
  • 网络get dirty
搞脏 [gǎo zāng]
  • [muck] 踏来踏去地弄脏或乱扔东西;弄脏;弄得凌乱、不整洁或狼藉不堪

  • 把地板搞脏了

  1. 不想把手搞脏吧?

    Don 't want to get your hands dirty ?

  2. 我的新裙子被果汁搞脏了,怎么会发生这种事呢?

    My new dress is spoiled by the orange juice , this isn 't happening !

  3. 小强尼把裤子搞脏了,不过只是小便而已。

    Little Johnny made a mess in his pants , but it 's just number one .

  4. 我会把我的所有垃圾放在我的抽屉里,不会搞脏我们的宿舍的。

    I can keep all my junk in the draw and it won 't mess up the room .

  5. 你的屋子看上去完美无瑕,因为你很少呆在里面,更别说把屋子搞脏搞乱了。

    Your house looks impeccable because you have not had enough time to spend there to make it dirty .

  6. 我刚扫干净地板,你又把纸屑弄得到处都是,把地板搞脏。

    I 've just cleaned the floor , and you 've messed it up again by dropping bits of paper everywhere !

  7. 船上本来还有一点大麦和小麦,但后来发现都给老鼠吃光了或搞脏了,使我大为失望。

    There had been some barley and wheat together , but , to my great disappointment , I found afterwards that the rats had eaten or spoil 'd it all ;

  8. 他还有一条尾巴,但露茜最初并没有看见。因为怕拖在雪地里搞脏,他把它放在拿伞的那个手臂弯里。

    He also had a tail , but Lucy did not notice this at first because it was neatly caught up over the arm that held the umbrella so as to keep it from trailing in the snow .

  9. 说完转身就走。“我先搞得脏一点去!”

    " I 'm hanged if I will !" said the Yankee , turning on his heel ," I 'll go dirty first !"

  10. 我忠告他,希望他用个杯子喝他的牛奶;我肯定说我没法尝搞得这么脏的牛奶。

    I expostulated and desired that he should have his in a mug ; affirming that I could not taste the liquid treated so dirtily .

  11. 生活在乡村,工作或许会更艰难——有更多的农活,容易把自己搞得一身脏(我们有一个大院子,有灌木、树林、玫瑰花等等)。

    Work may be more difficult if you live in the country - things get pretty dirty , and there 's probably more yardwork ( we have a big yard with bushes and trees and roses and more ) .