
  1. 第一枪刚响他们就跑了。

    They ran away as soon as the first shot was fired .

  2. 她瞄得准,第一枪就打中了狮子。

    Her aim was good and she hit the lion with her first shot .

  3. 武昌起义打响了推翻封建王朝的第一枪。

    The Wuchang Uprising fired the first shot against the feudal imperial regime .

  4. 只过了一分钟,乔伊斯打响了第一枪,战斗开始了。

    A minute later , Joyce fired his pistol17 and the battle had be-gun .

  5. 历史最悠久的北京烤鸭连锁店&中国全聚德(集团)股份有限公司(ChinaQuanjudeGroupCo.,简称:全聚德)即将在中国饮食服务连锁业的上市热潮中打响第一枪。

    The owner of China 's oldest Peking-duck restaurant brand , Quanjude ( Group ) Co. , is set to be the first in a wave of Chinese food-services chains that plan to go public .

  6. 没有什么比美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马(BarackObama)在打响南北战争第一枪的《圣经》地带(Biblebelt)小镇,强调基督教恩典教义更让人吃惊的时刻了。

    There was no starker moment than President Barack Obama urging the Christian doctrine of grace on the bible belt in the town where the first shot of the civil war was fired .

  7. 这次价格战的第一枪是在今年1月10日正式打响的,当天滴滴打车率先推出了乘车费用立减活动,实施了补贴政策。在此之前,滴滴打车刚刚在1月初从腾讯和中信资本(CiticCapital)筹集到1亿美元。

    The first shot was officially fired on January 10 , the day Didi Dache first cut taxi fares and introduced the subsidy , after raising $ 100m that month from Tencent and CiticCapital .

  8. 布法罗新闻和BlueChipStamps是伯克希尔早期收购的两家企业,这只是伯克希尔打响的第一枪:自那以来,该公司从未停止收购企业,也没有压制自身大手笔收购的野心。

    Among the first of these were the Buffalo News and Blue Chip Stamps , and they were just the opening shots : Berkshire has never since stopped buying companies nor suppressed its ambitions of buying big .

  9. 新款亚马逊平板电脑的屏幕比iPad小几分,并且只提供无线保真网络连接,它的出现有可能是一场鏖战前的第一枪。

    The new Amazon tablet , which has a somewhat smaller screen than the iPad and only offers Wi-Fi connectivity , is likely to be just the first salvo in a titanicbattle .

  10. 今年6月,苹果也为自己向“物联网”的进军打响了第一枪。当时,该公司推出了HomeKit应用,用户可以在iPhone上使用这款应用,控制暖气、门锁或电灯。

    In June , Apple laid the foundation for its own move into the " internet of things " with HomeKit , a way to control heating , door locks or lights with an iPhone .

  11. 据悉,17岁的泰勒·摩森带领她的乐队“ThePrettyReckless”以主唱的身份打响了她的世界巡回演唱会第一枪。

    But at just 17 actress Taylor Momsen is leaving her onscreen fame behind to follow her passion for music . Momsen is planning on touring the world with her band The Pretty Reckless , sleeping on buses and performing at a different venue every night .

  12. 第一枪未打中,警察又开了一枪。

    His first shot a failure , the policeman fired again .

  13. 第二种第一枪赚第二枪保本或者亏本。

    The second shot or make a second shot guaranteed loss .

  14. 这是否意味着一场电信贸易战打响了第一枪?

    Is this the first shot of a telecom trade war ?

  15. 但第一枪是我开的

    But I was the first one to ever shoot it .

  16. 但我们必须停止在谁开的第一枪这样的问题上纠缠。

    But we have to go past who fired the first bullet .

  17. 艾美在史帝夫开第一枪前弄倒了盘子。

    Amy dropped a plate before Steve fired his weapon .

  18. 他的第一枪距目标尚远。

    His first shot missed the target by a mile .

  19. 我们必须查清谁开的第一枪。

    We must find out who fired the first shot .

  20. 这是从第一枪到最后的历程。

    This is the event from the first shot to the last .

  21. 他们知道这是新的战争打响的第一枪。

    They knew it was the opening shot in a new war .

  22. 就是他教我开了第一枪的。

    It was he who taught me to fire my first shot .

  23. 他第一枪就把敌人摞倒了。

    He dropped his enemy at the first shot .

  24. 第一枪使他无法反抗。

    The first shot takes him out of order .

  25. 第一枪打偏了,为什么不再补射呢?

    You miss him the first time , why not shoot him again ?

  26. 政府和红衫军互相指责对方开了第一枪。

    Thegovernment and the red-shirted protesters each accuse the other of starting thefirefight .

  27. 他们可能是为2016总统大选打响的第一枪。

    They could be the first shots fired in the battle for 2016 .

  28. 第一枪发出时,那只鹿立即停住,接着便突然倒了下来。

    At the first shot the deer stopped short , then suddenly folded up .

  29. 在这种情况下,拉动内需第一枪的是什么呢?

    In that case , stimulating domestic demand first shot of what is it ?

  30. 第一枪打在一个金属的椅子上,反弹回来。

    First shot ricocheted off a metal chair .