
  • 网络isostatic pressing
  1. 冷等静压制技术中的新方法及其优越性;

    The new process of cold isostatic pressing technology and its advantages .

  2. 本文对近年来在等静压制技术领域内出现的新动向进行简单介绍。

    This article gives a brief introduction of new trend of isostatic pressing technology in recent years .

  3. 本文通过测定FGH95和Rene′95高温合金,末经热等静压制,在固溶处理前后的密度变化,研究了热等静压制品中热诱导孔隙(TIP)发生、发展的规律。

    The densities of HIPed compact of Rene '95 P / M superalloy were measured before and after the solution heat treatment to study the formation of TIP , and it 's changes during heat treatment .

  4. 等静压制试样的耐热性好于模压制试样的耐热性;

    ( 2 ) the heat - resistance of sample prepared by isostatic press was superior to that of sample pressed mechanically ;

  5. 本实用新型是粉末冶金领域里最常用的冷等静压制成型方法中所用的模具。

    The utility model relates to a mould used in cool isostatic compression forming method in the field of powder metallurgy , comprising an outer mould and end plugs .