
  • 网络symbolic model
  1. SET协议支付过程的符号模型检验

    Symbolic Model Checking the SET Protocol

  2. 符号模型检验(symbolicmodelchecking)是时序逻辑模型检验的技术一种具体方法,它使用一种更为有效的符号的方法来表示被检验系统,因而可以处理更大规模的系统。

    Symbolic model checking method uses a more efficient " symbolic " representation for the system .

  3. 近年来,二叉判定图BDD(BinaryDecisionDiagram)和符号模型检验在形式化验证数字电路设计中取得了突破性进展。

    Binary Decision Diagram and symbolic model checking has made breakthrough in digital circuit design .

  4. 介绍了一个针对同步时序电路VHDL设计的性质验证的解决方案&一个有效的符号模型判别器VERIS。

    A solution for property verification of synchronous VHDL design is introduced , and VERIS an efficient symbolic model checker is implemented .

  5. 并提出了一种自动验证参数化LE协议的方法,用线性算数约束来模拟可能无限的全局状态集合,利用符号模型检测工具DMC[DP99],文章实现了对参数化LE协议safety性质的自动验证。

    This approach uses linear arithmetic constraints to model possibly infinite sets of global states . Using symbolic model checker DMC [ DP99 ] , it automatically verifies safety properties for parameterized Leader Election protocols .

  6. 文章主要介绍了CTL模型检验基本概念和原理,给出了符号模型检验算法,验证了模4计数器的某些特性。

    This paper mainly introduces the basic conception and principle of CTL model checking . The arithmetic of symbolic model checking is given . Some of the features of the model four counter are verified .

  7. 电子合同签订协议的符号模型检验分析

    Symbolic Model Checking Analysis for Electronic Contract Signing Protocol

  8. 并且基于该算法开发出新的符号模型检测工具。

    A new symbolic model checking tool was built based on this algorithm .

  9. 基于符号模型检验的硬件验证

    Verification of PIC Based on Symbolic Model Checking

  10. 离散时段演算的符号模型验证

    Symbolic model checking of discrete duration calculus

  11. 密码协议的符号模型检测及分析

    Symbolic model checking analysis for cryptographic protocol

  12. 首先基于空间算子代数理论建立空间机器人运动学符号模型;

    First , kinematics model of robots based on spatial operator algebra theory was obtained .

  13. 数字电路设计中的符号模型检验技术

    Symbolic Model Checking for Digital Circuit Design

  14. 多智能体系统的符号模型检测

    Symbolic Model Checking Multi-Agent Systems

  15. 符号模型检验是形式化方法的一个重要方面,可以处理大规模的数据结构和控制序列,缓和了组合爆炸问题。

    Symbolic module checking which deals with large-scale data structure and the sequenceof control treats with the combination exploring .

  16. 给出了扩展标记符号模型计算可靠性验证的原理、结构及工作流程,并利用现有验证工具实现了该模型的计算可靠性验证。

    Present the principle , architecture and work flow for verifying the computational soundness of the extended label-based symbolic model , and realize it by existing tools .

  17. 键合空间模型如同键合图模型一样可以通过图示符号模型的自动推导而得到系统的状态方程。

    The models of bond space , just like the models of bond graph , can gain systemic state functions by means of the automatic derivation of the models of graph symbols .

  18. 同时对该协议进行改进,又对改进后的协议的进行分析和检验,表明应用符号模型检验器对电子商务协议分析检验的可行性。

    Improving to this protocol at the same time , again to the protocol after improvements analyses and testing indicates that it is feasible for the symbolic model checking ware to analysis the SET protocol .

  19. 为使扩展标记符号模型便于机器分析与处理,给出了扩展标记符号模型的随机变换,并证明了随机变换的正确性。

    In order to make the extended label-based symbolic model easy to be analyzed by the machine , present the random transform of the extended label-based symbolic model , and prove the correctness of random transform . 4 .

  20. 基于SVG的地图符号描述模型研究

    Description Model of Map Symbols Based on SVG

  21. 提出了一个关于时态逻辑CTL的符号化模型检测算法。

    This paper gives a symbolic model checking algorithm for the temporal logic CTL ~ .

  22. 符号化模型检测CTL

    Symbolic Model Checking for CTL

  23. 对于树木等植被的可视化,本文提出了用线画模型、billboard模型和符号化模型等三个层次LOD模型来表达的方式。

    As for the visualization of the vegetation such as the tree , this paper suggest an expression way with the LOD model , which composed of three levels : line-draw model , billboard model and symbolized model .

  24. 根据该理论,作者已实现了一个基于OBDD技术的CTL符号化模型检测工具MCTK,并完成了相当数量的实验。

    According to our algorithm , we had implemented a new CTL ~ symbolic model checker ( MCTK ) by means of OBDD and obtained some experimental results .

  25. 实验结果表明符号图模型是一种有效的索引方法。

    Experiment result shows that symbol graph is an efficient index structure .

  26. 统一的符号数据模型是实现互操作的基础;

    The symbol data model is the basis of interoperability .

  27. 新型网络地图符号概念模型及其描述体系

    A New Conceptual Model and It 's Describing System of Internet Map Symbol

  28. 计算机符号推演模型分解方法研究与应用

    Research on Model-Decomposing Method Based on Computer Sign-Reducing Technology

  29. 模拟电路符号分析模型及其近似展开

    Symbolic Model for Analog Circuits and Its Approximate Expansion

  30. 扩展时序逻辑的推理及符号化模型检验技术

    Reasoning and Symbolic Model Checking of Extended Temporal Logics