
  • 网络the equivalent circuit;PEEC
  1. 研究的方法是采用等效电路法(equivalentcircuitapproach)。

    We use the equivalent circuit approach in this thesis .

  2. 毫米波E面膜片不连续性的等效电路参量

    Equivalent Circuit Parameters of Millimeter Wave E-Plane Strip Discontinuities

  3. 晶体管h参数微变等效电路的研究

    The Research on Transistor h Parameter in Slightly-Altering Equivalent

  4. 不连续导电模式时PWM开关的等效电路模型

    An Equivalent Circuit Model for PWM Switch in Discontinuous Conduction Mode

  5. PWM开关变换器大信号等效电路统一模型

    A Unified Large Signal Equivalent Circuit Model for PWM Switching Converters

  6. 直接注入混成红外CCD输入等效电路

    The input equivalent circuit of direct injection hybrid infrared CCD

  7. 准TEM高温超导微带线电容等效电路模型及其分电容模型

    The capacitance equivalent circuit for quasi TEM HTS microstrip and the basic capacitance model

  8. 不含频相关元件的连续时间等效电路的SC网络分析

    Analysis of SC networks using continuous-time equivalents without frequency dependent elements

  9. 串联MEMS开关的一种等效电路模型

    An Equivalent Circuit Model of Series MEMS Switch

  10. Groove波导边缘等效电路分析

    Analysis of Equivalent Circuit For Groove Guide Fringe

  11. 本文证明了n端子网络的等效电路构造方法,并给出了参考点转移前后的节点方程的转换关系式。

    A constructing method for n-terminal equivalent subnetwork is developed , and a transformation of voltage equations for transposing reference nodes is given .

  12. 该等效电路模型能够应用于电力电子电路的CAD设计之中,满足工程应用的需要。

    The proposed SPICE model is useful as a computer-aided design tool for analysis and design of circuits of power MOSFET ' s.

  13. 本文用等效电路法导出了裂环谐振腔的谐振频率及Q值近似表达式。

    In this paper , the loop-gap resonator 's frequency and Q value were derived by using the equivalent circuit method .

  14. 用改进算法提取GaNHEMT小信号等效电路模型

    Extraction of GaN HEMT Small Signal Equivalent Circuit Model Using an Improved Algorithm

  15. 给出了改进的电容式开关等效电路模型以及基于该电路模型的一种新型的多频段工作的电容式RFMEMS开关的设计和制作研究。

    A modified equivalent circuit for capacitive RF MEMS and a novel switch design based on the modified equivalent circuit are presented .

  16. 并用循环伏安法和交流阻抗法研究了Zn镀层的耐蚀机理与镀层的等效电路基本元件。

    Cyclic voltammetry and AC impedance were also used to study corrosion resistance mechanism of coating and the basic component of equivalence electric circuit .

  17. F-I类比方法及MEMS梁的等效电路宏模型

    An Equivalent Circuit Macromodel for a MEMS Beam and F-I Analogy

  18. HBT小信号等效电路参数解析提取

    Analytical Parameter Extraction of the HBT Small-signal Equivalent Circuit

  19. 用改进的遗传算法从S参数中提取HBT交流小信号等效电路模型参数

    Ga_0.49 In_0.51 P / GaAs HBT Small-Signal Model Extraction Using a Improved Genetic Algorithm

  20. SiGeHBT大信号等效电路模型

    SiGe HBT large signal equivalent circuit model

  21. 推导了PWM开关变换器的大信号等效电路统一模型。基本假设条件是扰动信号频率(与开关频率相比)甚低,并工作于连续导电状态。

    A unified large signal equivalent circuit model for the PWM switching converters is developed under the assumptions of low frequency disturbances and CCM operations .

  22. 从有理分式拟合方法出发,提出了用于射频CMOS平面螺旋电感2π等效电路模型参数提取的新方法。

    A novel parameter extraction method with rational functions is presented for the 2 - π equivalent circuit model of RF CMOS spiral inductors .

  23. 利用MATLAB仿真软件建立变频调速牵引电机定子绕组高频等效电路模型,探讨了电机定子绕组匝间电压的分布特性。

    Using MATLAB simulation software , the high-frequency equivalent circuit model of inverter-fed traction motor is established and the winding inter-turn voltage distribution characteristic of the stator allows investigated .

  24. 根据射随器实际上是共集电极放大器这一特性,采用共集电极放大器的低频小信号h参数等效电路分析了射随器的输出电阻。

    For the property that the emitter follower is really a common-collector amplifier , we analyzed the output resistance of emitter follower using the h parameter equivalent circuit of common-collector amplifier .

  25. 为实现MEMS器件系统级的模拟,运用等效电路宏模型的方法建立相应的IP模型库单元。

    To perform the simulation of MEMS devices at the system level , the macromodel of equivalent circuit are utilized to build the library unit of IP models .

  26. 在第二部分内容中,主要分析PIN二极管等效电路模型,并对开关线型移相器进行理论分析和计算。

    In the second section , the equivalent circuit models of PIN diode are analysed , then , switch-line phase shifter is analysed theoretically and calculated .

  27. 按照浸泡时间对各组实验进行了阶段的划分,并根据电化学阻抗谱(EIS)建立了等效电路模型。

    The experiments were divided into different stages according the immersing time . Equivalent circuit models were established by EIS .

  28. 通过试验测得金属氢化物电极的电化学交流阻抗谱(EIS),经过分析得到该电极的等效电路图。

    Electrochemical impedance spectra ( EIS ) of a metal hydride electrode were interpreted by means of an equivalent circuit .

  29. 根据所提出的等效电路和从实验装置上测量得的电路参数,用Matlab软件进行了仿真,仿真结果与实测的共模电流时域波形和频谱吻合得较好。

    Based on the proposed equivalent circuit and measured parameters from the test-setup , simulations with Matlab software predicted the CM current both in time and frequency domains with reasonable precision .

  30. 适用于光发射机设计的实用VCSEL小信号等效电路模型

    A simple practical small-signal equivalent circuit model of VCSEL applicably for designing its driver