
pái ǒu
  • parallelism and antithesis
排偶 [pái ǒu]
  • [parallelism and antithesis] 指文章词语文句排比对偶

排偶[pái ǒu]
  1. 英汉排偶的对比及使用

    Chinese and English Parallelism and Their Use : A Comparative Perspective

  2. 本文就英语和汉语修辞格中的排偶结构进行了分析对比。

    The paper makes an analysis and comparison on Chinese and English parallelism .

  3. 看古丽·斯坦的画,直如在读一首首骈俪排偶、顿挫平仄的小诗,朗朗上口,能够读出节奏和音韵。

    Reading her paintings is like reading a small poem with meter and rhyme that also contains lots of parallel structures ; a poem is filled with pause and transition , and level and oblique .