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  1. 浙江海涂圩(垦)区挡潮排水闸合理布局分析

    The Study of Rational Layout of Tide-Blocking Sluice Gates in Newly Reclaimed Coastal Area

  2. 滨海圩(垦)区需要修建大量的挡潮排水闸,如何合理地确定这些闸的布局与规模是圩区规划的重要内容。

    In newly reclaimed coastal areas usually a large amount of tide-blocking sluice gates should be constructed .

  3. 本文结合浙江海涂垦区的具体条件,应用明渠不恒定流的基本理论和计算成果,分析了挡潮排水闸的适宜控制范围;

    In this paper on the basis of theory of unsteady flow in open channals the effective control area of drainage and tide-blocking sluice gates is analyzed .

  4. 本文以泰来县两棵排水闸站厂房基坑排水为例,叙述了轻型井点降水布置、设备的选择及实施过程。

    The paper takes the drainage of foundation pit in Liangke drainage gate of Tailai county as the example , introduces the layout of well point , the selection of equipment and the implement process .

  5. 为实现泄冲闸、进水闸和土坝结合部位三维渗流场真实区域的数值模拟,采用有限体积法对含排水孔在内的闸坝区三维渗流场进行了网格划分。

    In order to realize the calculation of the three-dimensional seepage field including the gate and earth dam , grids of the seepage field with the drain hole are set up by use of finite volume method ; and consequently sluice seepage field is numerically simulated .

  6. 同时应用系统工程的方法,以投资最小为优化准则,寻求在圩内各项除涝排水措施综合作用下,挡潮排水闸的最优布局与规模。

    With the aid of methods of system engineering taking minimum cost as objective function optimum layout and size of sluice gates under the comprehensive action of various kind of measures for removal of excessive rainfall runoff and prevention of waterlogging are also studied .