
  • 网络Eighth Avenue;Eighth Ave
  1. 缓步走在第八大道,怅然若失地置身于纽约的人群之中。

    Strolling down eighth avenue , lost in crowds of new yorkers .

  2. 一条小路通往第八大道的一个餐馆,它的窗前摆放着一些水箱。

    The trail led to one restaurant on Eighth Avenue that had tanks inside the front window .

  3. 谢丽尔和我于某天接近傍晚时分在位于第八大道50街的餐厅Thalia首次见面。

    Sheryl and I were meeting for the first time , late afternoon at Thalia , a restaurant at 50th and 8th Ave. .

  4. 他的最后一场职业赛事是在1959年的夏天,也正是在那个夏天,卢·斯蒂尔曼关闭了他位于第八大道具有传奇色彩的体育馆。

    His last professional bout was in the summer of1959 , the very summer that Lou Stillman closed up his legendary gym on Eighth Avenue .

  5. 布鲁克林日落公园第八大道一家中国海鲜餐馆的一位大厨认为,鱼翅汤是不可替代的,他不愿公开挑战这项禁令,所以没有透露姓名。

    For one chef at a Chinese seafood restaurant on Eighth Avenue in Sunset Park , Brooklyn , who did not want to be named because he did not wish to publicly challenge the ban , only shark fin soup will do .

  6. 但迪安杰洛说他通常没有选择,只能离开人行道,因为他无法从第八大道上拥挤的人流中穿过。他的家在宾夕法尼亚州,回家的公交车每天下午5点55从港务局出发,晚了车就开走了。

    Still , Mr. D'Angelo said he often had no choice but to step off the curb because he could not get by all the people along Eighth Avenue . His bus home to Pennsylvania leaves the Port Authority at 5:55 p.m. , with or without him .

  7. 他们集体沿着第七和第八大道移动,像天气图上的风暴一样,早晨朝北卷过去,晚上朝南卷过来。

    They move en masse along Seventh and Eighth Avenues like a storm system on a weather map , heading north in the mornings and south in the evenings .

  8. 我曾算过,我在第39街到第八大道待了20多年,度过了我人生五分之一的时间。

    I calculated once that just running from 39th Street , where I was , to Eighth Avenue probably had taken ... um , a fifth of my life over 20 years .

  9. 穿过第六大道、七大道和第八大道。

    Go through sixth street 、 seventh street and eight street .

  10. 104国道穿境而过穿过第六大道、七大道和第八大道。

    State Highway 104 passes through . Go through sixth street 、 seventh street and eight street .

  11. 你穿过第六林荫道,第七大道,第八大道。

    You go through Sixth Avenue , Seventh Avenue , and Eighth Avenue .