
  • 网络The Second Spring
  1. 迎接我国安全科学学科建设第二个春天&倡导商榷和谐的学术氛围,坚持以人为本、安全发展新理念

    Welcoming the Second Spring of Discipline Construction of Safety Science in China : Advocating Harmonious Academic Atmosphere and Sticking to the New Idea of People-oriented and Safe Development

  2. 他在过去的几年中迎来了自己足球事业的第二个春天,也是他获得奖杯数最多的日子。

    He enjoyed a real Indian summer in the last years of his career as a footballer - that 's when he won the most trophies2 .

  3. 随着电信行业重组、3G牌照发放工作的尘埃落定,数据增值业务驶入了快速发展的高速路,从而带动移动通信产业迎来了第二个春天。

    With the telecommunications industry restructuring and 3G licences issued the dust settles , work data into a rapid development of value-added services , thus promote the highway mobile communication industry in the spring .

  4. 我需要给自己的写作第二个春天

    I need to give my writing a second chance .

  5. 分析化学的第二个春天

    The " second spring " of Analytical Chemistry

  6. 旅游业作为一个开放型和外向型的行业,入世为其迎来了第二个春天。

    As an open and export-oriented industry , tourism is facing the second " spring " .

  7. 第一个学生在冬天去,第二个在春天去,第三个在夏天去,最后一个在秋天去。

    The first student went in winter , the second in spring , the third in summer , and the last in autumn .

  8. 第一个儿子是冬天去的,第二个是春天,第三个是夏天,最小的儿子是秋天。

    The first son went in the winter , the second in the spring , the third in summer , and the youngest son in the fall .

  9. 第二次变革(20世纪70年代迄今)则使分析化学进入了分析化学家重新当家作主的、欣欣向荣的“第二个春天”。

    The second transform has been taking place from 70s of 20th century up to now and it makes analytical chemistry enter into its flourishing second ' Spring ' when analytical chemists are really masters of their own .