
shǒu háng
  • maiden voyage;first flight;maiden flight
首航 [shǒu háng]
  • [maiden voyage;maiden flight] 通过新辟航线的首次飞行或航行

  • 首航新加坡

首航[shǒu háng]
  1. 2017年5月5日,中国国产客机G919完成90分钟的首航,安全降落在上海浦东机场。

    On May 5,2017 , China 's home-made passenger aircraft G919 completed its 90-minute first flight and landed safely back at Pudong Airport in Shanghai .

  2. 抛开细节不谈,7月4日首航的到来被认为是一大突破。

    Niggling details aside , the arrival of the first flight on July4th was treated as a big breakthrough .

  3. 泰坦尼克号首航便沉没了。

    The Titanic sank on its maiden voyage .

  4. 这只船现在是首航。

    The ship is now on her maiden voyage .

  5. 他站在k2峰顶,向头顶掠过的首航班机招手。

    He stands on the top of K2 waving as the inaugural flight goes overhead .

  6. 海军上将曾经负责,Admiral,Demar,who,used,to,run,美国海军的核潜艇项目,他总会在新的潜艇到来时参加首航,确保它不会搁浅。

    Demar the US navy 's nuclear submarine program always went down on the first dive of every new submarine when they tested the hall to make sure it wouldn 't crush .

  7. Tsai先生就怀疑他这个精挑细选、富有且“高端”的首航旅游团是否会成为未来游客的主流。

    Mr Tsai wonders whether his first carefully selected group of the rich and " high-level " will be typical of future visitors .

  8. 请她出席我新船的首航式。

    I invited her to the Christening of my new sailboat .

  9. 这是马士基穆勒号的首航。

    This is the maiden voyage of the Maersk McKinney Moeller .

  10. 昨日,武汉至张家界的旅游包机正式首航。

    Yesterday , Wuhan travel to Zhangjiajie official maiden voyage charter .

  11. 这艘邮轮的首航是在什么时候?

    When did this cruise ship first sail ?

  12. 明天是这架飞机的首航。

    The aircraft makes its maiden flight tomorrow .

  13. 配套的首航旅游团,下周初开始推出。

    The supporting maiden tour groups will be issued at the early of next week .

  14. 什么船人称“不落之船”,却在其首航时沉没?

    Which great ship , said to be unsinkable , sank on its maiden voyage ?

  15. 该邮轮预计2016年首航。

    The ship which is due to set out on its first voyage in 2016 .

  16. 那天早晨,有一艘新轮船首航去伦敦。

    That morning a new ship set out / off for London on its first trip .

  17. 它耸立在岸边,曾经是瑞典海军的骄傲,却在首航时便沉没了。

    Once the pride of the Swedish navy , the ship sank on its maiden voyage .

  18. 全球最大邮轮“海洋和谐号”抵达英格兰南部的南安普敦港口,即将首航。

    The world 's largest cruise ship has arrived at Southampton ahead of its maiden voyage .

  19. 人们认为这是艘永不沉没的船,但它在首航中却沉了下去。

    People thought the ship was unsinkable . But she went down on her maiden voyage .

  20. 我很高兴在我首航结束时回到巴格达。

    I was very happy to be back in Baghdad at the end of my first voyage .

  21. 全球最大的豪华游轮海洋自由号首航

    Freedom of the Seas

  22. 最近的一次设备延期交货导致拟定于3月份进行的首航被迫推迟。

    Most recently , an equipment delivery delay forced the jet to miss a scheduled inaugural flight in March .

  23. 设备调试、舾装以及系泊试验都已经在舰船首航之前的准备阶段完成。

    Equipment debugging , outfitting , and mooring tests have been completed in preparation for the vessel 's maiden voyage .

  24. 我沿着其中一条走了100多米,它的尽头就是这首航标艇。

    I walked along one of the dams for over 100 meters , at its end I saw this stake boat .

  25. 这种变故仅仅是一次艰难旅途的开始。甘泉航空的首航于第二天起飞。

    The turbulence was just the beginning of a difficult journey . Oasis ' inaugural flight took off the next day .

  26. 下周起,宠物航空将载着毛绒绒的顾客们进行首航。这是美国第一架专供宠物乘坐的航班。

    Pet Airlines will get the fur flying next week when it begins service as the country 's first pet-only airline .

  27. 它是中国在1998年从乌克兰买回来的,自它十年前首航后,如今它已是锈迹斑斑的半成品。

    It was bought in1998 from Ukraine , where it had been rusting half-finished since its first launch a decade earlier .

  28. 12月8日周一,这艘全新的中海集运环球号离开上海港驶往欧洲,开始了它的首航。

    On Monday , December 8 , the newly-christened CSCL Globe left port in Shanghai en route to Europe on its maiden voyage .

  29. 记得最近一次登陆靠岸补充是在美洲的智利,那之后又航行了一百三十三天,我们跨过了八年前麦哲伦首航的大洋&太平洋。

    The last landfall Chile , one hundred and thirty-three days aft , across the ocean Magellan had first sailed eighty years ago called Pacific .

  30. 在前苏联1961年让人类首次进入太空时,宇航员尤里·加加林的首航被当作冷战时期的一次重大胜利来庆祝。

    When the Soviet Union put the first man in space in1961 , Yuri Gagarin 's flight was celebrated as a major Cold War victory .