
  • 网络home kitchen
  1. 这种信息迄今为止还没有进入家庭厨房。

    That kind of information hasn 't entered the home kitchen yet .

  2. 分析评价了杭州市宾馆和家庭厨房空气中12种PAHs的污染现状、特征及其来源。

    Pollution features and sources of 12 PAHs in air of hotel and home kitchens in Hangzhou City were analyzed and evaluated .

  3. 方法应用气相色谱质谱联用仪(GC/MS)分析家庭厨房吸油烟机油杯中冷凝油的总化学成分,并采用果蝇伴性隐性致死试验(SLRL)对化学成分的遗传毒性进行了研究。

    Methods Analysis methods of the components was carried out by gas chromatogram and mass spectra ( GC / MS ) and its genotoxicity was studied by sex linked recessive lethal ( SLRL ) test in drosophila .

  4. 家庭厨房空气中PAHs的平均浓度为7.634mg/m3,以2~4环为主;其萘的相对浓度远高于宾馆厨房。

    While it was 7.634mg/m3 in home kitchens with 2 ~ 4 ring PAHs predominant , of which the naphthalene concentration was far higher than that of hotel kitchens .

  5. 在中国,大多数餐馆和家庭厨房都有一大袋MSG结晶体,中文称作味精,或“调味品”,人们在各种风味的菜肴里都搁上一点儿。

    Most restaurants and home kitchens in China have a big bag of MSG crystals , known in Chinese as weijing , or " flavour essence ", and they toss it liberally into all kinds of savoury dishes .

  6. 商业厨房空气中12种PAHs的平均浓度17.23μg/m~3,BaP浓度均超标,家庭厨房空气中PAHs的平均浓度为7.634μg/m~3,BaP浓度超标率为83%。

    Average PAHs pollution in commercial kitchens air were 17.23 ng / m3 with BaP all exceeded the national air standard . Residential kitchens presented an mean PAHs concentration of 7.634 ng / m3 and 83 % BaP exceeded the limitation .

  7. 本实用新型属于一种家庭厨房用多切机。

    The utility model belongs to a domestic multifunctional electric cutter used in a kitchen .

  8. 在窘困的日子里,他们在印第安纳州盖瑞市简朴的家庭厨房里合奏。

    Rainy days were spent harmonising in their modest family kitchen in Gary , Indiana .

  9. 家庭厨房食用油烟雾中化学成分分析及对果蝇遗传毒性的研究

    A study on the components of edible oil fume in kitchen and its genotoxicity on drosophila

  10. 一种手摇式水槽洗碗机,属于家庭厨房用具。

    The utility model relates to a hand-operated water basin dish-washing machine , which belongs to a household kitchen appliance .

  11. 炒勺(大马勺、炒瓢)、煸锅是餐饮业和百姓的家庭厨房中随处可见的烹调工具。

    A big ladle and a stir-frying pan are cooking tools that are able to be been in common people 's kitchen .

  12. 介绍了一种利用家庭厨房炊具酿制啤酒的方法,提出了进一步完善家庭酿制啤酒专用器具的初步构想。

    This paper explores a method-use kitchen utensils brewing beer , and put forward a rationalization proposal-mark special utensil of brewing beer to be being perfected .

  13. 当今社会,爆米花与电视餐盛行,微波炉已然成为美国家庭厨房的霸主。但在二战期间,微波只不过是雷达辐射源产生的一种电磁波。

    Before Hot Pockets and TV dinners made the nuclear option a staple of the American kitchen , microwaves were simply a side-effect of World War II radar emitters .

  14. 今后十年,我国将有33%的住户迁入新房,这意味着平均每年有260万个以上的家庭厨房电器要更新换代。

    Our country will have 33 % household moving to new household in the next decade , this implies there will have the average above 2,600,000 family kitchens home appliance to renovate and upgrade every year .

  15. 主要研究对象是家庭厨房和盥洗室,依据健康工业设计的设计方法分别研究两区间内影响人体健康的用水要素、用水目的和相应的用水行为。

    The main object of study is family kitchen and bathroom where the research is conducted respectively in . Water elements affecting human health , purposes of water use and corresponding water-use behavior is studied according to the design methods of HID .

