
zhù cháo
  • build;nest
筑巢 [zhù cháo]
  • (1) [build]∶兽禽建造住所

  • 正在筑巢的鸟

  • (2) [nest] ∶建筑并定居在巢里

  • 鸟类在很多地方筑巢

筑巢[zhù cháo]
  1. 成千上万的海鸟在悬崖上筑巢。

    Thousands of seabirds are nesting on the cliffs .

  2. 森林里茂密的植物为各种各样的鸟儿提供了筑巢的地方。

    The forest 's dense growth provides nesting places for a wide variety of birds .

  3. 一些鸟类会彼此紧挨着筑巢。

    Some species may nest in close proximity to each other .

  4. 候鸟在芦苇丛中筑巢。

    Migrant birds shelter in the reeds .

  5. 燕子有筑巢的习性。

    Swallows have an aptitude for building nests .

  6. 乌鸦互相争夺筑巢之地。

    The crow contested one another for nesting territory .

  7. 燕子正在我们的屋檐下筑巢。

    The swallows are building a nest under the roof of our house .

  8. 多数鸟在树上筑巢。

    Most birds nest in a tree .

  9. 夏天候鸟来这里筑巢。

    Summer migrants nest here .

  10. 今年到目前为止,水位已经太高了,火烈鸟无法筑巢。

    So far this year , water levels have been too high for the flamingos to nest .

  11. 多米诺尼博士将相机放在筑巢箱里来追踪睡眠模式,他说睡眠不足可能对鸟类的健康有害。

    Dr Dominoni , who is putting cameras inside nesting boxes to track sleeping patterns , said lack of sleep could put the birds ' health at risk .

  12. 一天,一只鸟来了,在树上筑巢。

    One day , a bird came and nested in the tree .

  13. 他把这些箱子挂在树上,每周把它们取下来,看鸟是否在里面筑巢。

    He hangs these boxes up in trees and takes them down every week to see if the birds are nesting in them .

  14. 这是燕子们喜欢来筑巢的谷仓。

    It was the kind of barn that swallows like to build their nests in .

  15. 海鸟在岩架上筑巢

    seabirds nesting on rocky ledges

  16. 翠鸟起先为了避免灾祸,总是选择高的地方筑巢。

    In order to avoid calamities1 , at first the kingfisher always selects a high place to build its nest .

  17. 但是,等到孵出小鸟以后,它就到少许低一点儿的地方筑巢。

    But when the young birds are hatched , it will move to a place a little lower to build its nest .

  18. 群鸟齐飞,蔚为壮观。欧椋鸟在冬天南迁到非洲,晚上在罗马市中心筑巢取暖,排成编队飞行以躲避捕食者。

    A synchronised spectacle of breathtaking beauty . The starlings migrate in winter , south to Africa , nesting at night in central Rome for warmth , flying in formation to avoid predators .

  19. 筑巢式RT-PCR检测慢性粒细胞白血病残留细胞

    Residual cells detection in chronic myelocytic leukemia with RT-PCR

  20. 筑巢式PCR等多项指标对小儿急性白血病微量残留病的监测

    Dynamic detection of minimal residual disease in children with acute leukemia by Nest PCR and other detecting indices

  21. 方法应用筑巢式逆转录聚合酶链反应(RT-PCR)检测PML/RARa融合基因。

    Method Nested RT-PCR method was used to detect PML / RARa fusion gene .

  22. 应用筑巢式RT-PCR检测BCR-ABL融合基因的探讨

    Study of detecting BCR / ABL fusion gene by using nest RT PCR

  23. 方法筑巢式逆转录酶/多聚酶链反应(RT-PCR)。

    Method PML - RAR α fusion gene was determined by using " nested " retrotranscriptase / polymerase chain reaction ( RT - PCR ) .

  24. 与池塘相比,稻田筑巢地的pH值、溶解氧的含量和温度较高,而电导、溶解的固体物浓度较低,水也较浅。

    Nest sites in rice paddies were higher in pH , dissolved oxygen , and temperature but lower in specific conductance , total dissolved solids and water depth than in small ponds .

  25. 筑巢工作主要由雌鸟承担,一般需要5~7d即可完成。

    It takes 5 to 7 days to build a nest , mostly done by females .

  26. 方法:应用筑巢式RT-PCR检测63例血液系肿瘤WT1基因表达。

    Method : Nest RT-PCR technique was used to examine the expression of the WT1 gene in 63 patients with various hematopoietic malignancies .

  27. 例2,应用流式细胞仪和一组单克隆抗体检测其白血病细胞的免疫表型,应用筑巢式逆转录聚合酶链反应(RTPCR)技术检测其AML1/ETO融合基因转录本。

    Immunophenotyping of the blast cells was analyzed by flow cytometry with a panel of monoclonal antibodies . AML1 / ETO fusion gene was tested by nested reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction ( RT PCR ) .

  28. 用筑巢式逆转录酶/多聚酶链反应检测Ph1阳性白血病特异基因转录本

    Reverse transcriptase Detection of BCR-ABL fusion gene in Ph1 chromo-some positive leukemia by nested

  29. 方法:采用筑巢式RT-PCR方法,扩增30例CML患者BCR/ABL融合基因,从分子生物学角度探讨其与中医分型的关系。

    Methods : Nest-building RT-PCR method was used for amplification of BCR / ABL fusion gene in 30 cases of CML , so as to explore the relationship between gene and TCM syndrome classification from the perspective of molecular biology .

  30. 斯坦福大学的约瑟?加纳(JosephGarner)认为,解决办法就是令实验室保持低温,但让老鼠们像在自然环境中一样通过筑巢(而非吃得更多)来自行应对低温。

    Joseph Garner , of Stanford University , thinks the answer is to keep the labs cool , but let mice cope with the low temperatures as they do in their natural habitat : not by eating more but by building nests .