citizens of the People 's Republic of China who , regardless of ethnic of the Red Cross Society of China and pay membership dues , may join the Society on a voluntary basis .

  8. 本章程仅适用于苏宁银河国际购物广场VIP持卡贵宾。

    This general regulation only applies to Suny Galaxy International Shopping Plaza 's VIP card holders .

  9. 行政秘书负责FCI章程的不断更新。

    The administration secretary shall be responsible for updating FCI statutes .

  10. Gregory:这次重组加上新的公司章程将使我们减轻负担,提高效率。

    Gregory : This reorganization and the new company policies will make us leaner and meaner .

  11. 香港红十字会的宗旨、目标、权力及责任须由章程界定,而章程则须符合第2a条的规定。

    The aims , objects , powers and duties of Hong Kong Red Cross shall be defined by the constitution which shall be subject to section2a .

  12. SLA的条款必须严格遵守,几乎类就像旨在适应客户方要求和需要的功能本地化章程定制。

    The terms of the SLAs must be strictly observed , almost like a functionally localized constitution custom designed to accommodate the requirements and needs of the client parties .

  13. KKR在其章程中还表示:通过开展承销业务,公司能够赚取一些融资费用,不然这些费用就要付给第三方。

    KKR said as much in its prospectus : underwriting deals allows the firm to capture certain financing fees otherwise paid to third parties .

  14. 想要了解更多信息,请查看对MikKersten的访谈以及项目章程。

    For more information , check out the interview with Mik Kersten and the project charter .

  15. 对于标准规范的坚持反映出章程对于IDSF的未来成功是必要的。

    Adherence to the standards reflected in the Code is essential to IDSF ′ s future success .

  16. Reinhold向InfoQ表示说委员会的目标是在这延长的一年到期之前发布新的章程,还有两个空缺也会尽量在最近四个星期内找到合适的人选。

    Reinhold told InfoQ that the Governance Board aims to deliver the new constitution before the next one-year extension runs out , and that the two remaining seats will be filled within four weeks .

  17. 学校章程和教育公法人地位

    On School Regulation and the Status of Public Corporation in Education

  18. 合营公司章程和修改;

    Amending the Articles of Association of the joint venture company ;

  19. (一)合营企业章程的修改;

    Amendment of the articles of association of the joint venture ;

  20. 我们应严格按照协会的章程办事。

    We should work strictly under the constitution of the association .

  21. 在公司章程中规定公司社会责任条款。

    Stipulate company 's community responsibility clause in the corporation by-law .

  22. 公司章程反收购条款合法性研究

    Studies of Validity on Anti-takeover Article of the Charter of the Corporation

  23. 然后分析讨论公司章程对内效力和对外效力。

    Then discussed the articles effectiveness and internal foreign effect .

  24. 组织章程的内容是什么?

    What is the content of the articles of association ?

  25. 本部分承接第二部分的论述,继续从约束力的角度对公司章程的效力问题展开研究。

    This part talks about the binding force of articles of association .

  26. 根据不同的标准,公司章程的作用可以作不同的分类。

    According to various criteria , the role falls into different types .

  27. 新《公司法》对公司章程自治性的实践和尊重是历史的巨大进步,它也预示着公司自治时代进一步的开启。

    It also indicates that the further opening era of company autonomy .

  28. 汽车金融公司章程。

    ( c ) articles of Association of the auto financing company .

  29. 刍论公司章程限制股东表决权制度的架构

    Analysis of framework of shareholder voting right system restricted by company regulations

  30. 他是一名按公司章程任命的董事。

    4.He is a director appointed under the articles of the company .