
  1. 对于一些具有共性的问题或共同感兴趣的话题,教师Agent可以在各学生Agent能够存取的电子黑板上予以答复或对讨论提出指导性意见。

    To some common topics attracting students'interest , Teacher Agent can answer questions or give guiding opinions for the discussion on the electronic blackboard accessible to each Student Agent .

  2. 本规划通过3G网络对传送网的要求给出山东移动省内长途传输网的建设方案,并就本地网的建设提出了指导性意见。

    Through the 3G network requirement for transportation net , this program gives the long-distance transportation net construction in Shandong province and the guidance suggestion to the local net construction .

  3. 从分析WTO协定的法律地位入手,论述了实施WTO协定的理论依据和在各国的实践,重点分析了WTO协定的实施模式,从而为我国如何实施WTO协定提供了指导性意见。

    Starting from the legal position of WTO Agreement , this paper discusses on the theoretical foundation of WTO Agreement and their practice in various countries , and analyzes emphatically on the implementing modes of WTO Agreement , which provide the guiding suggestions for our country to implement WTO Agreement .

  4. 我们对RamViswanathan(IBM的著名工程师兼GBSC的首席架构师)表示忠心的感谢和诚挚的问候,他提供了一些宝贵的指导性意见,如果没有他的支持,我们将无法完成本文。

    We convey our thanks and sincerely acknowledge guidance and ideas from Ram Viswanathan ( IBM Distinguished Engineer and Chief Architect of GBSC ) without whose support it could not be completed .

  5. 中兴通讯凭借多年网规经验,通过互干扰测试及仿真验证,提出了PHS与WCDMA网间最小隔离度门限标准的建议,对3G网络建设提出了指导性意见。

    With many years ' experience of network planning , and through the cross-interference test and simulation verification , ZTE gives a proposal on the standard of minimum inter-network isolation threshold between PHS and WCDMA and puts forward some directional suggestions on 3G network construction .

  6. 为了保证空间通信的安全,CCSDS下设有安全工作组,负责向CCSDS的所有活动提供关于信息安全方面的建议和指导性意见,评估安全风险,设计安全体系结构,开发安全技术。

    In order to protect the security of space communication , CCSDS has its own security working group , in charge of providing suggestions concerned with information security for CCSDS , evaluating security risks , designing security system and developing security technologies .

  7. 利用分析结果为工程设计提供指导性意见。

    Using the results of the analysis for the engineering design guidance .

  8. 最后给出了混合系统设计的指导性意见。

    Some guidance opinions are given to design hybrid control system at last .

  9. 此外,为国内同类企业薪酬管理体系变革提供有益建议和指导性意见。

    In addition , for the similar domestic enterprise salary management changes provide useful Suggestions and guidance .

  10. 在此基础上,对今后铝电解槽流场的研究提出了指导性意见。

    Based on this , the direction to the research on flow field in drained cell is present .

  11. 最后依据研究得出的高校教师胜任力模型对高校教师评价指标体系构建提出了指导性意见。

    Finally , the author raised a guidance to build index system of teacher of colleges and universities .

  12. 房地产项目策划是企业进行房地产项目开发的指导性意见书。

    A real estate project planning is a guidance submission used in enterprises ' real estate project development .

  13. 据此提出了下桥塞时施工工艺的指导性意见。

    On the basis of it , some guidelines are proposed for the construction process during running bridge plug .

  14. 最后,我们针对这些问题提出了一些建议,以期望为泰科电子公司完善客户关系管理提供指导性意见。

    Finally , we address a number of recommendations to improve the expectations of the Tyco Electronics customer relationship management .

  15. 临床实践指南是针对特定临床情景,系统制定的帮助医护人员做出恰当处理的指导性意见。

    Clinical practice guidelines are systematically developed recommendations for assisting medical staff to make appropriate decisions in specific clinical situation .

  16. 还从落实“九五”提速规划的角度提出了几点指导性意见。

    In addition , the paper puts forward some directional ideas on implementing the increased speed plan during the5-year Plan period .

