
qí dài
  • umbilical cord;umbilical stalk;funicle
脐带 [qí dài]
  • [umbilical cord] 起自脐部的索条状器官,连接胎儿与胎盘,内含两条脐动脉和一条脐静脉

脐带[qí dài]
  1. 脐带血降钙素原和C反应蛋白浓度:早期诊断极早发生的新生儿感染的标记物

    Umbilical cord blood procalcitonin and C reactive protein concentrations as markers for early diagnosis of very early onset neonatal infection

  2. 脐带血HLA基因分型质评结果分析

    Analysis of Quality Control Results for HLA Genotype of Umbilical Cord Blood

  3. 方法用脂多糖(LPS)激活原代培养的人脐带内皮细胞,用酶联免疫法(ELISA)测定内皮细胞激活后粘附分子ICAM1的表达。

    Methods ICAM-1 expression in lipopolysaccharide-stimulated endothelial cells was measured by ELISA .

  4. 结果:24例PD中最常见的相关因素为脐带绕颈和羊水过少。

    Result : The relative factors were nuchal cord and oligohydramnios in 24 cases of PD .

  5. 结果两组间胎盘小出血灶,脐带血管扩张充血,脐带异常差异有显著性(P<0.05)。

    Results The placenta bleeding , vascular dilation and hyperemia of umbilical cord and abnormal umbilical cord of two groups was significant ( P < 0.05 ) .

  6. 血清IL-10水平与新生儿细菌感染关系的探讨新生儿脐带残端创面细菌感染调查

    Study of relationship between serum IL-10 and neonates with bacterial infections

  7. 其中40例新生儿同时留取脐带血及出生后24~48h外周静脉血用于检测HBVdna。

    Umbilical blood and femoral blood was taken from 40 of 144 neonates for HBV DNA detection .

  8. 目的预测患者某一具体HLA表型在脐带血库查询到相合脐带血的可能性。

    Objective To predict likelihood of finding HLA-matched cord blood units in cord blood bank .

  9. 结论TNF可引起胎盘和脐带血管内皮细胞损伤,可导致血管调节因子失衡,在妊高征的发病中有一定作用。

    Conclusions TNF can induce the endothelial cells dysfunction and injury . It may be involved the pathogenesis of PIH .

  10. 江苏省新生儿脐带血TSH抽样调查结果分析

    Sampling survey of cord blood TSH of neonates in Jiangsu province

  11. 方法:RTPCR用于检测Notch1及其配体在脐带血细胞上的表达情况。

    Methods : RT-PCR was used to examine the expression of Notch-1 and its ligands on cord blood cells .

  12. 通过对图型的分析可见,W型和U型波为最多见,共26例(92.8%),此类波型临床上以脐带受压为多见。

    Among them W and U waves were seen in 26 moni-torings ( 92.8 % ), mostly due to cord compression .

  13. 新生儿脐带血TSH影响因素研究

    A study on influence factors of umbilical cord blood TSH

  14. 采用正常人脐带组织包裹羟基磷灰石(HA)填充球用于无眼球畸形眼眶修复15例(15眼)。

    Human umbilical cord as a wrapping material wrapped HA globe , 15 cases ( 15 eyes ) with Sockets implanted .

  15. 湖北省新生儿脐带血TSH水平评价

    Evaluation of newborns cord blood TSH level in Hubei

  16. 河南省新生儿脐带血(全血)TSH水平调查

    Investigation on TSH levels of neonates in Henan province

  17. 浙江省新生儿脐带血TSH切点值的探讨

    Exploration About Reference Value Threshold of Neonatal Cord Blood TSH in Zhejiang Province

  18. PMA和IM诱导的新生儿脐带血淋巴细胞增殖反应

    Proliferative reaction of lymphocytes induced by PMA and im in the cord blood of neonate

  19. 从脐带血CD34~+细胞诱导获得树突状细胞的实验研究

    Studies on Human Dendritic Cells Differentiated from Cord Blood CD34 + Progenitor Cells by Two-step Culture

  20. 结果表明:脐带血和母乳中的维生素A和E浓度在中日两国间无显著性差异。

    Vitamin A and E levels in the cord blood and colostrum of the Chinese group showed almost the same values as those of the Japanese group .

  21. 结论人脐带MSC能分泌多种抗凋亡因子,具有良好的生物学特性。

    Conclusion Human umbilical cord MSCs can secrete many anti-apoptotic cytokine and have good biological features .

  22. 结果显示脐带血CD3~+、CD8~+细胞百分率较成人外周血低(P<0.001),脐血淋巴细胞转化率低。

    The results showed that CD3 + and CD8 + cell rate in cord blood is lower than than in adult veinal blood ( P < 0.01 ) .

  23. 结论通过哈尔滨市新生儿脐带血TSH研究,为建立适合我国实际情况的新生儿脐带血TSH切点值提供了科学依据。

    Conclusions The study reveals scientific basis on building neonatal cord blood TSH cut off .

  24. 目的确立青海省新生儿脐带全血促甲状腺激素(TSH)正常参考值。

    Objective To establish TSH normal reference standard of neonatal cord blood TSH in Qinghai province .

  25. Endostatin基因导入人脐带血CD34+造血干细胞的实验研究

    Human Endostatin Gene Transfered into CD34 + Hematopoietic Stem Cells from Human Umbilical Cord Blood

  26. 与此同时,在Hansonmills医生在剪脐带的时候,

    At that precise moment , as Dr. Hanson Mills was cutting yet another umbilical cord ,

  27. 其中17例经父源DNA验证,4例经胎儿脐带血DNA验证,证实非母源性等位基因条带确为父源性胎儿DNA。

    17 cases of them were verified by paternal DNA , and 4 were verified by fetal DNA , which demonstrated that the non-maternal inherited alleles were paternally inherited fetal alleles . 2 .

  28. 方法:用台盼蓝拒染法检测抗EB病毒口服液对脐带血B淋巴细胞的细胞毒作用;

    Fuel cells METHODS : The cytotoxic effect of anti-EB virus delicious on B lymphocytes from umbilical cord blood was assayed by using the trypan-blue trophochrome method .

  29. 碘营养充足地区新生儿脐带血TSH切点值的研究

    Study on TSH cut-off point of neonates in dried whole blood from cord blood in iodine sufficient area

  30. COX-1,COX-2在子痫前期患者胎盘和脐带组织中的表达及意义

    Expression and Effect of Cyclooxygenase-1 and Cyclooxygenase-2 in the Placenta and Umbilical Cord of the Pre-Eclampsia Patients