
  • 网络plasma source;LPP;LPPs;ICP
  1. 实验表明,在11~20nm波段水靶激光等离子体光源存在多条线谱,均由水中氧离子电子跃迁产生。

    The experimental result demonstrates that the water target LPP source has EUV emission at 11 ~ 20 nm wavelength , which are all generated from electronic transitions in oxygen ions .

  2. 与金属靶等离子体光源相比,由于使用了气体靶等离子体光源,该反射率计具有低碎屑、可长期连续运行等优点。

    In comparison with metal target LPP source , due to usage of gas-jet target LPP source , the reflectometer is debris-free and can continuously operate for a long time .

  3. 使用气体靶激光等离子体光源的软X射线反射率计

    Soft X-ray reflectometer based on laser-produced plasma source with a gas-jet target

  4. 激光等离子体光源软X射线反射率计

    Soft X-Ray Reflectometer with Laser Produced Plasma Source

  5. 本文主要介绍软X射线等离子体光源、多层膜软X射线反射镜和软X射线显微镜。

    The main topics discussed in this paper are soft X-ray plasma sources , multilayer soft X-ray mirrors and soft X-ray microscopes .

  6. Xe液体微滴靶激光等离子体光源实验

    Experimental investigation on a laser-produced plasma source with liquid aerosol spray target

  7. 光谱分析表明氮气等离子体光源的光谱结构较碘镓灯更适于传统PS版曝光。

    The spectrum analysis shows the lamp we developed is more suitable for PS plate exposure than that widely used iodine gallium lamp .

  8. 本文报道了一套采用正弦脉冲高频电源激励的新型氮气等离子体光源,首次获得了光源的准脉冲输出,并成功的对一种超感度PS版进行了曝光。

    A novel pulse plasma light source stimulated by a pulsed sinusoidal high frequency supply is reported , and a commercial PS plate is successfully exposed .

  9. EUV光刻中激光等离子体光源的发展

    Development of Laser Produced Plasma Source for EUV Lithography

  10. 这是EUV波段首次利用激光等离子体光源成功进行的磁光效应测量实验。

    This is the first successful trial of the EUV magneto optical effects in laboratories .

  11. 建立了一台使用气体靶激光等离子体光源的软X射线反射率计,并给出了使用该反射率计测量软X射线多层膜反射率的方法。

    A soft X-ray reflectometer using a laser produced-plasma ( LPP ) light source with gas-jet target is built , and the method to measure the reflectance of soft X-ray multilayer coatings employing the reflectometer is presented .

  12. 一种用于CTCP技术的新型脉冲等离子体光源

    A Novel Pulse Plasma Light Source for CTCP Technology in Printing Industry

  13. 水靶激光等离子体光源11~20nm波段光谱实验

    Experimental study of the spectrum at 11 ~ 20 nm of a laser-produced plasma source using water target

  14. 用激光等离子体光源对20pl/mm和55pl/mm的栅网进行了软X射线显微成像实验,所得结果表明此显微成像系统的分辨率在微米量级。

    The images of 20 pl / mm and 55 pl / mm mesh were taken with laser produced plasma as a soft X-ray source . These results show that the micron images can be produced with this imaging microscopic system .

  15. 该装置由激光等离子体光源、掠入射椭球聚光镜、透射掩模、镀有多层膜的Schwarzchild微缩投影物镜、涂有光刻胶的硅片及相应的真空系统组成。

    It includes a laser plasma source , an ellipsoidal condenser , a transmission mask , the Schwarzschild objective , a wafer and the associated vacuum apparatus .

  16. 空气等离子体光源光度法测定钾、钠

    Spectrophotometric Determination of potassium and sodium by air - plasma source

  17. 纳秒激光等离子体光源的光谱测量技术

    Technology for measuring spectrum from nanosecond laser plasma soft X-ray source

  18. 直流等离子体光源的一种低氩雾化系统

    A low argon nebulizing system for direct current plasma source

  19. 其中光源采用了激光等离子体光源。

    The light source was a laser produced plasma .

  20. 电感耦合高频等离子体光源中谱线激发特性的研究

    Excitation Characteristics Of Lines in Inductively Coupled Plasma Sources

  21. 为了探讨电感耦合等离子体光源的原子化和激发机理,测定了不同激光输出能量条件下光源的激发温度和电子密度。

    In order to study the atomization and excitation mechanism of the inductively coupled plasma source , the excitation temperature and electron density of the sources were determined in the different conditions of the putout energy .

  22. 基于激光等离子体X光源的软X射线全息显微成像实验的模拟研究

    Simulative Research of holographic Microscopy Based on Laser-plasma Soft X-ray Source

  23. 为提高透射光栅谱仪对激光等离子体X光源的收集效率和光谱分辩率,研制了高效高分辨率大面积透射光栅光谱仪。

    A newly developed high efficiency high resolution , large size transmission grating spectrograph for higher collection efficiency and higher spectral resolution used in laser pro - duced plasma diagnosis is reported .

  24. 微波等离子体炬光源基本特性的研究

    A Study on Fundamental Properties of Microwave Plasma Torch Source

  25. 金属等离子体软X光源的研制

    Development of Soft X ray Source by Metal Plasm

  26. 因此,激光等离子体X射线光源在时间分辨诊断测量等方面具有重要的应用。

    Laser-plasma X-ray sources have the advantages of small volume , high brightness and ultrashort duration , which signify important potential applications in time-resolved diagnosis .

  27. 本文介绍了透射光栅光谱还原技术的一般方法,以及在重复频率脉冲激光等离子体X射线光源上进行XUV二极管标定和光栅标定的一般过程。

    The general data processing of spectrum unfolding is described here as well as the calibration procedure of the XUV diode and transmission grating with the high repetition laser produced plasma Xray sources .

  28. 一台金属等离子体软X光源在北京师范大学低能核物理所建成.为该光源配套研制了一台高频、高压恒流充电电源.该光源工作波长为0.8~2nm,单脉冲能量大于10J。

    A soft X ray source produced by metal plasma has been built in Institute of Low Energy Nuclear Physics . The characters of the source are measured . Its wavelength is 0.8 ~ 2.0 nm , pulse energy is 10 J.

  29. IRIS/AP型电感耦合等离子体光谱仪激发光源常见故障分析

    The common trouble analyse of igniting light source of model IRIS / AP ICP inductively coupled plasma spectrometer

  30. 通过对毛细管放电三束等离子体形成环带光源的过程进行受力分析,定性计算了环带光源的输出参量等比较全面的设计、论证。

    By analysis of force in the process of loop source formation of three-plasma in capillary discharge , the output parameters , comparatively comprehensive design and demonstration , are calculated qualitatively .