
sǎn shè xiào yìnɡ
  • scattering effect
  1. 铁磁-高Tc氧化物超导结中的粗糙界面散射效应对隧道谱的影响

    Rough interface scattering effect on tunnel spectrun in FERROMAGNET-HIGH t_c Superconductor Junction

  2. X射线ICT检测中康普顿散射效应的影响与修正

    Affection of Compton scattering effect in X-ray ICT and scattering correction

  3. C(60)膜的波导拉曼散射效应

    Waveguide Raman scattering of C_ ( 60 ) thin films

  4. 准直器对改善X射线CT中散射效应的作用

    Effects of Collimator in Improving X-ray Scattering in CT Scanner

  5. 在Ag掺杂ZnO薄膜和Cu掺杂ZnO薄膜的激发光谱中都观察到了共振拉曼散射效应。

    Resonance Raman scattering is found in the excitation spectrums of Ag-doped and Cu-doped ZnO films .

  6. 电极表面Ag(δ+)-NH3络合物的表面增强拉曼散射效应

    Surface enhanced Raman scattering of ag (δ + ) - nh_3 complex on silver surface

  7. TiO2对α-Fe2O3纳米微粒拉曼散射效应的影响

    The Effect of TiO_2 on Raman Scattering of Nano-particles α - Fe_2O_3

  8. 低能(e,2e)反应中的卢瑟福散射效应

    Rutherford scattering in low energy ( e , 2e ) reactions

  9. AgkCl六氢吡啶体系表面增强喇曼散射效应的猝灭和恢复

    Quenching and restoration of surface-enhanced Raman scattering for ag / kcl / piperidine system

  10. 分布式EDFA中受激布里渊散射效应的研究

    Study of Stimulated Brillouin Scattering Effect in Distributing EDFA

  11. 利用光纤中的散射效应,并结合传统的光时域反射(OpticalTimeDomainReflectometry,OTDR)技术,对光纤所处环境的参量进行测量。

    The environment parameters are measured according to both the scattering in optical fiber and the conventional optical time domain reflectometry ( OTDR ) technology .

  12. 激发光谱中的共振拉曼散射效应与拉曼光谱和PL谱中的拉曼共振散射效应的机制是不同的,激发光谱中是多重共振拉曼散射的受激辐射机制。

    The mechanism of resonance Raman scattering with stimulated emission is given to explain the phenomenon appears in the excitation spectrums .

  13. 该系统根据X射线的光子吸收效应和康普顿散射效应,能同时实现背散射和透射双能(高/低能)探测。

    Based on the Compton effect and photon absorption effect , the system can achieve the double energy transmission ( including high energy and low energy ) and backscatter detection simultaneously .

  14. 非晶态Fe(90-x)CrxZr(10)合金的相干交换散射效应

    The coherent exchange scattering in amorphous fe_ ( 90-x ) cr_xzr_ ( 10 ) alloys

  15. 讨论了受激布里渊散射效应(SBS)对脉冲削波的影响,给出了避免SBS效应干扰的方法。

    Influence of the stimulated Brillouin scattering ( SBS ) on the pulse chopping is discussed and method to avoid SBS disturbance is proposed .

  16. 本文报道了2,2′菁染料的J聚集体吸附于银胶体的表面增强基频和高阶线性Raman散射效应,分析了基频和高阶线性Raman光谱随染料溶液浓度的变化关系。

    Fundamental and higher order linear Raman scattering of J-aggregated 2,2 ' - cyanine adsorbed on the silver colloid has been analyzed on the basis of its concentration dependence .

  17. XRF中激发电位和靶材对散射效应增强荧光强度的影响研究

    Study on the Influence of Excitation Voltage and Anode on the Contribution of Scattering Effects to the Intensity of X-Ray Fluorescence

  18. 反常散射效应在处理Patterson法双解中的应用

    Application of the anomalous scattering effect in treating the problem of double images resulting from Patterson analysis

  19. 地表光谱反射率的不确定性以及气溶胶多次散射效应的忽略是MODIS在西北半干旱区反演误差的可能原因。

    The errors of MODIS PWV retrieval are likely caused by the uncertainty of surface spectral reflectance and the neglect of multiple scattering effects of aerosol .

  20. 光纤中的受激布里渊散射效应限制了调幅有线电视(AMCATV)外调制传输中的最大注入光功率,这对有线电视传输是不利的,因而必须采取措施抑制。

    Stimulated Brillouin scattering ( SBS ) in optical fiber limits the maximum launch power of Am CATV externally modulated transmission system , for the reason it must be suppressed .

  21. 由于表面增强拉曼散射效应的必要条件是制备具有纳米级粗糙度的金属基底,因此SERS活性金属基底的制备也成了研究的热点。

    Because metal substrate with nanoscale roughness is necessary for surface-enhanced Raman scattering effects , the preparation of SERS active metal substrate has become a hot topic .

  22. 在X射线工业计算机层析检测(ICT)中,由于X射线与物质作用发生康普顿散射效应,有用信息连同散射光子一起进入探头形成伪影。

    Due to Compton scattering effect caused by the interaction of X-ray and tested material in X-ray industrial computed tomography ( ICT ), scattering photon entered into the detector together with useful signals and caused a false image .

  23. 3种散射效应对荧光强度的总贡献随X光管激发电位增大而增大,在Rh靶原级谱激发条件下比用Cr靶原级谱激发贡献大。

    The sum of the contribution of scattering effects to the intensity of fluorescence increased with increasing the voltage , and was larger when excited by the X-ray from Rh target than that from Cr target .

  24. 随着薄膜生长温度的升高,In含量减少,Ga含量相对增加,有效电子质量增大,合金散射效应加强,载流子迁移率下降。

    With the growth temperature of Film increased , the content of In decreased , the content of Ga and the quality of effective electron increased , alloy scattering effect is strengthened , and carrier mobility decline .

  25. 本文方案为在掺铒光纤激光器中的掺铒光纤后接一普通通信用单模光纤,利用单模光纤的受激布里渊散射效应对光纤激光器实现自调Q。

    It was in this self-Q-switching project that a common single mode fiber was connected to Er-doped fiber in the fiber laser , in which the SBS process of single mode fiber was used to make the Q modulation .

  26. 最后,通过利用IPO方法与PO方法的计算结果的比较,分析导弹的耦合散射效应。

    Last , the analysis of the coupling scattering effects on the whole missile 's RCS is given here according to the comparison between the calculating results of the IPO method and PO method .

  27. 基于AgI2~-缔合微粒共振散射效应测定阳离子表面活性剂

    A new Spectral Method for the Determination of Cationic Surfactant Based on the Resonance Scattering Effect of AgI ~ - _2 Association Particles

  28. )、S(2p)峰强度的变化规律,讨论了膜内分子有序排列引起的散射效应对电子平均自由程的影响。

    We also gave explanation to the influence of scattering effect caused by the ordered molecular orientation on the inelastic mean free path .

  29. 运用钾蒸汽中4s~5s的受激电子Raman散射效应,探测到在3610cm~(-1)~3780cm~(-1)红外区的可调谐相干辐射。

    Tunable coherent radiation between 3610 to 3780cm ~ ( - 1 ) of infrared region was detected in k vapor by the 4s ~ 5s stimulated electronic Raman Scattering effect .

  30. 利用含有受激布里渊散射效应(SBS)的传输方程,研究了透明传输和最佳掺杂浓度下,受激布里渊散射效应对分布式掺铒光纤放大器(d-EDFA)的各种特性的影响。

    In this paper , we report the study of the effect of SBS on various properties of the distributing erbium doped fiber amplifier ( d EDFA ) using a convective equation .