
  • 网络Fourth International
  1. 一份叫做《第四国际》的新季刊。

    A new quarterly journal called fourth international .

  2. 第四届国际雉类学术讨论会在北京召开

    The 4th International Pheasant Symposium was held in Beijing , China

  3. 第四届国际二次离子质谱学会议简介

    A brief review of 4th International Conference on secondary ion mass spectrometry

  4. 第四届国际细胞生物学大会简介

    Brief Introduction on the Fourth International Congress of Cell Biology

  5. 第四,国际的金融局势和经济环境必须保持稳定。

    Fourth , the international financial and economic environment must remain stable .

  6. 第四届国际水产遗传学术讨论会在中国武汉召开

    4th International Symposium on genetics in aquaculture held in wuhan , P. R. China

  7. 第四次国际窄禁带半导体物理会议

    News in Brief & 4th International Conference on the Physics of Narrow Gap Semiconductors

  8. 第四届国际南洋珠首饰设计比赛获奖作品

    He Fourth International South Sea Pearl Jewellery Design Competition Winning Pieces Showcased During Mini Parade

  9. 薄壁结构的发展趋势&第四届国际薄壁结构学术会议简介

    Development tendency for thin-walled structures & introduction to the Fourth International Conference of thin-walled structures

  10. 第四部分国际组织责任的履行。

    The fourth part : the implementation of the international responsibility of an international organization .

  11. 第四届国际骨质疏松研讨会暨第二届国际骨矿研究会议

    2nd International Congress on Bpme and Mineral Research & 4th International Osteoporosis Symposium March 26-31,2004 GuiLin China

  12. 第四届国际电子电器产品回收会议

    Th International Electronics Recycling Congress

  13. “问题解决”是美国教师联合会在第四届国际数学教育大会上提出的口号。

    The slogan , Problem Solving was put forward by American Teachers Union in the fourth International Mathematics Education Conference .

  14. 新加坡航空公司是世界排名第四的国际航空公司,它或许是该地区最有名气的世界品牌了。

    Singapore Airlines is the world 's fourth-largest international carrier and is perhaps the region 's best-known brand around the world .

  15. 2002年10月,中国在国防大学举办第四期国际问题研讨班,有来自31个国家的军官参加。

    In October 2002 , the Fourth Symposium was held at the National Defense University , with officers from 31 countries participating .

  16. 超越传统的现代园林艺术探讨&广州中国第四届国际园林花卉博览会景区天地人和园林景观设计

    Modern gardening exploration over tradition & China fourth international garden and flowering plants exposition , the landscape design " Tian Di Ren He " in Guangzhou

  17. 第四届国际女足座谈会将与比赛同时举行,所有国际足联成员协会均会被邀请参加。

    The fourth FIFA women 's football symposium will also be held to coincide with the tournament and all FIFA member associations will be invited to attend .

  18. 第四,国际社会应该完善国际经济金融体系,为亚太新兴市场国家同各国共同发展营造良好环境。

    Fourth , the international community should improve the international economic and financial systems and create an enabling environment for the common development of emerging markets and all other countries .

  19. 在正在进行的第四次国际产业转移背景下,承接产业转移已成为我国实现区域协调发展、中西部地区迅速崛起的重要战略举措。

    Following the step of the forth international industrial transfer , undertaking industrial transfer is a strategic initiative for China to coordinate regional development and realize the rise of central and western regions .

  20. 第四,国际贸易中的代际成本是由于国际贸易活动及其相关活动(如以对外贸易为目的的生产、运输、消费、回收利用等)而产生的耗费可持续性要素的代价或价值牺牲。

    Fourthly , the intergenerational costs of international trade are the sacrificed value of spending " sustainability " factor in international trade and related activities ( such as production , transportation , consumption and recycling for the purpose of foreign trade ) .

  21. 第四章为国际贸易与FDI长期关系研究的模型构建;

    Chapter Four constructs the model about the long-term relationship between international trade and FDI .

  22. 第四章描述国际数字鸿沟的发展现状,分别对ICT普及水平和扩散速度的影响因素进行实证研究。

    In chapter four , the thesis firstly describes the status quo of international digital divide , and empirically studies the determinants of ICT penetration level and diffusion rate .

  23. 第四,加强国际社会的对非援助。

    Fourthly , the international community should increase aid to Africa .

  24. 第四,推动国际储备货币的多元化。

    Fourth , impels the international reserves currency the multiplication .

  25. 高校教学与技术应用:第四届北京国际研讨会邀请函与征稿启事

    4th International Conference on Technology in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education

  26. 第四部分是国际经济法价值研究的最后一个环节。

    The forth part is the last link of these value studies .

  27. 第四部分为国际税收协定争议仲裁的发展。

    Part IV is " The development of international tax treaty conflict arbitration " .

  28. 制革中清洁技术的研究与实施&第四届亚洲国际皮革科学技术会议论文评述Ⅱ

    Research Implementation of Clean Technology in Leather Industry

  29. 第四部分对国际投机资本监管的国际协调与合作进行分析论述。

    The fourth part discusses international cooperation of the supervision of international speculative capital .

  30. 第四部分是国际税制的比较和经验的介绍。

    Part IV is an international comparison of tax system and introduction to the experience .