
  • 网络Third party institutions;Tolly
  1. 认证中心CA是电子商务交易中公正的、权威的第三方机构。

    Certificate authority ( CA ) is the impartial , authoritative third party in the trading of electronic commerce .

  2. PKI的核心部分是认证中心(CA-CertificationAuthority),它是一个受信任的第三方机构,负责证书整个生命周期的管理。

    The kernel component of PM is Certification Authority ( CA ), which is a trusted third party with responsibility for managing certificates in their lifecycles .

  3. 其中,认证机构(CA)是PKI的信任基础,承担网上认证服务的、可信的第三方机构。

    Among them , PKI is based on the trust of the certification body ( CA ), on the commitment of the credible third-party agencies on the online authentication service .

  4. 随着网络应用的普及和发展,公钥基础设施(PKI)的地位越来越重要,PKI/CA作为权威的、可信任的、公正的第三方机构,其安全性显得更加重要。

    Along with the popularization and development of network applications , PKI is becoming more and more important , and as an authoritative , trusted and righteous third party , PKI / CA must be protected from threats .

  5. 尽管FBI最初辩称“只有苹果才能提供(我们)所寻求的帮助”,但该局后来表示,一家第三方机构与它进行了接触,该机构拥有破解这部手机的可能手段。

    Despite initially arguing that the " assistance sought can only be provided by Apple , " the FBI said that an outside party had approached it with a potential way to break into the device .

  6. 因其特殊性,还存在着第三方机构。

    Because of its particularity , there is a third party organization .

  7. 信托公司往往必须向银行和其他第三方机构支付额外费用。

    Trusts often have to pay additional fees to banks and other third parties .

  8. 试件的试验应由具有资质的分包商实施,独立第三方机构人员负责监督。

    The specimens shall be tested by the qualified subcontractor with the supervision of the independent personnel .

  9. 且签约双方皆不得利用第三方机构来回避本条款。

    The parties also undertake not to make use of a third party to circumvent this clause .

  10. 最后,建立中立第三方机构的行政监督。

    Finally , set up a neutral " third party " agency to supervise and administrate the process .

  11. 随着越来越多的第三方机构加入到集团信息化项目中,增加了信息的不对称程度,增加了风险。

    Because of the limits of technology capacity , more and more third-party agents joined in the group informationization projects , which caused information asymmetry .

  12. 电子缴税:澳门特别行政区财政局通过与银行、结算系统、第三方机构联网等方式可实现缴税的电子化。

    Electronic tax payment : DSF could achieve the digitalization of tax paying by connecting the network with banks , accounting firms and the third party .

  13. 借助第三方机构协助征收与涉税辅导:金融网点实现税款征收,通过纳税信用约束保证税款及时足额入库;

    Tax collection and tax related trainings assisted by third-party institutions : tax collection through financial sectors , ensuring the tax collection by tax-paying credit system ;

  14. 上海尚未公布其养老金管理方式的细节,包括是否授权第三方机构管理部分养老金。

    Details of how the Shanghai pension fund will be managed have yet to be released , including whether third-party managers will be given mandates to handle part of the money .

  15. 比特币的发明,原本是为了提供一条途径以避开第三方机构银行及其他外汇供应商并创造一个本质上可以让用户自己运营的替代性金融系统。

    It was supposed to provide a way to sidestep third parties banks and other foreign exchange providers and create an alternative system that could essentially be run by users themselves .

  16. 从企业的角度来讲,质量审核的重点指向应该是供应商产品和制造过程,从而不同于第三方机构,如认证咨询公司对通行的质量管理体系的审核。

    From company side , the key of quality audit will focus on product and manufacturing process , it will be different from thrid party audit , focus on quality management system .

  17. 同时建议充分将本土优势转化为差异化优势,大力与境外具备下游资源的第三方机构合作,加快拓展上下游渠道。

    Meanwhile , the recommendations will be a full transformation from the local community advantage to differentiated advantages , cooperations with third-party agencies owning resources to the lower reaches , and speeding up the expansion of upstream and downstream channels .

