
  • 网络Radio 4;BBC Four
  1. 假设在我们的WSBI测试环境中,有三台测试机器,使用第四台作为审计机器。

    Suppose in our WSBI test environment we have three test machines , and a fourth to be used as an auditing machine .

  2. 如果您想将第四台计算机(例如zeppo)包括到计算机池中,只需将其添加到该列表。

    If you 'd like to include a fourth computer , such as zeppo , to your pool , simply add it to the list .

  3. 月初在第四台播放的电视剧《上层男孩》描述了伦敦一处充满大量枪战,犯罪帮派和非法物质的住宅区发生的故事。

    " TOP BOY ", a drama shown on Channel Four earlier this month , depicted a London housing estate awash with guns , gangs and illicit substances .

  4. 连续三年的平安夜,第四台都有在香港公园鸟语花香的环境之中,为大家带来富节日气氛的音乐享受。

    For three years in a row ," Christmas Concert in the Park " has been a major attraction for those who enjoy listening to festive music in an idyllic surrounding on Christmas Eve .

  5. 金酸梅奖成为了阿弗莱克那可怕的一年里最可怕的记忆,这引来了包括英国第四台影评人理查德拉克在内的全球影评人的厌弃。理查德将其评论为“一部自恋而沾沾自喜的令人作呕的作品”。

    The golden raspberry on top of Affleck 's annus horriblis , Gigli brought an abrupt end to director Martin Brest 's award-winning career , and inspired almost universal loathing from critics such as Film4 's Richard Luck , who called it " a sickening exercise in smugness and self-love . "

  6. 第四广播台的艾伦·利特尔获得了人人梦寐以求的年度记者称号。

    Allan Little from Radio 4 took the coveted title of reporter of the year .

  7. 第四,电视台拥有自制剧的产权,便于对它的潜在价值进行后续开发。

    Fourth , TV station has property rights of TV-made drama , which is convenient to develop the follow-up value of TV-made drama .

  8. 英国第四频道电视台将播出艾伦•比利斯被制成木乃伊的全过程,制作过程耗时数月,遗体保存技术与古埃及人保存法老图坦卡蒙的技术相同。

    Channel Four viewers will see Alan Billis turned into a mummy over the space of a few months as his body is preserved using the techniques which the ancient Egyptians used on Tutankhamun .

  9. 第四,以每台航空发动机10个关键装配参数作为输入量,分别以两个振动参数作为输出量建立BP神经网络预测模型,以此来实现对整机振动参数的预测功能。

    The feasibility and accuracy of this method are then confirmed . Fourthly , taking 10 key assembly parameters for each aeroengine as input , and 2 vibration parameters as output , a BP neural networks prediction model is built to predict the whole body vibration parameters .

  10. 第四章是驾驶台决策人员决策能力的调查;

    Chapter Four is the investments of bridge decision - maker 's abilities ;

  11. 《中图法》(第四版)港澳台社会科学类文献分类的商榷

    Discussion on How to Use Chinese Library Classification ( the 4th Edition ) to Classify the Social Science Literature From Hong Kong , Macau and Taiwan

  12. 一些平板机型被做小了一点,跟老式电视机的尺寸差不多,这无疑表明一些家庭将会购买第二、第三或第四台电视,放在厨房、卧室甚至浴室。

    Some flat-panel models are being made smaller , too , about the size of old-fashioned sets , a sure sign that households are buying a second , third or fourth one for the kitchen or bedroom or bathroom .