
qiān míng
  • signature;sign;autograph;endorse;sign one's name
签名 [qiān míng]
  • [sign] 写自己的名字,尤其为表示同意、认可、承担责任或义务而写下名字

  • [signature] 亲笔书写的姓名

  • 带签名的照片

签名[qiān míng]
  1. 而他举出的另一名网友拿到的签名,是新版本的。

    And the sign one 's name that another netizen of his adduce takes , be new version .

  2. 有人向她索要过签名吗?

    Does she ever get asked for her autograph ?

  3. 这名队员正在为一群球迷签名。

    The player was signing autographs for a group of fans .

  4. 这一堆点点画画就是你的签名吗?

    Are these dots and squiggles supposed to be your signature ?

  5. 不会写字的人画十字代替签名。

    Those who could not write signed with a cross .

  6. 在那些表格上签名只是一种形式。

    Signing the forms is little more than a formality .

  7. 敬请参观者在这本册子上签名。

    Visitors are kindly requested to sign the book .

  8. 有人在支票上伪造了她的签名。

    Someone had forged her signature on the cheque .

  9. 他们在请愿书上征集了1万人的签名。

    They collected 10 000 signatures for their petition .

  10. 两个签名的相似之处非常明显。

    The resemblance between the two signatures was remarkable .

  11. 经过进一步认真检查发现签名是伪造的。

    On closer examination it was found that the signature was not genuine .

  12. 摇滚歌星必须习惯歌迷要求签名的纠缠。

    Rock stars have to get used to being plagued by autograph hunters .

  13. 我们在为请愿书收集签名。

    We 're collecting signatures for a petition .

  14. 这个签名有两名见证人。

    The signature was attested by two witnesses .

  15. 她的签名潦草难辨。

    Her signature was an illegible scrawl .

  16. 签名仍清晰可辨。

    The signature was still legible .

  17. 请在这里签名。

    Sign here , please .

  18. 已签名的买主同意支付5,000英镑的订金。

    The undersigned buyers agree to pay a 5,000 pound deposit .

  19. 她声称泰勒在表格上伪造了她的签名。

    She alleged that Taylor had forged her signature on the form

  20. 他们发现自己被索要签名的人群围堵在大街上。

    They found themselves being mobbed in the street for autographs .

  21. 在他的签名下,有一句简短的手写附言。

    A brief , handwritten postscript lay beneath his signature .

  22. 他得到了一封据称有首相签名的信。

    He was given a letter purportedly signed by the Prime Minister .

  23. 我正往那页纸的底部签名。

    I was writing my signature at the bottom of the page .

  24. 年轻人都挤在演员入口处索要签名。

    Young autograph hunters clustered around the players ' entrance .

  25. 最近我们向政府递交了有4,500人签名的请愿书。

    We recently presented the government with a petition signed by 4,500 people .

  26. 他的演说很难听懂,他的签名颤颤巍巍地无法识别。

    His speech was difficult to understand , his signature shaky and unrecognizable .

  27. 他们强迫他在一份供词上签名。

    They forced him to sign a confession .

  28. 他去后台跟她要了签名。

    He went backstage and asked for her autograph

  29. 请一位朋友给你的签名作证。

    Ask a friend to witness your signature .

  30. 信封里装着一封打印的、没签名的信,索要75,000英镑。

    The envelope contained a typed , unsigned letter demanding £ 75,000 in cash .