  18. 政策建议:建立和实施职业资格证书制度促进高职教育健康发展;设立高职教育的第三方机构加强学校和企业的联系;制定相关政策和法规鼓励各方社会团体的参与。

    Policy suggestion : establishing and implementing certification system to promoting the development of higher vocational education ; establishing the third-party institution to reinforce the relation between school and enterprise ; making policy and law to promote social organizations to participate .

  19. 业务流程外包是指企业为了提高效率、降低成本、充分发挥自身核心竞争力,把企业一些非核心的业务以契约的形式承包给第三方机构来运作和管理的一种经营模式。

    In order to improve the efficiency and cut the cost and give full play to its own core competitiveness , the enterprise hire another company to handle its non-core business by contract . This business model is called Business Process Outsourcing .

  20. PKI利用可信的第三方认证机构(CA)签发的数字证书在网络通信中建立和管理信任。

    With the digital certification enacted by CA , Public Key Infrastructure ( PKI ) provides a framework to construct and manage the trust relationship .

  21. 在对象存储系统上建立的身份认证机制,采用第三方可信机构(TA)完成用户信息的注册、管理和身份证书的颁发、更新与撤销。

    The authentication mechanism built on the OBS system uses a Trusted third party Agency ( TA ) to handle the user information registration process and identity management .

  22. 焊接程序规范(WPS)和程序检定记录(PQR)由独立第三方认证机构人员负责核准。

    Both WPS & PQR shall be approved by the independent , accredited organization personnel .

  23. 周日中国互联网巨头腾讯控股有限公司(TencentHoldingsLtd.)旗下的第三方支付机构财付通(TenPay)停止与比特币中国的合作。

    On Sunday , TenPay , the third-party payment unit of Chinese Internet giant Tencent Holdings Ltd. , stopped working with BTC China .

  24. 这个独立的第三方认证机构保证这些产品和材料经过正式的检测,符合ASTM和ANSI标准。

    This independent third party certifier provides assurance that products and materials are regularly tested to comply with ASTM and ANSI Standards .

  25. WCA作为一个受信任的第三方权威机构,负责发放和管理数字证书。

    WCA is a trusted third authority with responsibility for issuing and managing digital certificates .

  26. 上海晚晴商务咨询有限公司CEO鲁振旺表示,百度贴吧作为一种公共服务,在公共交流中起到重要的作用,管理者不应该是任何追求利润的第三方商业机构。

    Because Baidu Tieba exists as a public service and plays a vital role in public communication , the operator should not be any third-party commercial institution that aims to seek profits , said Lu Zhenwang , CEO of Shanghai Wanqing Commerce Consulting Co.

  27. 我们基于可信第三方授权机构提出了一个基于KP-ABE的云存储访问控制方案。

    We propose a KP-ABE based cloud storage access control scheme based on a trusted third party authority .

  28. 目前中国第三方测评机构参照的测试标准使用特别多的一个就是GB/T16260《软件工程产品质量》系列标准(ISO/IEC9126:2001,IDT)。

    China third-party evaluation institutions with special reference to the test standard is more than one GB / T16260 " Software Engineering Product Quality " series of standards ( ISO / IEC 9126:2001 , IDT ) .

  29. “上海社保基金值得密切关注,”z-benadvisors的彼得亚历山大(peteralexander)表示,“全国社保基金的模式很可能在全国复制,第三方管理机构将在其中扮演重要角色。”

    " The Shanghai fund is one to watch very closely , " says Peter Alexander , at Z-Ben advisors . " It is quite possible that the NSSF model will be replicated throughout the country with a big role for third-party managers . "

  30. 健康教育计划联盟和NCCA认可委员会的第三方认证机构-学术课程和认证计划的NCCACAAHEP。

    Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs and NCCA are both third-party accrediting agencies-CAAHEP for academic programs and NCCA for certification programs .