
  • 网络Fundamentals of management;Foundations of Management;Management Fundamentals
  1. 布鲁纳的教育思想在高职《管理学基础》课程教学中的应用

    The Application of Buner 's Educational Thoughts to the Teaching of " Fundamentals of Management " in Higher Vocational College

  2. 管理学基础是工商管理本科专业的基础课程之一。

    Management is a basic course of department of business administration .

  3. 问题驱动型教学模式在《管理学基础》课程教学中的运用

    The Application of Task - Based Teaching in Management Course

  4. 高职院校《管理学基础》课程教学改革与优化

    Teaching reform and optimization of the course Management Foundation in higher vocational colleges

  5. 创新《管理学基础》教学方法

    Create new Methods in Teaching Management Science Bases

  6. 分析了网络信息传播绩效评估的哲学基础,阐述了绩效评估理念用于网络信息传播绩效评估的科学性,并对评估工作中的信息管理学基础、系统管理理论等进行论述。

    It is an attempt to analyze the philosophical basis of evaluating Internet information communication and discusses the theories of systematic management .

  7. 它包括理论基础、情境基础和人格基础,其中,理论基础又进一步细分为管理学基础、心理学基础和哲学基础;另一方面,是课程管理的过程。

    It includes theoretical basis , situational basis and personality basis ; among them , the theoretical basis is subdivided into basis of management science , basis of psychology and basis of philosophy .

  8. 本文从价值链、值流、业核心能力和企业边界理论等管理学基础理论出发,分析了虚拟经营管理模式理论上的合理性。

    This article from the value chain , the value class , core ability , enterprise boundary theory and enterprise management science basic theory and so on , has analyzed the hypothesized management pattern theoretically rationality .

  9. 文章从分析《管理学基础》课程特点及其教学现状入手,着重从教学理念、教学内容、教学方法、教学反馈与评估等方面探讨了《管理学基础》课程教学改革的思路。

    This paper analyzes the characteristics and teaching current situation of the course and expounds the teaching reform of the course from the teaching idea , teaching content , teaching method , teaching feedback and evaluation , etc.

  10. 在传统管理学的基础上,现代管理学迅速发展,涌现出许多著名的管理学派。

    Base on traditional management , the modern management developed rapidly , it have many famous branch .

  11. 最后尝试利用西方经济学及管理学的基础理论,对分析结果作定性分析。

    Use the foundation theory of western economics and management to make a qualitative analysis from the quantitative analysis result .

  12. 在经典管理学理论基础上建立起来的以效率为核心的职能管理知识体系难以满足当今管理的需要。

    The conventional management methods , which are from the classic management theories and based on efficiency , appear hard to meet the modern requirements .

  13. 本论文针对上述问题,理论联系实际,运用经济学、金融学和管理学等基础知识和分析工具,对农村商业银行拓展出口贸易融资业务提出了一些粗浅的看法和建议。

    Based on the view of the above-mentioned questions , the paper applies theory into reality , utilizing elementary knowledge and analysis tool of economics , finance and management , brings forward some shallow views and suggestions on developing export trade financing for rural commercial banks .

  14. 当代公共管理学的理论基础源自公共选择理论、新制度经济学等。

    Modern theoretical foundations of public management take root of public choice theory and institutional economics , etc.

  15. 运用管理学理论对基础研究人员采取相应管理措施,提高组织管理和创新能力,顺利实现预期目标。

    Secondly , take corresponding administrative measures to improve management and innovation ability and realize the expectant objections .

  16. 第二章是全文的理论基础,在探讨了资本的经济学和管理学属性的基础上,本章研究资本与保险公司的关系。

    The property of capital is discussed on basis of economics and management theory . Above this , this chapter analyzes the relationship between capital and insurance company .

  17. 摘要阐述了环境管理学的理论基础,包括人地关系、管理学、生态学、经济学、生态经济学、法学、环境伦理学和教育学理论。

    This paper sets forth the basic theories of environmental administration including the theories of man-earth , administration , ecology , eco-economy , law , environmental ethics and pedagogy .

  18. 以经济学和管理学理论为基础,研究了国有企业高层管理者的剩余分享机制和中低层员工的绩效工资分配机制。

    Based on the theories of economics and management , the surplus sharing mechanism for managers and performance payment distribution mechanism for staffers in a state-owned enterprise are studied .

  19. 详细介绍了管理学的理论基础,并以此为基础触发后文分析房地产税收管理的影响,为房地产税收征管问题的分析与解决方案提供思路。

    Details of the theoretical basis of management as a basis for analysis of factors triggering the impact of the real estate tax management on real estate tax collection , and analysis of the problems and solutions .

  20. 中小学校长简约领导是以哲学、心理学和管理学为理论基础的,它具有增强领导效能、提高教育质量和改变学校环境的意义。

    Theoretical basis is the philosophy , psychology and management science about The Simple leadership of school principals . It enhances leadership effectiveness , improve the quality of education and change the meaning of the school environment .

  21. 本文以现代管理学理论为基础,主要阐述了现代台站管理思想&一方面强调以人为本,另一方面又肯定以法治台;

    A Primary Probe of Seismic Station Management This text , based on the theory of the modern management , elaborates on modern seismic station management with emphasis laid on both the human-oriented principle and the significance of management – by-law theory .

  22. 并在伦理学和管理学的理论基础上,从中国传统伦理文化、中西管理伦理意识以及制度伦理三方面来探析大学组织人事决策伦理困境的根源。

    Besides , it emphasizes on the theoretical foundation of the ethics and management to explore the root of ethical dilemma of the personnel strategy on university organizations from the Chinese traditional ethical culture , ethical consciousness of Chinese and western management and systemic ethics .

  23. 管理学的深层知识基础是体验知识。

    The article is research on the knowledge foundation of management .

  24. 管理学理论在医院基础研究人员管理中的应用

    Application of Administration Theory in the Administration of Basic Medical Researchers ON MEDICAL CONSTRUCTION MEDICAL SCIENCE

  25. 在个人知识交互现象及管理学意义研究的基础上,进一步剖析了知识工作者个人知识交互行为的内在机理。

    In this paper , basing on the former research , the inner mechanism of knowledge worker 's individual knowledge interaction is analyzed .

  26. 本文以技术创新学、统计学、系统学、公共管理学等理论为基础,综合运用了比较分析、系统分析及规范研究和实证分析相结合的方法。

    The thesis is based on the Technical Innovation Science , the Statistics , the Systems and the Public Management Science . It comprehensively applies standard research , empirical analysis , comparative analysis and system analysis .

  27. 由于经济学从一开始就是管理学研究的理论基础和具体方法,因此这些新成果必将在思想和方法上为管理学研究注入新的活力。

    As economics , from the very start , is the theoretic foundation and specific method of management studies , these new findings are bound to bring fresh blood to management studies both in ideas and methods .

  28. 公共管理体制以公共管理学为理论基础,把企业管理的理念和方法融入到政府公共部门的管理之中,使得政府绩效评价成为公共管理的核心主题。

    Public management system regards public management as the theoretical foundation , incorporates the idea and methods of business administration in the management of public department of the government , it makes government performance appraisal become the key theme of public management .

  29. 欧美国家的公共管理核心课程是以管理学和经济学为基础、以强化技能为导向的多学科融合,无疑值得我们借鉴。

    European and American countries adopt multi-disciplinary core curriculum with Basic management and Economics as the basis and ability enhancement as the orientation , which undoubtedly provides us useful experience .

  30. 在沥青路面质量管理方面,以项目质量管理学为理论基础,提出在路面质量管理、控制中关于取样频率、评定方法、指标体系的新观点。

    The new viewpoints have been presented about pavement quality management . Test frequency , quality assessment methods , index system have been studied on the theory basis of quality management . The research of this paper divides into four parts : ( 1 ) .