
  • 网络The Second Priority
  1. 这一次,詹皇要让位给KD了。在NBA选秀大会上以仅次于格雷格·奥登的第二顺位被选中之后整整10年,凯文·杜兰特终于拿到NBA总决赛的MVP。

    This time , King James gave way to KD , who was the NBA Finals MVP 10 years after being picked second in the NBA draft behind Greg Oden .

  2. 威廉王子是英国王位的第二顺位继承人。

    William is second in line to the British throne .

  3. 作为英国王室的第二顺位继承人,威廉做的这份烤面包可带有“王者味道”哦!

    Appropriately for the second-in-line to the throne , the bread was Kingsmill .

  4. 我喜欢你,哪怕是在你的第二顺位!

    I love you , at the second !

  5. 在旧的营销概念里,大多数消费者喜欢的产品是排行在第二顺位的猜测。

    In old marketing most notions of what the consumer liked in a product were second guessed .

  6. 我们回复说,我们了解,没问题,祝你好运,我们将采用第二顺位的角色选择,我们确实这么做了。

    We said we understood , no problem , good luck , we 'll go with our second choice .

  7. 这样一来她就不用担心我回来以后自己落到第二顺位

    That way she wouldn 't have to worry about dropping down to second place if I came back .

  8. 在劳动权的保护顺位上,私法保护是积极的,处第一顺位;税法保护是消极的,处第二顺位。

    On order of labor rights protection , private law protection is positive and in first place ; tax law protection is passive and in second place .

  9. 哈里的哥哥,威廉王子也是一名军官.英国王位的第二顺位继承人被禁止参与战争。

    Harry 's brother , Prince William , is also an army officer . But as second in line for the throne , he is specifically barred from combat .

  10. 女王伊丽莎白二世出生于1926年4月21日,是阿尔伯特亲王的第一个女儿,也是英国王位的第二顺位继承人。

    Queen Elizabeth II was born on April 21 , 1926 , as the first daughter of Prince Albert , then the second in line to the throne of England .

  11. 芳龄29岁得凯特出生平民,并没有贵族的血统背景,在与具有第二顺位王室继承权威廉王子相恋9年零4个月后,终于喜结连理。

    Kate , 29 , a commoner with no aristocratic background , married Prince William - second in line to the British throne - in April after a nine-year romance .

  12. 福克斯新闻说明到:两名获救船员由一支四人的机组通过飞机营救上岸,机组成员包括这位剑桥公爵、皇位的第二顺位人、皇家空军的直升机飞行员。

    The two men were airlifted to safety by a four-man crew , which included the Duke of Cambridge second in line to the throne who is a Royal Air Force helicopter pilot , Fox News explains .

  13. 现在,库兹马希望英格拉姆和鲍尔(分别是湖人在2016年和2017年的第二顺位选择)——在新奥尔良和锡安·威廉姆森并肩作战时,他们都能扎根且茁壮成长,并能打出他们的风格。

    Now , Kuzma sees Ingram and Ball - the No. 2 overall picks in 2016 and 2017 , respectively , by the Lakers - thriving and being able to play the way they need to in New Orleans alongside Zion Williamson .

  14. 但我觉得我对你来说只是排在第二优先顺位

    but I just feel that I 'm a very high second priority for you .

  15. 格林已经成为勇士队能够连续五年进入NBA总决赛的重要帮手之一,勇士队于2012年第二轮第35顺位选中格林,后来他通过不懈努力让自己成为全明星球员并帮助球队成为王朝球队。

    Green has been one of the vital cogs of the Warriors " run to five straight NBA Finals , with the 35th pick in the 2012 draft elevating himself into an All-Star and helping the franchise become a modern dynasty .