
  • 网络World war;World War III;The third world war;World War Three
  1. 末日战场:这是第三次世界大战的开端吗?

    ARMAGEDDON : Could This Be the Start of World War III ?

  2. 让我看看数据。当你在澳大利亚提出同样的问题时,第三次世界大战便会由此爆发。

    Let me see the data . ' If you have one in Australia , you have World War III !

  3. 其中一条UPI的推特假装引用了教皇的说法:第三次世界大战开始了。

    One tweet posted under the UPI account quoted Pope Francis as saying , World War III has begun .

  4. 该片于当年6月3日在全国公映,片中马修·布罗德里克(MatthewBroderick)饰演一个天才技术少年,无意中侵入了北美航空航天防御指挥部(NORAD)的电脑,差点发起了第三次世界大战。

    The film - starring Matthew Broderick as a tech-whiz teenager who unwittingly hacks into the computer of the North American Aerospace Defense Command ( NORAD ) and nearly sets off World War III - opened nationwide that June 3 .

  5. 他说,“第三次世界大战”将会随之爆发。

    A " Third World War " , he said , would ensue .

  6. 并在此过程中防止第三次世界大战。

    And prevent World War III in the process .

  7. 这(那)场第三次世界大战几乎快要降临到我们了。

    The Third World War is almost upon us .

  8. 杜鲁门总统和他它的军事顾问担心第三次世界大战将会爆发。

    President Truman and his military advisers were concerned World War Three would start .

  9. 第三次世界大战就会发生。

    There will be a third world war .

  10. 爱因斯坦说过,第三次世界大战,将是一场人类现代文明毁灭的战争。

    Third world war mentioned by Einstein is a war that destroys modern civilization .

  11. 现在看来第三次世界大战短时期内不会打。

    At present it looks unlikely that a third world war will break out soon .

  12. 基于这一理由,我不相信将会有第三次世界大战。

    For that reason , I do not believe there will be a Third World War .

  13. 或者我会在他们的邮筒里撒尿,但是我可不会搞得像第三次世界大战。

    KEN : Maybe I pee in their mailbox . I don 't start World War III.

  14. 但除非发动第三次世界大战,否则不会发生这种情况。

    But short of starting a third world war , that is not going to happen .

  15. 你就是那种即将引起第三次世界大战的人。有时你只会说一些蠢话。

    You are the type of man that would start WW3.You say some pretty stupid things sometimes .

  16. 2004年的今天,斯坦尼斯拉夫·彼德洛夫因在1983年防止了潜在的第三次世界大战的爆发而获得了世界公民奖。

    2004-Stanislav Petrov is awarded the World Citizen Award for averting a potential World War III in1983 .

  17. 当谈到以避免第三次世界大战,这是真的,至少我可以做的。

    When it comes to averting World War III , it 's really the least I can do .

  18. 现在世界各国的人们都在谈论着会不会打第三次世界大战。

    People all over the world are now discussing whether or not a third world war will break out .

  19. (一)世界反动力量确在准备第三次世界大战,战争危险是存在着的。

    The forces of world reaction are definitely preparing a third world war , and the danger of war exists .

  20. 人们相信第三次世界大战是可能的,但是我希望它不会发生。

    It is conceivable that there will be a third world war , but I hope it won 't happen .

  21. 利比亚的战斗,并不意味着结束,它仅仅是第三次世界大战的开始。

    The battle of Libya , by no means over yet , is just the beginning of the third world war .

  22. 在第三次世界大战中,在可控范围内,用核武袭击全球最大的人口?

    Hows about a big ole world war3 dunked in a controlled nuclear strike against the largest populations around the globe ?

  23. 弗雷德利.福赛思曾任路透社记者,一九六二年派驻东柏林,几乎引起第三次世界大战。

    In1962 , when working for Reuters , Frederick Forsyth was posted to East Berlin where he nearly started the Third World War .

  24. 她说第三次世界大战将在2010年11月发生,届时会有比导弹和枪支更糟糕的事情。

    She claimed that World War 3 will start in November 2010 and that it will grow worse than just missiles and guns .

  25. 我问了情报提供人:如果有预期中的灾难,那么为什么还要发动第三次世界大战?

    I asked the question to our source : If there 's an expected catastrophe , then why initiate a Third World War ?

  26. 伦敦五国外长会议失败了,是不是就要打第三次世界大战呢?

    Does the failure of the five power conference of foreign ministers in London mean that a third world war is about to break out ?

  27. 埃隆?马斯克再一次警告称,人工智能或将成为人类存亡的威胁,这次他指的是人工智能将会引发第三次世界大战。

    Elon Musk has said again that artificial intelligence could be humanity 's greatest existential threat , this time by starting a third world war .

  28. 我不知道什么样的武器会在第三次世界大战中被使用,假如有第三次世界大战的话。

    I don 't know what kind of weapons will be used in the third world war , assuming there will be a third world war .

  29. 在最近几个星期里,总统已经警告说,世界不能冒险让伊朗拥有核武器,称它可能导致第三次世界大战。

    In recent weeks , the president has warned that the world cannot risk a nuclear-armed Iran , saying it could lead to World War Three .

  30. 10.我不知道第三次世界大战会用哪些武器,但第四次世界大战中人们肯定用的是木棍和石块。

    10 . I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought , but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones .