
  • government regulation separate from management
  1. 把政府为老百姓提供的各种服务从政府职能部门中分离出来,实现管办分离。

    Separate the government from the various services provided .

  2. 医疗机构管办分离的经济法原理分析

    The analysis of economic law principle to separation of proprietary rights from operating rights on medical institution

  3. 公立医院治理结构的改革,又是公立医院改革的一个重要环节,是实行管办分离的重要内容。

    The nature of reforming governance structure is to transfer the management power from government to public hospitals .

  4. 院长职业化是管办分离模式下公立医院改革的关键

    The Professionalization of President is the Key to Reform of Public Hospitals under the Model of separation between Government Administration and Business Operation

  5. 建立公立医院出资人制度,解决国有资产产权主体虚位问题,实现管办分离。

    Establish a public hospital system for investors , solve the property right of state-owned assets absent subject and realize management office separation .

  6. 优化公益资源配置、促进公益事业发展、满足公益服务需求是公益事业管办分离改革的应然要求。

    Optimizing the allocation of resources , promoting development of public welfare institutions , meeting the demand of public service is inevitable demand of public welfare reform .

  7. 重新审视公立医院管办分离改革&基于理论指导、体制机制和价值取向偏差的修正

    Reviewing the Reform of Separation of Management from Running in Public Hospitals & Suggestions on Amending the Theoretical Guidance , the Institutional Mechanism and the Value Orientation

  8. 各国政府通过探索公立医院改革,如实行“管办分离”,以明确政府举办公立医院的职责。

    Other countries define their responsibilities for establishing public hospitals through reform of " separation from decision making and monitoring functions and enforcing functions of the government " .

  9. 对政府职能转变的历史趋势及理论分析表明,我国转变政府职能的改革要实现第二次转变,其突破口是政事分开、管办分离。

    The history and the rule of China government function change leads to the conclusion that the key of the second change of government function is separating public service units from government .

  10. 体育系统中组建的体育场馆和训练管理中心,于2005年12月20日正式挂牌,标志着无锡市体育局管办分离改革的开始。

    PE system the formation of the " Sports stadiums and training management center " in December 20 , 2005 officially launched , marking the Wuxi Municipal Sports Bureau tube separation reform .

  11. 通过对政府授权体育赛事组织在市场化运作的高水平单项体育赛事中表现出来的企业特征分析,对赛事的管办分离问题进行了探讨。

    This dissertation investigates the separation of management and operation based on the analysis of the enterprises characteristics of the government-authorized sports events organization in the marketization of the high-level individual sports events .

  12. 但由于理论界和实务界对管办分离的内涵不清晰,导致一些地方管办分离演化成为改革实践的一种单纯手段,难免偏离改革宗旨和目标。

    But the theory and practice of the connotation of separation of management and running are not clear , resulting the reform evolved into simple means , hard to avoid deviation reform aims and objectives .

  13. 对政府授权体育组织的管办分离做了大胆推断,提出了运动管理中心经营开发部担当政府职能向企业职能转换的分离点的观点。

    The author makes a bold conclusion on the separation of management and operation in the government-authorized sports organization , and raises a viewpoint that the operation department in the sports management center should undertake the point from which the government function converts to the enterprise function .

  14. 其次,体制上要做到政企分开、管办分离。第三,在机制创新上要完善立法,使规制有法可依,并严格执法,同时要建立独立自主的规制机构以及完善自律机制等。

    Second , the institutional need to " separating the separation of control . " Third , In the mechanism of innovation to improve legislation , to regulate the law , and strictly enforce the law , and to establish an independent regulatory agencies , and improve self-discipline mechanism .

  15. 然而当前我国公立医院的法人治理却依然存在管办不分离,法人地位不明确,政府同时兼任出资者和监管者的双重角色等一系列问题。

    Corporate governance of public hospitals in China existed many problems such as , the legal status is not clear , the tubes do not separation , the government also serves as the donors and the supervisers .

  16. 虽已管、办分离,但期刊社仍然是事业单位、企业管理,处于准企业状态,并借助于行政推动力的余威和经营惯性力在各自割据的地盘里垄断市场。

    Although the superintendence and management have been separated , the magazine houses , as institutions with enterprise management , still depend on the remaining prestige of the administrative force and the trading habit to monopolize their markets in their own separatist regimes .