
ɡǎo xiào
  • deliberately make people laugh;clown around to draw laughter
  • funny;amusing
  1. 这桩事情很搞笑。

    The matter is a funny story .

  2. 他们更喜欢做搞笑的事情,这可能是因为想在餐桌上引起大人物的注意。

    They are also more likely to be funny , possibly to get attention from all the bigger people at the dinner table .

  3. 第二幕里有我看过的最搞笑的场面之一。

    Act II contained one of the funniest scenes I have ever witnessed

  4. 今年除了那些搞笑短剧外,还会有众多乐队登台献艺。

    This year numerous bands are playing , as well as comedy acts

  5. 韦丁顿第一个承认自己其实并不爱搞笑。

    Weddington is the first to admit she 's not exactly a barrel of laughs

  6. 他还是像以前一样爱搞笑。

    He was still his old jokey self .

  7. 他最初通过向幽默搞笑类报纸出售卡通漫画维持生计。

    He at first kept body and soul together by selling cartoons to the humorous papers .

  8. 墙上挂着一个驼鹿头。某个爱搞笑的人在它的嘴里放了一支香烟。

    There was a moose head on the wall . Some wag had put a cigarette in its mouth .

  9. 他是喜剧界最搞笑的单口喜剧演员。

    He 's the funniest stand-up comedian on the comedy scene .

  10. 假装度假有的是为了让别人嫉妒,也有人只是为了搞笑。

    They are doing this to get people jealous or simply get a laugh .

  11. 狐狸:“你太搞笑了吧!谁都知道兔子不吃狐狸。”

    Fox : " That 's ridiculous ! Any fool knows that rabbits don 't eat foxes . "

  12. “欢乐喵星人”指,你在网上发现的那些标有搞笑文字说明的猫咪照片,文字说明中通常还掺杂着拼写和语法错误。

    LOLcat refers to pictures of cats you find all over the Internet accompanied with funny captions1 , typically with misspellings and incorrect grammar .

  13. 有些视频中包含一些人们想分享的正面信息,还有的视频或温情或搞笑,但所有这些视频都是暗中为某个品牌代言。

    Some videos have an apparently3 good message that people want to share and others are heart-warming or funny , but all are covert4 brand endorsements5 . Example :

  14. 你应该还见过有人因为看手机掉进喷泉或洞里的搞笑视频,说不定你自己也经历过类似的事情。

    You 've probably seen funny clips of people falling into water fountains or holes because they were looking at their phones , or maybe you 've actually experienced something similar .

  15. 在今年夏天中国流行的一段视频中,上海一支业余合唱团演唱了一首献给“加班狗”的搞笑歌曲《感觉身体被掏空》,“加班狗”是对白领的谑称。

    In one video that went viral this summer , an amateur Shanghai choir1 devoted2 a tongue-in-cheek song to their status as " overtime3 dogs " - a slang term for white-collar workers - entitled " My Body Is Hollowed Out . "

  16. “它很有个性,不在意任何人或事。是的,它很搞笑。我特别喜欢它。我想把它当宠物养,但我想我丈夫不会乐意的!”

    He 's got bags of personality and he 's not fussed by anyone or anything . Yeah , he 's hilarious3 . I love him . I 'd keep him as a pet , but I don 't think my husband would be very happy about that !

  17. ABC的新喜剧如交易杂志《Variety》说的,就是“搞笑的片子”。

    ABC 's new crop of comedies are what Variety , a trade magazine , calls " laughers " .

  18. MetaCafe:Metacafe(麦塔咖啡厅)-得到最好的网上视频-搞笑录象,惊奇短片,罕见电影

    Meta Cafe : Metacafe-Get the best internet videos-Funny videos , Amazing clips , Rare movies

  19. 他们可以修正一些问题(如peopleresolution),并拿出一个听起来不太搞笑(punchline)的名字。

    They can fix some of the issues ( such as people resolution ) and come up with a name .

  20. 上周,一年一度的搞笑诺贝尔奖(IgNoble)在哈佛大学(HarvardUniversity)举行颁奖仪式时,组织者马克•亚伯拉罕将给予这些日本研究人员以无声的感谢。

    To which , when the annual Ig noble prizes are presented at Harvard today , its organizer Marc Abrahams will give silent thanks .

  21. 如果你是这样一个上网爱好者,那就一定不要错过这些搞笑的Facebook主页,不仅能让你开怀一笑,说不定还会在里面得到一些人生经验。

    If that 's the case , these hilarious Facebook pages should give you just the lift - and life insight - you need .

  22. 那些扭扭捏捏的C和N(就像那搞笑的少年F轰炸)是家庭报纸或杂志以及广播电视上可以理解的备选词。

    The coy C and N euphemisms ( like the laughably juvenile F bomb ) are an understandable alternative in family-oriented newspapers and magazines , and , I suppose , on broadcast television .

  23. 在政府的强迫下,超市卖力地告诉我们每一款葡萄酒含有多少个酒精单位(unit)、能够保存多长时间(当然很多时候这个信息很搞笑)以及应该搭配什么食物。

    Supermarkets fall over themselves ( under government pressure ) to tell us how many units a bottle contains , how long we should keep it and ( usually hilariously ) what we should eat with it .

  24. 所以,读些在线笑话,听听中意的广播,或者欣赏一下YouTube的搞笑视频。

    So start reading some jokes online , listen to your favorite radio show , or watch some funny videos on YouTube .

  25. 结语,网络PS图片恶搞的发展前景如何?综合前文研究,作者认为:商业的收编和发展成为一种独具特色的搞笑性视觉艺术是比较切实可行的道路。

    Earlier comprehensive study , the authors suggest that : business incorporation , developed into a unique " comedy " in the Visual Arts is a more practical path .

  26. 这个公司的YouTube网页上列着几个应答的示例,非常搞笑,但显然并不能令人信服。

    A few sample responses are demonstrated on the company 's YouTube channel - they are quite hilarious , but obviously not very convincing .

  27. “NowThatsFunnyS***!?”这一账号绝对是名副其实,其中不少内容都是将逗趣语录与搞笑图片结合在一起。

    Facebook page Now Thats Funny S * * * ! ? certainly lives up to its name , posting a mixture of comic quotes , pictures and memes .

  28. 去字典里查一下“side-splittinghumor”(令人捧腹大笑的幽默感)这个词,你可能会看到《嗨翻姐妹行》的预告片,这是2017年最搞笑的电影,没有争议。《固定电话》

    Look up " side-splitting humor " in the dictionary and you should probably come across the trailer for Girls Trip , which is the funniest movie of 2017 , no contest .

  29. 同时,微博和QQ等社交媒体也使用“憨豆先生”的形象作为搞笑表情。

    Meanwhile , the image of Mr. Bean has also been used in funny stickers on social media , such as Weibo and QQ . Hustle

  30. 不久之前,Facebook上点赞最多的还是那个宝宝第一次吃柠檬的视频,它从网上扎堆出现的搞笑婴儿风尚中脱颖而出。

    It seems only a few Facebook ' likes ' ago that videos of kids tasting lemon for the first time was the big thing in the online land of funny baby fads .