
  • 网络systematic sampling;interval sampling;Systematic Random Sampling
  1. 本文采用等距抽样的方法,抽取了341家上市公司。

    Systematic sampling is used to get the 341 listed companies as the sample .

  2. 二次等距抽样

    Systematic sampling on two occasions

  3. 我国农产量调查采用的是对称等距抽样设计,它实际上可理解为是一种变形的PPS系统抽样设计,使用的是以播种面积作为辅助变量。

    The symmetric and systematic design has been adopted in China Crops Survey , and it is a kind of ( systematic ) PPS sampling design with auxiliary variable , area of crops planted . system ) .

  4. 利用Casiofx4500P计算器,设计了3个程序,对林业抽样调查中的等距抽样、二阶抽样、回归抽样进行计算,并在数字实例中应用。

    This paper designs three programs with CASIO fx 4500P calculator . These programs calculate equidistant sampling , two strata sampling and regression sampling , then give every program one figure example .

  5. 多阶等距抽样下总体总值估计量的方差估计

    Estimating Variance of the estimation of the population total in multi-stage systematic Sampling

  6. 等距抽样中总体均值的回归估计

    Regression estimation of population mean in systematic sampling

  7. 二阶段等距抽样

    Two - Stage Systematic Sampling

  8. 讨论了等距抽样中,如何利用辅助信息改进总体平均值的估计,以达到提高估计精度之目的。

    This paper deals with the estimation of population mean in systematic sampling by use of auxiliary information in order to improve the accuracy of the estimate .

  9. 第二,在选取数据样本时,我们采用先分层,再等距抽样的方法,选取了数据样本,保证了样本的代表性。

    Second , during the process of selecting sample data , we make use of the stratified sampling first , systematic sampling later to ensure representativeness of the sample .

  10. 湖南电大开放教育试点专业毕业生追踪调查的抽样遵循随机性、分布相对均匀性、行业代表性等基本原则,采取分层等距抽样的方法。

    The sampling design of graduates'tracing survey in Hunan Radio and TV University follows the principles of randomicity , homogeneity and sampling trade representativeness and employs the method of delamination and isometry .

  11. 通过等距抽样和实验前测,作者从《英语专业四级词汇选择900题》(华东理工大学出版社)确定出三组同义词作为实验目标词。

    In the present study , three pairs of synonyms are selected carefully by the systematic random sampling from 900 lexical practices for TEM-4 ( East China University of Science and Technology Press ) .

  12. 利用等距抽样检测数据,通过多元线性回归分析,建立了缸体垂直度误差相对于刀具加工件数的定量关系式,实现了根据垂直度误差值确定刀具具体加工件数,从而准确预测了换刀周期。

    Based on multiple linear regression analysis and equidistant stratified sampling datum , the quantitative relationship formula of perpendicularity error about machining workpiece numbers is established to determine workpiece numbers and predict tool change cycle .

  13. 文章提出了一种改进的随机抽样算法,对其时间和空间复杂性进行了分析,结果表明改进的随机抽样算法总体性能优于现有随机抽样算法,最后,给出了改进算法在等距抽样中的应用。

    And the time and spatial complexity of the proposed algorithm is analyzed . The results show that the improved algorithm is better than the existing random sampling algorithm . Finally the application of the improved algorithm in isometry sampling is given .

  14. 结果经过整群等距随机抽样,从陕西省抽样180个调查小区,调查42833人,发现40例白癜风患者,白癜风患病率为0.093%。

    Results Forty vitiligo patients were found out of 42 833 people surveyed .

  15. 将精神分裂症致残情况按等距机械抽样的原则每10人抽取1人进行残疾评定。

    One of 10 schizophrenics were assessed for disability due to schizophrenia according to isometric mechanical sampling .