
  • 网络Code;symbol;signifier
  1. 红色记忆文学修改本现象的符码意义

    The code significance of the revised editions of red memory literature

  2. 媒介时代文学的生存策略与符码转换

    Survival Strategy and Code Switching for Literature in the Era of Media

  3. 无论是身体上的政治刻画,还是肉身上的消费符码均无一例外地将肉身拔扯到与logos或物平齐的位置。

    Regardless of political sculpturing or consumer codes physically , they without exception pull the mortal body to the position of logos .

  4. 医院视觉符码导向在环境上的应用

    The Guidance of the Hospital Visual Symbol Applied to the Environment

  5. 《霍桑探案》中的现代传媒符码

    The Modern Media Symbols in the Detective Stories about Huo Sang

  6. 故乡是安顿他心灵的精神符码。

    Country is the spiritual symbol that can settle his heart down .

  7. 在第四章,我会对当代中国青年服饰符码的生成原因进行分析。

    Chapter four looks into the foundation of contemporary youth apparel code .

  8. 解读高等教育的性别符码

    Interpreting Gender Codes in Higher Education Based on Feminist Epistemology

  9. 数字建筑之文化符码浅析

    Analysis on the Cultural Code of the Digital Architecture

  10. 语言作为符码与文学创作对于语言的编码及超码

    Language as Code and Language Encoding and Hyper - coding in Literary Writing

  11. 中国古典诗歌翻译叙事主体符码化的理论和实践问题

    On the Codification of Narrating Subject in the Translation of Classical Chinese Poems

  12. 社会语境中广告符码的视觉张力

    The Visual Tension of Advertisement Codes under Social Context

  13. 从文化符码到世俗镜像

    Culture From the Cultural Code to the Daily Mirror

  14. 能不能把它们作为现代传媒符码来把握?

    Can they be regarded as modern media symbols ?

  15. 作为一种符码,服饰关涉能指与所指。

    As a kind of code , costume code relates to signifier and signified .

  16. 而新的有序也将在符码世界的过度中重新被建立起来。

    The new order will be reestablished in the transition of the Code World .

  17. 压抑的符码权力的文本&美国黑人妇女刻板形象分析

    The Power and the Oppressed : a Study on the Stereotypes of African-American Women

  18. 校园文化符码解构。

    And decoding the symbols of campus culture .

  19. 第三章中,我将主要探讨当代中国青年服饰符码的后现代特征,还会分析其后现代本质;

    Chapter three mainly discusses the post-modern feature of apparel code and its fundamental nature .

  20. 我设法处理写作当著流动,而不是当著固定的符码。

    I try to deal with writing as with a flux , not a code .

  21. 服饰符码的能指与所指相关联,关切于世事与流行。

    Dress code signifier and the facies association , concerns about world affairs and popular .

  22. 第二章我会从文化传承与文化交流两个方面来解读当代中国青年服饰符码的文化涵义;

    Chapter two decodes the cultural connotation of apparel code via cultural succession and cultural communication .

  23. 论服饰符码与身体美学

    On Costume Code and Body Aesthetics

  24. 服饰的文本化与符码能指的游戏,相关于身体的话语建构。

    Costume text and game of signifier in costume , relate to discourse 's construction of body .

  25. 地域资源、文化符码与诗意发现&论张永刚的地域诗创作

    Regional Resource , Cultural Symbol , and Poetic Finding & On the Creation of Zhang Yonggang 's Regional Poems

  26. 但是当小资形象成为政治话语的符码,其艺术生命力却陷于委顿。

    Therefore , these images became the symbol of political ideas and were doomed to lose there artistic vitality .

  27. 本文将以服饰符码为核心,对当代中国青年服饰符码的文化涵义进行分析和研究。

    This thesis takes apparel code as essential part , and analyses the cultural connotation of contemporary youth apparel code .

  28. 在第一章我会对当代中国青年服饰符码的陈述与表达进行梳理,并对具体特点给予概括;

    Chapter one ascertains the narration and expression of apparel code , and concludes the specific feature of apparel code .

  29. 芭比牵动了跨世代的共同记忆,象徵的是一种普世共构、全球共享的消费文化符码。

    Being an embodiment of generation-crossing communal memories , Barbie is also a symbolic cultural icon for the global consumerism .

  30. 她开始破解主宰法国人言谈举止和风格的符码。

    And so she set about cracking the codes of manners , language and style that so govern the French .