
tǒng kǎo
  • unified examination;uniform examinations
统考 [tǒng kǎo]
  • [unified examination] 在某些地区或对某些学科统一命题,并在同一时间组织考试

  • 高考的惯例是在全国范围内实行统考

  • 物理统考全市前三名

统考[tǒng kǎo]
  1. 临床医学专业学生统考模式的探索与研究

    The Exploration and Research on Unified Examination Mode of Medical Students

  2. 试论大专英语统考题型的改革

    Reform of the unified examination in Junior College English

  3. 从教育角度看,全国统考是不合理的。

    The national tests were educationally unsound .

  4. 全国工商管理硕士(MBA)教育指导委员会宣布,从明年起,申请就读高级管理人员工商管理硕士(EMBA)课程必须经过全国统考。

    The China National MBA Education Supervisory Committee announced over the weekend that , from next year , a nationwide exam will be the only way to apply for an EMBA course .

  5. 对《大学英语(B)》统考课程网上教学的思考

    Reflection on the Online Teaching of the General Examination Course of " College English B "

  6. 英语统考MET、CET4、TEM4的社会权重、题型和测试技能给英语教学带来了负面反拨作用。

    By analyzing their social weight , forms and tested skills , this paper reveals the negative effects brought about by the general English tests of MET , CET4 and TEM4 held in China .

  7. 根据句法学的理论,分析CET四级统考听力试题中的理解障碍,探讨各种句法结构表达的会话含义,从而提高学生听力理解能力,并促进大学英语听力教学。

    This essay briefly analyses the obstacles in listening comprehension test paper of CET Band Four with view of syntax and conversational implicate , in order to improve the students ' abilities in listening comprehension , as well as to promote the listening teaching of college English .

  8. 无论是在大学入学考试,大学英语四、六级统考,还是研究生入学考试,甚至国外的TOEFL、GRE和IELTS等考试中,阅读试题分数都占据了总分相当大的比重(30&40%)。

    No matter in such examinations as college entrance examinations , college English Band Four and Six and postgraduate entrance examination , even in TOEFL , GRE and IELTS , etc. , the points of English comprehension takes a large proportion of the total points ( 30-40 % ) .

  9. 大学英语四、六级统考笔试新题型补充

    Suggested New Test Itmes in CET - Band 4 and 6

  10. 我们必须通过统考才能毕业对不对?

    we Have To Get Certain Grades To Graduate , Right ?

  11. 船舶柴油机课程海事局统考复习策略探讨

    Tactics for Reviewing the Subject of " Marine Diesel Engine "

  12. 听力是大多数学生在英语学习中的主要弱点,而在四级统考中听力的比分占了20%。

    Listening comprehension is a main weakness in students in English learning .

  13. 英国统考模式及相关课程剖析

    An Analysis on the Mode of UK National Test and Its Curricula

  14. 你们离州立统考就只有一个星期的时间

    you Guys Have One Week Till The State Exams .

  15. 如何指导统考前俄语写作

    How to instruct Russian writing before General Russian Test

  16. 我校外语教学及大学英语三级统考之管见

    Foreign languages teaching and College English Test Band Three

  17. 外语四级统考对学生的学习心理的影响

    The Effect of the English Band Four Test on Students ' Learning Psychology

  18. 全国统考的考试指令必须详细而明确。

    Instructions for a nation-wide test must be specific .

  19. 大学英语四、六级统考作文中动名搭配错误统计分析

    An Analysis of Verb-noun Lexical Collocation Errors in CET Compositions and its Enlightenment

  20. 两种全国英语统考的实证研究

    An Empirical Study on Two National English Exams

  21. 年终考核时,学生的统考合格率提高到93%。

    By year 's end , my students had achieved a93 percent pass rate .

  22. 《高等数学》统考浅析

    On unified test of college higher mathematics

  23. 青海大学1998&1999学年普通化学统考试卷评价分析

    Comments and Analysis on the Examination Paper in General Chemistry of Qinghai University in 1998-1999

  24. 这些孩子每年州立统考的成绩都是前10%

    these Students Scored In The Top 10 Percentile On The State Exams Every Year .

  25. 基础课程统考试卷考核水平的模糊综合评价

    Fuzzy Synthetical Assessment of the Checkout Levels of the Public Examination Papers in Basic Courses

  26. 船员适任证书主推进动力装置统考与适任培训

    State-Sponsored Seafarer Qualification Examination of Main Propulsion Power Plant and Its Influence on Seafarers Training

  27. 计算机基础统考自动阅卷系统的实现

    Basic Examination of Computer-based Automatic Marking System

  28. 同等学历申请硕士学士统考

    General examination for applicants with education Background equivalent to college graduates for master 's degree

  29. 她在全国统考中考了非常棒的分数,

    she scored brilliantly on the national examinations

  30. 构建网络英语统考辅导中的非学科性学习支持服务

    Constructing the System of the Online Counseling of English National Examination for Non-academic Learning Support Service