
  • 网络the first business
  1. 1881年约瑟夫沃顿在美国的宾夕法尼亚大学建立了第一所商学院。

    Joseph Wharton founded the first Collegiate Business School in1881at the University of Pennsyivania in the United states .

  2. 他表示,但至少哈萨克斯坦人不会被第一所商学院所欺骗。

    But , he says , at least Kazakhs are not taken in by the first business school that comes along .

  3. 乔治杜博夫是薄弱莱新酒的第一大生产商,每年新酒占其总产量的五分之一。

    Georges Duboeuf is one of the primary producers of Beaujolais Nouveau-1 / 5th of his yearly production is for this wine .

  4. 其中,第一阶段商末周初时期资料较少,与第二阶段之间还难以衔接。

    The first stage does not temporally join well with the second one , because inadequate archaeological records have been found about the end Shang and early Zhou .

  5. 在京山东商人主要经营饭庄、饭馆、洋货铺、绸缎铺、粮食店、布铺等与人的生活紧密相关的行业,其人数和经济实力使得山东人可以与当时第一大商帮晋商相分庭抗礼。

    The main business of the Shandong merchants in the restaurant , foreign goods shop , silk shops , food stores , cloth , and human life closely related industry , its size and economic strength allows the Shandong people can antagonize Shanxi merchants .

  6. Sprint主席孙正义曾公开表示他想成为美国第一大运营商。

    Sprint chairman Masayoshi Son has talked openly about he wanted to become the No.1 player in the US .

  7. 今年二月,苹果(Apple)推出支持CDMA网络的iPhone手机,Verizon成为其第一家合作商。

    The iPhone built around the CDMA protocol that apple ( AAPL ) launched in February went first to Verizon ( VZ ) .

  8. 相比之下,票房统计网站BoxOfficeMojo的数据显示,美国去年排名第一的制片商环球影业(Universal)拥有本土五分之一的票房(得益于其最卖座电影《侏罗纪世界》)。

    By contrast , the lead studio in the US last year , Universal , had a share of one-fifth , according to Box Office Mojo ( helped by Jurassic World , which was its top-grossing film ) .

  9. 他说过他希望通过挑战第一大运营商Verizon和第二天运营商AT&T,鼓励竞争并带来更快的网络速度。对所有协议来说最大的障碍就是监管机构。

    He has said he wants to spur competition and bring faster internet speeds by challenging the No.1 and No.2 players , Verizon and AT & T. The big obstacle to any deal would be regulators .

  10. 在洛杉矶,南加州大学马歇尔商学院(USCMarshallSchoolofBusiness)临床管理和组织教授卡尔•福格特(CarlVoigt)却不那么乐观,他曾在2000年率领第一支美国商学院代表团到古巴,此后已带领约1000名学生到古巴游学。

    Carl Voigt , professor of clinical management and organisation at USC Marshall School of Business in Los Angeles , who led the first US business school delegation to Cuba in 2000 and has since taken about 1000 students on study visits , is less optimistic .

  11. Verizon紧随其后,在2003年成为美国3G网络的第一大运营商——这在当时是不小的轰动(高管们马不停蹄地准备大量的新闻发布会、白皮书和简报),但是消费者与3G网络似乎并没有什么关系。

    Verizon followed two years later as the first major carrier in the U.S. to offer 3G-there was a lot of excitement ( ample press releases , white papers and briefings by breathless executives ) but not a lot for consumers to do with the network .

  12. NTTDoCoMoInc.是日本第一大运营商,也是NTTCorp.的移动子公司,而NTTCorp.由政府持有三分之一的股权。就算是短短三年前,这样一家公司的总裁带着一部韩国品牌的手机亮相简直令人难以想象。

    It would have been unthinkable even three years ago for the president of Japan 's largest carrier and the mobile arm of NTT Corp. , which is one-third owned by the Japanese government , to carry a Korean phone .

  13. 主教标志他新生命的第一阶段,商马第标志它的第二阶段。

    That the Bishop had marked the first phase of his new life , and that Champmathieu marked the second .

  14. 这种行为史无前例,因为根据传统,矿业集团会按照第一家矿商确定的价格涨幅签订合同。

    This is unprecedented because traditionally mining groups follow the price rise agreed by the first miner to complete the contracts .

