
  1. 在第三方检测实验室推行ISO9001:2000标准的实践

    Practice on Implementation of ISO9001:2000 Standard in Third Party Laboratory

  2. 在用钻机的检测是钻机第三方检测活动的重要内容和基础。

    This article disserts the importance of the inspection of the in-service drilling rigs , and points out the inspection bases , methods and contents .

  3. 为维护项目建设期的政府所有权利益,项目采用制定履约担保、采用合理合同价格、加强第三方检测三种措施保障项目所有权的有效实施。

    This paper suggests to safeguard the ownership interest in the means of the performance guarantee , adopting rational contract price and strengthening the third examination .

  4. 由政府授权的第三方检测机构出具的官方检测证书表明所有接受检测的雀巢奶制品均没有测出三聚氰胺。

    In fact , the Chinese authorities have issued official certificates for all tested Nestl é products stating that no melamine has been detected in any of them .

  5. 从完善法律法规、加强职能监管、建立第三方检测监控体系、完善汽车市场等方面提出了一些自己的见解和认识。

    The author provided his own ideas and cognitions from improving law and regulations , reinforcing function custody , setting up third party inspect & monitor system , and improving automobile marketing , etc aspects .

  6. 该声明称,2005年,上海食品药品检验所同肯德基母公司&中国百胜餐饮集团签订合同,受委托为其原材料以及半成品提供第三方检测服务。

    In 2005 , the Shanghai Institute for Food and Drug Control signed a contract with the China division of Yum Brands in Shanghai , which owns KFC , to provide third-party testing services for its raw materials and semi-finished products , the statement said .

  7. 同时,第三方测量检测工作除了要遵守有关测量规范要求,因其自身模式的特点,在诸多方面还有其个性要求规定。

    In addition to complying with the requirements of relevant standards , the thirdparty measurement has its own special stipulations , due to the characteristics of the mode of its own .