
pái shuǐ qú
  • Drainage channel;drainage ditch
  1. 我们得挖一条排水渠把水排掉。

    We must dig a drainage ditch to run off the water .

  2. 排水地段观测井与排水渠水质相关分析

    Relational Analysis on Water Qualities in Observation Well and in Drainage Ditch

  3. 一座小木桥横跨在排水渠上。

    A small wooden bridge straddled the dike .

  4. 没有“U”型弯头,厕所直接连通滋生昆虫和《发现杂志》称做咬人生物的排水渠。

    With no U-bend to speak of , toilets opened directly into dark drainage channels through which insects and what Discover Magazine calls " biting creatures " frequently emerged .

  5. 油田开发区排水渠有机污染物的研究

    Study on the Organic Pollutants in Drainage Channels in Oilfields

  6. 须沿土木工事的界线筑建临时排水渠加以保护。

    Boundaries of earthworks shall be protected by temporary drainage .

  7. 从排水渠出来的水进入热井。

    This water drains from the condenser , where it enters the hot-well .

  8. 因为像这样的排水渠口也可能被海水淹没,

    as water outfall pipes like this one can be flooded with seawater ,

  9. 接驳排水渠及污水渠条款

    Connecting drains and sewers clause

  10. 用真空泵除去污泥的固体含量而该泥水则经排水渠或回流渠排出。

    The sludge is passed under a vacuum pump and allows the water to pass through a discharge or recirculation drain .

  11. 工程项目涉及营办主要建于地面的东面通道,以及在排水渠的两条支管上面两条天桥。

    The Project involves the operation of primarily at-grade Eastern Access Road and two bridges over the two branches of the drainage channels .

  12. 天然湿地开垦为农田,排水渠系扩张,随之带来两个方面的生态环境影响。

    In the process of wetlands exploitation , agricultural ditch systems are widespread and cause ecological and environmental impacts on landscape in two ways .

  13. 由于沼气的堆积,时不时会有明火从排水渠喷射出来。

    Thanks to the buildup of methane , it was also totally possible for jets of naked flame to suddenly explode out the holes .

  14. 为便排放径流而设的所有临时及永久性排水渠及暗渠,其设计应足以使雨水有控制地排放。

    All temporary and permanent drainage pipes and culverts provided to facilitate run-off discharge shall be adequately designed for the controlled release of storm flows .

  15. 搭建塑料大棚并在周围挖排水渠可以有效地减少绥李3号果实开裂,说明水分是影响绥李3号裂果的主要驱动因子。

    Plastic rain shield and ditches may effectively reduce fruit cracking of ' Suili 3 ', suggesting that water is a driving factor that caused fruit cracking .

  16. 项目包括锁定锁,仪表,排水渠,碗,和其它产品,提高性能,并减少你的纽曼帝克空气处理产品的使用

    Items including lockout locks , gauges , drains , bowls , and other products to improve the performance and ease of use of your Numatics air preparation products more

  17. 因此,根据排水渠系的功能特点,在局域和区域两个层次上,对其生态环境影响开展综合研究,可以为湿地保护和恢复提供切实可行的对策措施。

    According to the two functions of ditch systems , an investigation on its ecological and environmental impacts at local and regional scales will provide feasible measures for wetland protection and rehabilitation .

  18. 除了连续排污服务,高压降汉考克阀门也用在给水旁路救济,取样系统,排水渠及其他服务的地方水土流失极为严重。

    In addition to continuous blowdown service , the Hancock high pressure drop valve is also used on feedwater bypass relief , sampling systems , drains and other services where erosion is extremely severe .

  19. 在清洗车轮工作台与公共道路之间的一段路面,应向工地方向铺筑斜坡,以防洗涤水或工地的其他径流流入公共道路的排水渠。

    A section of the road between the wheel washing bay and the public road shall be paved with a fall towards the site to prevent wash water or other site run-off from entering public road drains .

  20. 如何加强市政排水管渠工程项目的造价控制

    How To Strengthen The Cost Control Of The Municipal Drainage Pipeline Project

  21. 市政排水管渠工程质量检验评定标准

    Standard for quality test and estimation of municipal sewerage engineerings

  22. 截流式合流制排水管渠设计流量不确定性分析

    An analysis of uncertainty of the designed discharge of intercepting combined sewerage

  23. 三峡工程对重庆城市排水管渠设施的影响及对策探讨

    Approach on Effect of Three-Gorges Project on Facilities of Urban Sewerage in Chongqing City and its Countermeasures

  24. 文章针对市政排水管渠的平基管座容易发生的各种质量通病进行了现象、原因、危害及预防措施的分析。

    The paper analyzes the phenomena , causes of hazards and preventive measures of the common quality problems of the municipal sewage pipe supports on leveled bases .

  25. 本文就三峡工程对重庆城市排水管渠设施的影响作了一些剖析,并对重庆城市排水管渠的建设提出了对策及设想。

    In this paper , the effect of Three-Gorges Project on the existing facilities of urban sewerage in Chongqing City has been analysed , and some countermeasures to this issue of the construction and reconstruction of the facilities has been proposed .

  26. 对排水(管)渠等非金属材质管线,应采用地质雷达探测的方法。

    Nonmetal pipelines , including drainpipe and offtake , should be detected by geological radar .

  27. 由于人井F1的出水管暴露在人井外,且已锈蚀腐烂,完全失去了排水功能。故F1下游排水渠需重新铺设。

    AS the outlet pipe of well F1 is exposed , it has completed rotten , and lost the drainage function , so we have to rebuilt the downstream offtake .