  16. 依据前两部分的结果以及市场现有龙头的调研总结,针对家庭厨房和盥洗室两个区间,分别提出符合健康工业设计标准的水龙头在使用功能、造型和材料等方面所应具有的特征要素。

    According to the results of the two sections above and research summary of existing faucet market , characteristic elements in function , shape , color , materials and etc. of faucets which meet the design standards of HID are proposed respectively for household kitchen and bathroom .

  17. 该锅盖广泛适用于家庭和厨房使用。

    The pot cover is extensively applicable to the households and the kitchens .

  18. 目前,该市已收集了3.2万升的废弃食用油,相当于全市所有家庭日常厨房废油的32%。

    So far , it has collected 32,000 liters of used cooking oil , which represents 32 percent of all household-derived waste cooking oil in the city .

  19. 有必要制订被动预防措施,如重新设计家庭的厨房和餐厅区域,更安全的电水壶和浴室的温控设备。

    There is a need for passive preventive measures , such as redesigned domestic cooking and eating areas , safer electrical kettles and temperature control devices for bathrooms .

  20. 家庭的厨房是传染的普遍来源,像没有煮熟蛋病原体、肉类和蔬菜的病原体常在背面,还有炊具和洗涤工具。

    Home kitchens are a common source of contamination , as pathogens from uncooked eggs , meat and vegetables find their way onto countertops , utensils and cleaning tools .

  21. 由于农历年临近了,香港大多数家庭的厨房都忙做一团,大家都要开油锅炸东西这是农历岁末一个特色。

    As the Lunar New Year festival is drawing near , most of the Chinese household kitchens in Hong Kong are engaged in a bustle of frying activities with characterize the advent of the New year .

  22. 解决办法是创造的所有家庭:厨房、餐厅、客厅、书房区,并利用这些作为一个合适的、自然的乔治杰森的产品。

    The solution has been to create all the components of a home : kitchen , dining , living , study areas , and use these as an appropriate and natural setting for the Georg Jensen products .

  23. 对许多家庭而言,厨房是生活的中心。

    For many families , the kitchen is the centre of daily life .

  24. 在一个中国式的家庭里,厨房不过是一个煮东西的地方;

    In a Chinese house , the kitchen is nothing more than a place for cooking ;

  25. 供应,安装及维修各国名厂家庭电器;厨房和煮食产品。

    Supply , installation and maintenance of world-wide brand of electrical home appliances and cooking products .

  26. 我们要采购金属器皿,手工艺品,钥匙链,家庭用品,厨房用具,相片温度计手工艺品。

    We want to buy Metalware PVC Handicraft , Keychain , Houseware , Gip Kitchenware , Photo Thermometer Handicrafts .

  27. 此外,我在澳洲留学期间还做过许多其他兼职工作,例如家庭教师、厨房帮手,甚至管家。

    Furthermore , I had been doing a lot of other part-time jobs during my study in Australia , such as tutor , kitchen hand , and housekeeper .

  28. 它来自这样一个事实:厨房比房子里的大部分房间都更加非正式,而且大多数家庭都不会在厨房里招待不熟悉的客人。

    It comes from the fact that the kitchen is more informal than most of the house , and most families don 't entertain strangers there .

  29. 据isopublic的调查,30%的瑞典家庭表示男性是主要的下厨者,并有接近三分之二的家庭在厨房中进行社交活动。

    In Sweden , 30 % of households say that the man is the main cook , and nearly two-thirds of families socialise in their kitchen , according to isopublic .

  30. 论文最后以学习型厨房的设计为例,从家庭成员学习、体验、娱乐、教育等方面提出一类面向中国小康核心家庭目标用户的厨房设计案例。

    At last , the thesis puts forward a kind of kitchen designing thoughts facing well-off Chinese core family target consumers at the example of learning kitchen design from the aspects of family members ' learning , amusement , experiencing and education .