  17. 在评估和控制公共卫生风险中,世卫组织不偏不倚的专家指导性意见对减少对贸易和旅行的不必要限制至关重要。

    WHO 's neutral expert guidance in assessing and controlling public health risks is key to limiting unnecessary restrictions on trade and travel .

  18. 同时,对集成方案在不同集成需求中的实施进行了描述,提出一些方案实施的指导性意见。

    And then the article describes the implementations of this scheme for different integration requirements , and gives some guidance suggestion for the implementations .

  19. 针对大采高工作面过空巷时的矿山压力分布进行了数值模拟,以掌握其分布规律,从而对工程实践提出指导性意见。

    A digital simulation is made to the rock pressure distribution of faces with large mining height when crossing gob , which may guide engineering practice .

  20. 中国棉纺织行业十一五科学与技术进步指导性意见(下)

    Guiding Suggestions for Promoting Scientific and Technological Progress of China 's Cotton Textile Industry during the 11 ~ ( th ) Five-year Plan Period ( Part ⅱ)

  21. 为连续气举现场应用处理设备的选择以及气举稳定性分析提供了理论依据,并为单管球塞气举的现场应用提供指导性意见。

    It may provide theory gists to design handling equipment and gas-lift stability analysis , and offer guiding opinions for field practice of single string pig lift .

  22. 分析了地震反应可能对地铁车站造成的破坏,对地铁车站的结构设计提出了指导性意见。

    Possible damage to subway station brought about seismic response is analyzed ; some instructing suggestions about structure design of subway station are also indicated in this paper .

  23. 并根据温度场的分布特点,对工程运行管理提出指导性意见,从而保证结构的运行安全和耐久性要求。

    Based on the distribution characteristics of the temperature field , the guiding notion about project operation is presented , which can guarantee the safety in operation and endurance .

  24. 主要分析了放电参数、接头结构形式、连接间隙等因素对连接效果的影响,给出了上述参数选择的指导性意见。

    This paper also analyses the influences of discharge parameter , type of joint , jointing clearance to jointing effect , and points out suggestions for selection of above parameters .

  25. 之后对大企业分类标准中包含的具体指标进行选择,经过研究确定主要指标和辅助指标,并形成中央标准和中央对地方的指导性意见。

    Then choose specific index contained in standard . After study main index and auxiliary indexes are ensured , and form the opinions that the central government direct local government .

  26. 就广西水利工程建设监理工作开展以来取得的成绩和存在的问题进行了回顾,并对今后的工作提出了指导性意见。

    A review is made on the achievements and problems of water conservancy engineering construction supervision work since its development in Guangxi , and suggestions are put forward for future work .

  27. 研究结果表明,该研究可以为上辊系统的改进设计提供指导性意见,所提出的主动补偿方法可以提高卷板的质量,在工程应用中有一定的指导意义。

    The results indicate the study can improve the quality of bending , which can direct improved design to upper roller structure , and active-compensation can supply a new method to engineering applications .

  28. 从我国现实看,近年来,国务院为协调区域发展,先后批准发布了几十个区域规划或指导性意见,有力推进了区域协调发展与和谐社会的建设。

    From our reality , in recent years , the State Council has approved and released dozens of regional planning or guidance opinions , effectively promoting construction of regional coordination development and harmonious society .

  29. 据了解,这个女孩在本月初与一名神秘的网友进行了接触,那个人问她是否想要自杀并且给了她一些指导性意见。

    The girl is understood to have been contacted by a mystery Internet user at the start of the month who asked her if she wanted to commit suicide and sent her basic instructions .

  30. 在城市绿地系统规划中分为这三个层次,分别提出绿地建设指导性意见和具体的绿地建设布局,并且制定合理的绿地规划指标体系。

    In the city planning in the land system is divided into three levels , a land development of specific guidance and land development , and make good the distribution of land planning target system .