
  • 网络emission concentration
  1. 氧化铝熟料窑电收尘系统收尘效率低,导致烟尘排放浓度超标。

    The low dust collecting efficiency of ESP system of clinker kiln results in that dust emission concentration exceeds permissible standard .

  2. 结果表明:当过量空气系数小于1.5的时候,一氧化碳的排放浓度很高,在焚烧生活垃圾时,必须保持较大的过量空气系数;

    When excessive air coefficient is less than 1.5 , the emission concentration of carbon monoxide is very high , so when MSW is incinerated , excessive air coefficient should be kept fairly high .

  3. CO排放浓度随床温升高而降低。

    The CO concentration reduces with increase in the bed temperature .

  4. 燃煤锅炉NOx排放浓度影响因素的试验和分析

    Test and Analysis on the Factors Influencing NO_x Emission of Coal Boilers

  5. 在富燃情况下,煤粉越细,NOx排放浓度就越小。

    Fine pulverized coal can also bring the concentration of NOx down based fuel-rich .

  6. 石灰石脱硫对循环流化床中N2O排放浓度的影响

    Limestone Effects on N_2 O Emission in CFB Combustors

  7. 纯烧石油焦时SO2排放浓度最高。

    The maximum SO 2 emission appears when pure coke burns .

  8. NOx的排放浓度随温度的升高而升高。

    As the temperature in furnace increases , NOx emission also increases .

  9. 负荷增加时,NOx排放浓度增加;

    The concentration of NOx emission increases with the increasing of load .

  10. 随着过量空气系数的继续增大,NOx排放浓度增长率缓慢;

    While oxygen kept on increasing , NOx emission concentration increased slowly ;

  11. 煤中水分含量的不同,对NOx排放浓度水平有一定的影响;

    The difference of coal moisture content has some influence to NO x emission .

  12. CO平均排放浓度为156mg/m~3。床温是影响NO排放的重要参数。

    The average concentration is 156mg / m ~ 3 . The bed temperature is an important parameter that influences NO concentration .

  13. 试验结果表明,柴油机燃用乳化柴油能有效地降低NOx排放浓度,并对烟度排放亦有一定的抑制作用。

    The conclusions were achieved that diesel engine burning emulsified diesel oil can effectively reduce NOx concentrations and have some inhibition for smoke number .

  14. 随着煤粉含氮量的增加,NOx的排放浓度也在增加;

    The NO x emission concentration is increased along with the augmentation of coal nitrogen content .

  15. NOx排放浓度随过剩空气系数的增加而增加。

    For the fixed excess air , NOx emissions decrease as the secondary air fraction increases .

  16. 试验表明,对于混合燃料,随焦煤比增大,N2O排放浓度增高;

    It indicates from the experiments that with increasing in the ratio of petroleum coke over coal , N_2 O emission concentration rises .

  17. COD在线自动分析仪,是用来对各类污水中COD排放浓度进行连续监控的仪器。

    COD on-line automatic analysis instrument , which is used to monitor COD emitted concentration of various pollution water continuously .

  18. 通过试验得到了不同阴燃方式下CO和CO2的排放浓度,并且根据测试结果计算得到了不同空气流速下的两种气体的平均排放速率。

    Based upon experiments , AER ( average emission rate ) of the emissions of CO and CO2 in two modes of smolder are calculated .

  19. 实验表明,焚烧后的NOx和SO2的排放浓度较低。

    Experiment results show that after incineration the emission density of NO_x and SO_2 is comparatively low .

  20. 对电喷车的CO和NO排放浓度做算术平均,其绝对值主要由出现频率少的高浓度值所贡献。

    The arithmetical mean concentrations of CO and NO emissions of EFI cars were calculated and their absolute values were predominantly contributed by high concentrations with low frequency .

  21. 试验室的脱氮率为70%~80%,NOx的排放浓度可在200mg/Nm3以下。

    The experimental NOx reduction rate was 70 % - 80 % . The NOx emission concentration was below 200mg / Nm3 .

  22. 随着环保要求的日益严格,电厂需要采取有效的手段降低NOx排放浓度。

    As the requirements for environmental protection are increasingly strict , power plants need to take effective means of reducing NOx emissions .

  23. 对于不同焦煤比的燃料,随着一次风率的增大,N2O排放浓度增高。随过量空气系数增大,N2O的排放浓度增加。

    It is shown from experimental results that for all fuel mixtures with the primary air fraction , the excess air coefficient and the Ca / S ratio increasing , N_2O concentration rises .

  24. 实验结果表明:烟气呈碱性,主要污染物NH2的排放浓度最高.HCl次之,NOx<100ppm,SOx<1ppm,H2S<10ppm。

    The results show that exhaust gas presents alkaline , the first is NH_3 , the second is HCl and other are NOx H_2S SO_2 in order of pollution components density .

  25. 循环流化床(CFB)是一种新型洁净煤燃烧技术,可以大大降低SO2排放浓度。

    Circulating fluided bed ( CFB ), one of advanced technology of clean coal combustion technology ( CCT ), may reduce sulfur dioxide emission to great extent .

  26. 研究结果表明:在相同负荷下,过量空气系数从1.17(氧量为3%)至1.24(氧量为4%)的过程中,NOx排放浓度增加且增幅较大;

    Test results indicated when excessive air coefficient changed from 1.17 ( oxygen 3 % ) to 1.24 ( oxygen 4 % ), NOx emission concentration increased quickly .

  27. CO和HC的排放浓度随二次空气量的增加而降低,当二次空气补气量在100%~160%时最佳。

    The emissions of CO and HC is decreased with the increasing of the secondary-air injection , and it has experimentally found that the optimal secondary-air ratio was 100 % ~ 160 % .

  28. 研究了在混燃过程中城市生活垃圾与煤掺烧比例及床层温度变化对NO和N2O排放浓度的影响。

    The influences of the ratio of MSW to coal and bed temperature on the emission of NO and N 2O were focused in this paper .

  29. 本文介绍一种4区的现象学燃烧模型,它可根据小缸径直喷式柴油机实测示功图推求质量燃烧率与NOx排放浓度。

    This paper presents an introduction of a 4-zone phenomenological combustion model . by using this model , mass combustion rate and NOx emissions may be deduced from measured indicator diagram of D. I.

  30. 烟气中PCDD/Fs和Cu的排放浓度变化规律相同,这说明铜氯化物可能会催化PCDD/Fs的生成,而且铜氯化物浓度的增加可能会更有效地增加PCDD/Fs的生成。

    Moreover , the emission rules of PCDD / Fs and Cu in flue gas are same , so copper chlorides may catalyze the PCDD / Fs generation , and the increase of copper chlorides concentrations may further promote the generation .