
  • 网络fourth party logistics;fourth-party logistics;4pl
  1. 第四方物流(FourthPartyLogistics-4PL)是近来非常流行的供应链新理念。

    4PL ( Fourth Party Logistics ) is the popular theory of accommodate chain .

  2. 基于SOA的第四方物流信息平台的数据库研究与设计

    The Design and Research of the Fourth Party Logistics Information Platform Database Based on SOA

  3. 第四方物流中3PL供应商评价体系及方法研究

    Research on the architecture and method of 3PL vendors evaluation in fourth party logistics

  4. 第四方物流协同规划多个TPL配送作业的仿真分析模型

    A Simulation Analytical Model of Several TPL Distributing Task under the Teamwork Planning of Fourth Party Logistics

  5. 最后提出在我国当前,第四方物流主体将会是3PL、物流咨询公司和物流信息技术公司的动态联盟。

    Finally , we thought that the dynamic alliance of 3PL , consulting company and IT company would be the right subject of Fourth Party Logistics currently in China .

  6. 本文首先分析了第四方物流协调的必要性,然后分析了第四方物流的协调机制,最后建立了基于MAS的第四方物流层次协调模型。

    First we analyze the necessity of coordination , then give out some efficient coordination mechanism , finally we construct the coordination model based on MAS which can be a guide to the Fourth Party Logistics .

  7. 在这种情况下,悄然出现的第四方物流(theForthPartyLogistics,4PL)正日益成为一种新的、真正帮助企业实现降低外包业务的资产转移运作成本的物流运作模式。

    In this case , the quietly emerging fourth party logistics ( the Forth Party Logistics , 4PL ) is increasingly becoming a new mode of logistics operation that can really help enterprises to reduce costs of asset transfer operating of the outsourcing of logistics .

  8. 基于具体项目应用背景的基础,提出了评价第四方物流中3PL供应商的指标体系。

    Based on the introduction of the concept of the 4th party logistics and background of the practical project application , a target system of 3PL vendors evaluation is put forward and a model is established .

  9. 文章分析了第四方物流的主体条件,结合当前理论界讨论最多的4PL主体:3PL、咨询公司、信息技术公司,比较分析各自优劣势。

    In this paper , we first analyzed the conditions as Fourth Party Logistics and considered the advantage and disadvantage of 3PL , consulting company and IT company , which were under heated discussion .

  10. 本论文在对第四方物流和信息网络技术分析研究的基础上,创新提出了第四方物流集成平台(4PLIP)的概念、特点和模型构架。

    This paper first proposes the concept , characteristic and model truss of the forth part of logistics integrate platform ( 4PLIP ) based on the analysis and research about the forth part of logistics and information network .

  11. 供应链管理的新模式&第四方物流

    New Pattern of Supply Chain Management & the Fourth Distribution Channel

  12. 在这样的背景下,第四方物流服务应运而生。

    In this context , fourth-party logistics service came into being .

  13. 第四方物流企业竞争优势研究

    A Research on Competitive Advantages of Business Enterprises of Fourth-party Logistics

  14. 第四方物流供应商评价与选择研究

    The Evaluation and Selection Research of the Fourth Party Logistics Providers

  15. 浅论我国第四方物流的产生与发展

    Analysis of Appearance and Growth about Our Native Fourth Party Logistic

  16. 第四方物流:中国邮政物流的发展方向

    The Fourth Party Logistics : The Developing Tendency of China Postal Logistics

  17. 第四方物流理论及其应用研究

    Study of the Theory and the Application of the Fourth Party Logistics

  18. 现代物流业的发展趋势&第四方物流

    The Developing Trend of Modern Logistics & Fourth Party Logistics

  19. 第四方物流应急系统的车辆监控和路径优化

    The Research of Fourth-Party Logistics Emergency System Vehicle Monitor and Path Optimization

  20. 第四方物流及对物流规划功能的外包

    Fourth Party Logistics and Outsourcing of Planning Function in Logistics

  21. 供应链服务的创新&第四方物流

    Innovation of Supply Chain Service & The Fourth Party Logistics

  22. 第四方物流研究及其发展策略初探

    Research on the forth party logistics and its development strategy

  23. 第四方物流资源调配决策支持系统设计

    Study on Fourth-Party Material Flow Resource Deploying Decision Support System

  24. 第四方物流在我国的应用及发展

    Application and Development of the Fourth Part Logistic in China

  25. 第四方物流信息系统主要功能模块研究

    Inquiry into Main Function Modules of the Fourth Party Logistics ' Information System

  26. 基于多代理的第四方物流作业外包合同设计

    The Fourth Party Logistics Outsourcing Based on the Multi-agent

  27. 为第四方物流管理平台提供了一个完备的信息内容的管理系统。

    It provides a complete content management system for fourth-party logistics management system .

  28. 第四方物流的分布式数据挖掘系统研究

    Distributed Data Mining System of 4th Party Logistics Research

  29. 这就促使了第四方物流企业的产生和发展。

    So the fourth party logistic company is born .

  30. 用禁忌算法求解第四方物流作业整合优化模型

    Tabu search algorithm for optimization model of integration of job of 4th party logistics