
  • Third party laboratory;the third party lab
  1. 上世纪九十年代开始,LIMS系统在我国第三方实验室得到应用。

    Since the1990s , LIMS has been applied in third-party laboratory in our country for management .

  2. 浅谈高校建立第三方实验室的必要性

    On the necessity of building the third-sector for laboratory in universities and colleges

  3. 而由第三方实验室负责的工作则必须得到客户的同意才能开展。而且,这些由第三方实验室测试的零部件通常也由毅博公司事先拆解以便保护客户的知识产权。

    Work by third party labs is performed only with the express consent of the client , and even then the parts are typically disassembled and sectioned such that our customers'IP is protected .

  4. 在第三方检测实验室推行ISO9001:2000标准的实践

    Practice on Implementation of ISO9001:2000 Standard in Third Party Laboratory

  5. 送交第三方测试实验室的部件样本应能代表最终产品上所使用的部件;

    The component sent to a third party test lab is representative sample of the components of that used on the final product ;