
  • 网络The Upper East Side;Manhattan's Upper East Side
  1. 经过三年的努力,2011年,节目终于在纽约长老会医院的两个校区:上东城的威尔康奈尔和华盛顿高地的哥伦比亚大学医学中心(ColumbiaUniversityMedicalCenter)开拍(也有部分镜头在布鲁克林的路德会医疗中心[LutheranMedicalCenter]拍摄)。

    After three years of trying , production began in 2011 at two campuses of NewYork-Presbyterian : Weill Cornell on the Upper East Side and Columbia University Medical Center in Washington Heights ( some filming also took place at Lutheran Medical Center in Brooklyn ) .

  2. “Beyoglu”餐厅位于上东城,是全纽约最棒的土耳其餐厅之一。餐盘上摆满了水果沙拉、烤鸡肉和蔬菜。

    Plates are heaped with salad , grilled chicken , and vegetables at Beyoglu , one of the best Turkish restaurants in the city , located on the Upper East Side .

  3. 该死的那些上东城的有钱太太,脖子缠着爱马仕丝巾,吃着五十块钱一棵的朝鲜蓟。

    Fuck the Upper East Side wives with their Hermes scarves and their $ 50 Balducci artichoke .

  4. 最近他还翻修了曼哈顿上东城的一座公馆。该公馆是他在2012年以4700万美元买下的。

    He is also currently renovating a mansion on Manhattan 's Upper East Side that he bought for $ 47 million in 2012 .

  5. 位于麦迪逊大街和第93大街交汇处的“角落书店”是上东城这个富有的社区为数不多的几家独立书商之一。

    The Corner Bookstore on Madison Avenue and93rd Street is one of several independent booksellers on the Upper East Side , a well-heeled neighborhood with undersung charms .

  6. 一名遛狗者带着他的狗狗们走在上东城街上。上东城离中央公园和卡尔.舒尔茨公园都很近,尽管后者名气没那么大,但也绿树成荫。

    A dog-walker takes his charges out on the Upper East Side , which has the advantage of easy access to Central Park as well as lesser known green havens such as Carl Schurz Park .

  7. 警方周一晚在其官方新浪微博账号发布的一份声明中表示,禁毒总队在接到群众举报后,于上周四在北京东城区拘捕了一位房某某、一位柯某某以及其他几人。

    In a statement posted on their official Sina Weibo microblog account Monday night , the police said that a Mr. Chan , a Mr. Ko and several other people were arrested last Thursday in the Dongcheng district of Beijing by antinarcotics authorities acting on a tip-off .