
  • 网络third-party services;third party service
  1. 所安装的EAR文件提供了客户端API,以使用第三方服务。

    The installed EAR file provides the client-side APIs to consume the third-party services .

  2. 可以使用Spring上下文管理预打包的服务,整合第三方服务或自己编写服务。

    You can use the Spring context to manage prepackaged services , snap in third-party services , or write your own .

  3. 第三方服务提供者将它们的功能作为Web服务公开。

    The third-party service providers expose their functions as Web services .

  4. 同时添加进去的还有一套API和第三方服务,以及稳定的技术支持和托管方案。

    Also added were a set of APIs and third party services , and a solid support and hosting package .

  5. 这些解决方案中包含了NAVTEQ公司提供的服务以及第三方服务,以客户要求的方式交付组合服务和内容,这些方式包括Webservices,WAP,portals等。

    These solutions combine both NAVTEQ-provided services and third-party services to deliver composite services and content in the customer-specific forms , including Web services , WAP , portals , etc.

  6. 从不同的IT资源派生(例如,遗留系统、自定义应用程序、ISV系统和第三方服务)

    Derived from disparate IT resources ( e.g.legacy systems , custom applications , ISV systems , third party services )

  7. 通过允许您使用通常理解的SQL语法查询第三方服务,YQL可以节省您的时间和精力,并且更易于将来自不同来源的数据集成到一个Web应用程序中。

    By permitting you to query third-party services using commonly understood SQL syntax , YQL saves you time and effort and makes it easier to integrate data from disparate sources into a web application .

  8. 随着淘宝的关键词广告平台的功能越来越复杂,广告主业务的变化和数量的增加,由第三方服务公司提供广告主SEM(搜索引擎营销)解决方案的业务模式应运而生。

    With the Taobao keyword advertising platform more and more complicated , business changes and the increasing number of advertisers , SEM ( search engine marketing ) business model solutions provided by third-party service companies came into being .

  9. 随着基于融合的、开放的下一代网络体系结构的逐步形成,开放式API技术为第三方服务供应商在独立于网络的环境中开发增值业务提出了全新的解决方案。

    With the fusion-based , open architecture of next generation network the gradual formation of open API technology to third-party service provider independent of the network environment in the development of value-added services in the proposed new solution .

  10. 我们为您展示了如何利用jQeury的本地JSONP支持,从称为JSONP服务的第三方服务收集JSON格式的内容。

    We showed how you can use jQuery 's native JSONP support to gather JSON-formatted content from third-party services , which we call JSONP services .

  11. 在3G网络中,第三方服务开发商可以通过Parlay/OSA接口访问网络资源,允许开发者更快地设计和建立服务。

    In third-generation network , third-party service developers could access to the network resources using Parlay / OSA APIs ( Parlay / Open Service Access Application Program Interface ), which allow service developers to create and deploy their service rapidly .

  12. ctr1502中提供了第三方服务费用。

    The third party services cost is provided in ctr1502 .

  13. 另一方面,苹果的新动作也引发了部分人的疑虑,即iCloud是否会威胁到现有的第三方服务,特别是那些与之特性相近且应用广泛的基于云的存储和文件同步服务。

    On the flip side , the announcement left some wondering whether icloud threatens current third-party offerings , particularly popular cloud-based storage and file-syncing services that offer similar features .

  14. 休斯顿及其团队还在考察互联网服务的整合:将Dropbox按钮整合到第三方服务中,例如快门网(Shutterfly)这种适合社交分享的照片发布网站。

    Houston and crew are also looking into Web Services Integration : a Dropbox button integrated into third-party services like social sharing-friendly photo publishing tool shutterfly .

  15. 作为第三方服务公司的汽车产业链ASP公共服务平台,是中、小汽车企业发展电子商务,提高运作效率,以及促进信息化经营的最佳选择。

    ASP Common Service Platform for automobile industry chain , provided by the third party service company , is the best choice to the small and medium-sized automobile enterprises , in order to develop the electronic business and improve operation efficiency , as well as to promotion informationization management .

  16. 例如,与eBay不同,淘宝网上的价格自高而低,买家通过还价拉低价格;它提供一种第三方服务,确保买家在付款前对商品满意;同时人们还可以进行团购。

    For example , unlike eBay , Taobao prices start high and buyers haggle to get them down ; it offers an escrow service to ensure the buyer is happy with the goods before payment goes through ; and people can buy in groups .

  17. 组装将对第三方服务和企业自有服务进行编排。

    Assembly will provide orchestration of third-party and enterprise owned services .

  18. 您是否与第三方服务提供商或代理建立连接?

    Do you interface with third-party service providers or agencies ?

  19. 企业信息化第三方服务

    The Third partner Service for The Enterprise Information Engineering

  20. 机器人实际交易是通过第三方服务监控。

    The actual trades the bot makes are monitored through the third-party service .

  21. 第三方服务提供者的条款和条件适用于该服务。

    The terms and conditions of the third party service provider will apply .

  22. 曾经参加过其他设计竞赛或为第三方服务设计的产品方案不得参赛;

    Had participated in the design contest or other third-party services for product design programs not participating ;

  23. 现场服务可能由独立的第三方服务供应商提供,在某些边远地区可能不提供。

    On-site service provided by independent third-party service provider and may not be available in certain remote locations .

  24. 手机支付的产业链主要有三个参与者:运营商、金融单位和第三方服务提供商。

    Mobile payment industrial chain has three main players : operators , financial institutions and third-party service providers .

  25. 模式演示如何将一项非关键业务功能外包给访问一个或多个第三方服务的消费者。

    Pattern demonstrates how to outsource a noncritical business function to a consumer accessing one or more third-party services .

  26. 您的系统需要同第三方服务或系统进行通信,这在您的团队控制之外。

    Your system needs to communicate with third-party services or systems that are outside of your team 's control .

  27. 业主不承担向承包商直接分包的第三方服务提供任何成本加成的责任。

    Company shall not be liable to provide any cost-plus for third party services directly sub-contracted by the contractor .

  28. 在此场景中,功能需求可由第三方服务提供商完全或几乎完全满足。

    In this scenario , the functional requirements are completely , or very-closely , met by the third-party service providers .

  29. 用户在该平台上不仅可以使用互联网上第三方服务商提供的应用服务,还可以使用原生的桌面应用程序。

    Users on the platform can use Internet applications provided by third party providers . Also they can use native desktop applications .

  30. 由于数据质量工作固有的复杂性,一些组织选择将这些工作外包给第三方服务提供商。

    Due to the inherent complexity of data quality work , some organizations opt to out-source such work to third-party service providers .