
jiǎn zhāng
  • General rules;general regulations;simplified regulations
简章 [jiǎn zhāng]
  • [general regulations;simplified regulations] 简明扼要的章程(招生简章)

简章[jiǎn zhāng]
  1. 请函寄贵校简章与入学申请表格各一份。

    Please send me a catalogue and an application for admission .

  2. 感谢您寄来的学校简章和申请表格。

    Thank you for the catalog and application forms you send me .

  3. 章程的内容必须和简章一致。

    The content of the articles must be consistent with the memorandum .

  4. 通常,美国大学会在招生简章中声明自己的认证情况。

    US schools generally announce their accreditation in ad-mission brochures .

  5. 台北医学大学九十三学年度外国学生入学招生简章

    2004 Academic Year Enrollment Requirements of Taipei Medical University For Foreign Students

  6. 关于办理国民储蓄存单的简章,请按本地址来函索取。

    Write to this address for our fact sheet on national savings certificates .

  7. 目的条款可以规定在公司简章中,但并不是强制性的。

    An objects clause may be inserted in the memorandum but is not mandatory .

  8. 这儿有一张准备好的戏剧简章。

    There is a briefhow manysports are ripe .

  9. 备有简章,惠索即寄。

    Brochures will be sent upon request .

  10. 离开领事馆前请把此简章交回保安员,谢谢合作。

    Please return this information sheet to the guard before you lease the consulate . thank you !

  11. 凡简章的宗旨条款下没有包括的项目,公司不得经营。

    The company may do nothing that isn 't covered by the objects clause in the Memorandum .

  12. 所有修订之相关规定,请详阅本校外国学生简章更新版。

    Please refer to the revised edition of the CMU International Students Admission Brochure for the related regulations .

  13. 根据公司简章一公司被允许有的资本额。

    Amount of capital which a company is allowed to have , according to its memorandum of association .

  14. 请寄贵校简章及报名单,以及短期英语课程的收费细节。

    Please send me your prospectus and enrollment form , and details of fees for a short English course .

  15. 但愿看到本简章的同学都能成为未来金行银楼中的老板。

    We hope that students who have seen the page will become the bosses of gold line in the future .

  16. 学校简章中讲到大学里有顶级电脑和图书馆设备等等,

    The prospectus went on about the fact that the university had world-class computer and library facilities and so forth ,

  17. 我对到斯坦福大学读书很感兴趣,有劳寄来招生简章和其他有关录取方面的材料。

    I 'm interested in attending Stanford University and would like to have catalog and other information about your entrance requirements .

  18. 留学生正常交纳学费以《华南师范大学招生简章》的标准交纳。

    International students pay the fees according to the General Regulations for the Enrollment of Students by South China Normal University .

  19. 特别注意:申请人在递送本申请表的同时,请提交招生简章上要求的各种证明文件。

    Note : when submitting this application form , all the documents required in the " enrolment regulations " must be attached .

  20. 根据招生简章,被录取者将研究可可豆的发酵如何促成特定的口味。

    According to the prospectus , the successful candidate will study how the fermentation of cacao beans leads to specific flavor profiles .

  21. 如果您能尽早寄给我贵校的简章和必要的申请表格,我将不胜感激。

    I should be most obliged to you if you would send me your catalog and necessary application forms at your earliest convenience .

  22. 用人单位发布的《招工简章》可否作为劳动合同的附件?

    Unit of choose and employ persons releases " hire general rules " can you deny the accessory that regards labor as the contract ?

  23. 招聘简章上说,你们需要的是充满耐心和热情的特殊教育助教老师。

    You describe in the job listing that you are looking for a special education assistant teacher with an abundance of patience and compassion .

  24. ※预定8月中旬寄出「赛简章」收到「赛简章」请妥善保存报名费支付凭证。

    Competition briefing will be mailed out in mid August . Please keep your receipt for the registration fee before receiving the competition briefing .

  25. 招生简章上所说德知识参考书而已,但是大部分人都买规定的书!

    The place on recruit students general rules says heart knowledge reference book just , but the book that major person buys a regulation !

  26. 基本简章上都是这么要求的,但你可以打电话咨询学校的研招办,询问他们具体的要求。

    It is on essential general rules so of the requirement , but you can call of advisory school grind action do , enquire their specific requirement .

  27. 野鸡大学的招生简章上还常常强调校长得过这个博士学位或那个博士学位,以此让读者信服这是个好学校。

    The Admission Brochure of a fly-by-night school will often emphasize that the president received this or that doctorate insgroupsto persuade readers that it is a good school .

  28. 沃伦现在看到的那本简章上说,他最喜爱的作者本杰明格雷厄姆就在哥伦比亚大学金融系任教。

    According to the catalogue Warren had now picked up , the man who had become his favorite author , Ben Graham , was lecturing in finance at Columbia University .

  29. 教育合同的订立过程,一般分为发布招生简章、学生报名、学校发出录取通知书、学生报到、学生注册几个过程。

    The formation process of education contract is generally divided into several processes : publishing enrollment information , students entering for entrance exams , schools sending admission notices , students registration .

  30. 用人单位发布的《招工简章》只要符合国家《劳动法》的规定,就可以作为劳动合同的附件。

    Unit of choose and employ persons releases hire general rules should accord with a country only labor law regulation , with respect to the accessory that can regard labor as the contract .