
  • 网络symbolic expression
  1. 以图论知识为基础,应用连通图中的k树树支导纳乘积,给出网络函数及其灵敏度分析的符号表达式。

    Based on network graph theory , using admittance product of k-tree branches in connected graph , the symbolic expression of network function and its sensitivity are presented .

  2. 紧急救济职务轮值表符号表达式的绝对值

    Duty roster for emergency relief absolute value of a symbolic expression

  3. 利用遗传编程的符号表达式逼近任意非线性函数

    Approximation of Arbitrary Nonlinear Function Using Symbol Express of Genetic Programming

  4. 复杂网络系统可靠性符号表达式的微机实现

    Computer Utilization of Reliability Symbolic Expression in Complex Network System

  5. 确定网络函数及其灵敏度全符号表达式的K&树法

    A K-tree Method for Generating Topological Formulas of Network Functions and their Sensitivity

  6. 弹性力学方程的符号表达式系统

    System of Symbol Expression for Analysis of Elastic Solid

  7. 弹性体变形分析的符号表达式系统

    Symbol Expression for Analysis of Elastic Solid Deformation

  8. 质疑必要条件假言判断的符号表达式

    Some doubts on the expression of the symbol of hypothetical judgement under necessary condition

  9. 符号表达式的绝对值

    Absolute value of a symbolic expression

  10. 导出了一个一次生成网络全部外特性的全符号表达式的代数直接算法。

    Based on them , a direct algebraic algorithm is developed for generating all the symbolic external network functions in one implementation .

  11. 利用该算法可以求出系统的传递函数符号表达式及对系统状态方程进行求解,并给出解的符号表达式。

    With the algorithm , one can get the transfer function symbolic expressions and the solution to state functions of the system .

  12. 利用行列式判决图,可以有效而准确地求得被测电路传输函数的符号表达式和计算出其可测性测度。

    Using Determinant Decision Diagrams ( DDDs ), symbolic transfer functions of circuit under test are constructed and its testability measure can be calculated exactly and efficiently .

  13. 给出了确定无源网络函数及其灵敏度全符号表达式的拓扑方法,该方法是以图论为基础,利用连通图中树与K-树树支导纳乘积之和,方法简捷有效,工作量减缩。

    A efficient method for generating topological formulas of network functions and their sensitivity is presented . Tree and K-tree of a graph is applied in this method .

  14. 分子式表示化学物质成分或组成方式的符号表达式在反应式的左侧我们写上全部反应物的分子式。

    A symbolic representation of the composition or of the composition and structure of a compound . On the left of the equation we write the molecular formulas of all the ingredients or reactants .

  15. 以牛顿法为基础,在分析其结构的基础上,采用符号运算求导、表达式编译求值和向量化传递参数,解决了HESSEN矩阵的计算问题;

    The conclusion is as follows : Based on Newton Algorithm and its structural analysis , using symbol calculation to get derivative , complied expression to get numerical value and passing parameters in the forms of vector , Hessen matrix is calculated .

  16. 模拟集成电路的符号模拟&符号表达式及其生成

    On the Symbolic Simulation of Simulating Integrated Circuit

  17. 本文给出了二进制补码和无符号乘法器的通用表达式。

    The uniform expression of multiplier of two 's complement and unsignednumber are given in this paper .

  18. 将广义坐标以及杆长和惯性参数作为符号量,导出了模型矩阵元素的数字-符号表达式。

    Numeric-symbolic expressions of model matrix elements were derived , in which inertia parameters and lengths of links as well as generalized coordinates are expressed as symbols .

  19. 该奇异位形判别式为一多项式代数方程,在推导过程中引入数值-符号处理技术,得到了多项式代数方程中每一系数的数值-符号形式的解析表达式。

    An analytical expression for determining singularity configuration which is a polynomial equation is set , and the numeric symbolic manipulating technique is introduced in the paper .

  20. 该方法直接将电力网络元件的参数进行符号表达,通过求解网络的k-树,有效地计算出电力网络节点电压方程中各变量的符号表达式。

    It used symbol to express circuit element 's parameters and solved the k-trees of the network , therefore , the symbolic expression of node voltage variables in Node Matrix Equation can be evaluated .