
děng jiǎo
  • equiangular;equal angles;isogonism
等角[děng jiǎo]
  1. 通过分析等角图像的特点,采用了亚全局(Semi-global)的立体匹配算法,兼顾了算法复杂度和匹配准确度。

    By analyzing the characteristics of the equiangular image pair , we chose the semi-global stereo matching method , taking into account the computational complexity and matching accuracy .

  2. 非等角对数螺旋线搅拌叶片的设计研究

    Design Research on Non - equiangular Logarithmic Spiral Mixing Vane

  3. 基于JAVA的等角速万向联轴器参数设计系统

    Parameter Design System of Constant Velocity Universal Joint Based on JAVA

  4. 对等角速度模型和等角加速度模型的状态方程输入矩阵G(k)进行了计算。

    Input matrix of state equation G ( k ) for constant angular velocity model and constant angular acceleration model was presented separately .

  5. 本研究设计了等角和等矩两种收缩状态,每种状态包含FES诱发和自主运动两种运动模式。

    FES-induced movement and voluntary movement patterns were included in each contraction .

  6. 用GPS布设大面积工程平面控制网时,测得的空间直角坐标通常按等角横切椭圆柱投影方式来转化至独立平面坐标;

    In order to establish GPS horizontal control of highway engineer , the observed GPS rectangular coordinates are usually transformed to plane rectangular coordinates by means of inverse cylindrical projection .

  7. 作者在临床应用Z成形术中,发现不等角对偶皮瓣移转推进可使组织向一个方向延长。

    Abstract The author discovered in the clinical " z " - plastic operation that the scalene angle may let the tissue extend toward one direction by transferring and pushing the even flaps .

  8. 在组织阻抗频谱测量研究中,作者提出了一种等角测量频率分布法,使测量频率点在Nyquist轨迹图中呈等角度分布。

    In the research of tissue impedance spectroscopy measure me nt , the authors constructed a frequency sets that produce angularly equidistant points on the Nyquist loci .

  9. 本文系统地讨论了等角投影变换的正形变换多项式的理论、方法及其在计算机制图和地理信息系统建设中的若干应用问题,并同时介绍了《等角投影变换BASIC、FORTRAN程序软件包》的有关内容。

    In this paper , the theory and method of polynomials for conformal projection transformation and their application in CAC and in the construction of GIS are systematically discussed . Also introduced is the programme package in BASIC and FORTRAN for conformal projection transformation .

  10. 常系数计算公式优于传统的变系数计算公式,是基于计算机的等角投影变换的最佳模型,它在计算机制图、地图数据库、GIS等领域中有着广泛的应用。

    Constant coefficient computing formulas are better than traditional variable coefficient computing formulas . Constant coefficent formula for conformal projection transformation is the best model for computer calculation . They could be widely applied in flelds of computer cartography , map databases and GIS , ect .

  11. 一种新的球面三角投影:等角比投影(EARP)

    A New Projection for Spherical Triangle : Equal Angle Ratio Projection ( EARP )

  12. 斩拌机等角螺线刃型切刀切割特性的研究

    Study on Cutting Properties of Logarithmic Helix Cutter of Silent Cutter

  13. 方形的有四个等边和等角的;正方的。

    Having four equal sides and four right angles ; square .

  14. 三曲柄式等角速传动万向联轴器运动分析

    Kinematic characteristic of universal coupling with constant angular velocity of three-crank type

  15. 一种平面等角螺旋天线及宽频带巴伦的研究

    Study of A Planar Equiangular Spiral Antenna and the Relevant Wideband Balun

  16. 单联万向联轴器等角速传动的普遍条件

    Universal Condition of Constant Velocity Transmission of Single Universal Coupling

  17. 平面等角螺旋天线阵列/树脂复合吸波材料

    The planar equiangular spiral antenna array / epoxy resin composites

  18. 也许它们之中一个是“等边三角形”,而另一个是“等角三角形”;

    Perhaps one of them says'equilateral triangle'and the other says'equiangular triangle ' ;

  19. 有效几何元素变换法在等角速万向联轴器系统综合中的应用

    Conversion of Active Geometric Elements in Synthesizing Constant Velocity Universal Coupling System

  20. 非定心式等角速传动理论的论证与应用

    Theory argument and application of non-centering constant angular velocity drive

  21. 基于空间连杆机构的非定心式等角速联轴器的研究

    Research of the Non-Centering Constant Velocity Universal Joint Based on the Spatial Machanism

  22. 用于基带雷达引信的平面等角螺旋天线的特性与设计

    Characteristics and design of plane isogonal corkscrew antenna in base band radar fuze

  23. 一种正轴等角割圆锥投影标准纬线的求算方法

    Standard Parallels Computation for Normal Conformal Secant Conic Projection Based on Graded-Traversal Approach

  24. 加权残值法与等角投影数值变换

    Weighted residual methods and numerical transformation between conformal projections

  25. 论等角空间投影

    On conformal space projection a discussion on polyfocal projection

  26. 新型等角速万向节&环叉式万向节分析研究

    New Constant Velocity Universal Joint-The Analysis and Study of the Ring-Yoke Universal Joint

  27. 闭合等角转位法的测量精确度

    The measuring accuracy of the closed equiangular indexing method

  28. 实-复欧氏空间中的等角基

    Isogonal Bases in Real - Complex Euclidean Space

  29. 关于球面等角螺线的加工工艺问题

    On the Problem of the Manufacture Technology of the Spherical Equiangular Spiral - grooves

  30. 广西壮族自治区正轴等角割圆锥投影

    Normal secant conic conformal projection of Guangxi region