  15. 第一,矿商与政府间围绕利润征税的短暂争吵,即便对投资真有影响的话,也是微乎其微。

    First is that the brief row between miners and the government on the taxation of profits has had little , if any , effect on investment .

  16. 这张早期广告是英国第一个印刷商威廉·卡克斯顿的作品,他利用广告来兜售他自己的工场制作出来的宗教书籍。

    This early ad was the work of William Caxton , England 's first printer , who used it to advertise religious books from his own studio .

  17. 第一等级为商王或地方首领的墓葬,规格最高,都使用有木棺和木椁,木质棺椁装饰复杂。

    The first grade tombs are used for the Shang kings or local chiefs , their specification is the highest , they all use wooden coffins and outer coffins , wooden coffins and outer coffins have complex decorated .

  18. 特别是此增长不包括拥有约7亿用户、7560万3G客户的世界第一大移动运营商中国移动(ChinaMobile)。

    Notably , this growth excludes China Mobile which is the largest mobile operator in the world with ~ 700m subscribers and 75.6m 3G customers .

  19. 市场调研人员今年早些时候曾估计,三星已超过诺基亚公司(NokiaCorp.)成为全球第一大手机生产商,并且还超过了苹果公司(AppleInc.)成为全球第一大智能手机生产商。

    Market researchers earlier this year estimated that it passed Nokia Corp. as the world 's top seller of cellphones and Apple Inc. as the top seller of smartphones .

  20. 全球第一大钻石生产商戴比尔斯(DeBeers)已经为哈罗德百货(Harrods)设计了一个包含红色背景以及金色马型轮廓的展示橱窗,而且还会向中国顾客派发红色的惊喜礼品包。

    De Beers , the world 's largest producer of diamonds , has created window designs for Harrods incorporating a red background and a horse silhouette in gold and will hand out red-coloured surprise gift packages to Chinese customers .

  21. 随着诺基亚手机市场份额暴跌,三星电子的市场份额则出现飙升,这得益于Galaxy手机与其搭载的谷歌安卓操作系统的高人气。这家韩国公司已于2012年取代诺基亚,成为全球第一大手机生产商。

    Samsung 's market share , fueled by the popularity of both the Galaxy handset and the Google Inc. Android operating system it runs , has skyrocketed as Nokia 's share plummeted , with the Korean company overtaking Nokia at No. 1 in 2012 .

  22. 电讯盈科是香港最大的固定电话运营商,而和记是第二大移动电话运营商,与第一大移动运营商相距不远,同时还是香港三大固定电话运营商之一。

    PCCW is Hong Kong 's largest fixed-line operator and Hutchison is a close No 2 in mobile and one of the top three in fixed-line .

  23. 全球第一的电脑生产商惠普,在四月份携一款仅仅一千克多一点的“迷你笔记本”进入这一全新市场。

    HP , the world 's biggest PC-maker , entered this new market in April with the " Mini-Note ", a small laptop weighing just over a kilogram .

  24. 中国第一个同东盟商签自由贸易区协定,并共同建成了发展中国家之间最大的自贸区。

    We were also the first country to launch the FTA negotiation with ASEAN , and together , we have put in place the largest FTA among developing countries .

  25. 3月9日,世界第一大邮轮运营商嘉年华公司表示,由于这起事故的影响,预计今年全年单位净收益将比去年下降2%到4%。

    Carnival , the market leader , said on March 9 it expected full-year net revenue yields down 2 to 4 per cent over last year as a result of the accident .

  26. 世界第一大茶叶生产商预测,由于主要出口国歉收导致全球库存枯竭,明年茶叶价格必将在当前的历史高位上再涨10%至15%。

    Tea prices are set to climb 10-15 per cent higher next year from current record highs because global inventories are depleted following crop failures by main exporters , the world 's largest tea leaf producer has forecast .

  27. 他第一次准备塔克商学院的申请和面试共用了50个小时,而第二次五所学校的准备时间总共也没有那么多。

    While he 'd spent 50 hours preparing for his first Tuck application and interview , he fell far short of that when applying to the five schools , not even hitting the same number for all the schools combined .