
  • 网络management development
  1. 作为测试主管,您可以导航到变更管理开发计划,使用TestedbyTestPlan链接将该计划链接到HP中新的或现有的测试计划。

    As test lead , you navigate to the change management development plan and link the plan to a new or existing test plan in HP , using the Tested by Test Plan link .

  2. 我们已经向ClearQuest测试管理开发团队提交请求,为将来的发布考虑以下附加的性能或者选项

    We have submitted requests to the ClearQuest test management development team to consider the following additional capabilities or options for future releases

  3. 介绍了AOP的基本概念并举例说明SpringAOP在Web系统中权限管理开发的具体应用。

    This paper presents the basic concept of AOP and the practical application of Spring AOP of permission management in Web system .

  4. 特殊的管理开发技术

    Special management development techniques

  5. 解决好公立医院的人力资源管理开发,是解决好整个卫生事业人力资源管理开发的重点与关键。

    Solving the problem of the human resource management and development is the key to solve the human resources management and development of the whole public health systems .

  6. 在调查统计的基础上,对河南省高校体育资源及开发现状进行了分析研究,并提出了进一步提高河南省高校体育资源开发水平的措施,探讨了改进学校体育资源管理开发的途径。

    On the basis of statistical investigation , the article studies the current development of physical education resources in Henan colleges and universities and accordingly puts forward suggestions and approaches to improving physical education resource development and management .

  7. 根据千禧年生态系统评估报告,对生态系统进行可持续的管理和开发远比过度开发它更有效益。

    Managing ecosystems sustainably is more profitable than exploiting them , according to the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment .

  8. 基于VISUALBASIC及Access的工程资料档案管理系统开发

    Development of the management system of engineering data based on Visual Basic and Access

  9. 基于VISUALFOXPRO5.0环境的学籍管理系统开发

    Developing Grade Management System Based on Visual FoxPro 5.0

  10. IBMRational提供了业界领先的工具以管理软件开发中的变更。

    IBM Rational offers industry-leading tools for managing changes to software under development .

  11. Java信息管理系统开发模式设计

    Java information management system developing model design

  12. 应用UML语言进行IT资源管理系统开发研究

    The Study of IT Resource Management System Development Using the UML Language

  13. Lotusnotes在工作任务管理系统开发中的应用

    Application of lotus notes ' techniques in the development of job management system

  14. 基于VB计算机多媒体技术试题库管理系统开发

    Development of Computer Multimedia Examination Questions Base Management System Based on VB

  15. 为此,本文引入了SOA和分布式技术在工时管理软件开发中对以上问题进行较好的解决。

    Therefore the paper introduced the SOA and distributed technologies in the man-hour software to solve above problems effectively .

  16. 研究了特种设备监督检验管理系统开发中涉及到的相关技术理论,详细介绍了工作流技术、C/S模型和J2EE软件架构。

    Research Supervision , Inspection and the special equipment management system involved in the development of technology-related theory , details of workflow technology and J2EE software architecture .

  17. 通过一个卫星会议电视系统网络管理应用开发的例子,说明了HPOpenView在工程中的实际应用,以及具体的二次开发的方法。

    Then , through a development example about satellite videoconference network management system , the practical application of HP Open View in projects is described , and the specific method of secondary development is given .

  18. 管理SVG开发的很多日常工作简单地继承自较广泛的XML原则,并且一定要在编写SVG之前清楚地理解XML。

    Much of the daily work of managing SVG development simply inherits from broader XML principles , and it 's important to understand XML clearly before tackling SVG .

  19. 公司已有的Bug管理系统开发的时间较早,代码的维护性较差,不利于升级,系统的功能和性能也开始无法满足使用者的需要。

    The Bug management system of the NEUSOFT is laggard , the code is hard to maintain and update , the functions and performances are also can not meet user 's needs .

  20. 信息产业的发展需要Internet的发展来带动,Web技术是Internet的核心技术,研究基于Web的信息管理系统开发技术,是利用Internet技术开发新一代信息管理系统的重要组成部分。

    Study how to design the MIS basing no web technique , is the most important part of building new MIS with internet technique , because the development of the information industry needs the Internet development to arouse , and the web technique is an internet core technique .

  21. 本文分析了电费管理系统开发策略,提出用Powerbuilder开发基于B/S模式的管理系统,并设计了此系统的功能模块及所使用的关键技术。

    This paper analyses electricity charge management system , puts forward a Powerbuilder implementation based on B / S model , and designs the functional modules of this system and relevant techniques .

  22. 第五,针对OA管理系统开发应用过程中在管理组织、流程管理、风险管理上出现的问题提出解决方法,保障项目的顺利实施和安全运行。

    Fifth , solutions are put forward in view of the problems in management organization , process management and risk management during OA management system development and application so as to guarantee the smooth implementation and safe operation of the project .

  23. 讨论了在微机上应用FOXBASE数据库管理软件开发编辑管理系统的设计思想及设计方法,详细论述了系统的数据结构、功能模块及其特点。

    This paper has presented the design ideas and implementation of a editorial management system of computer by using FoxBASE DBMS , and discussed the data structure , function module , and features of system in detail .

  24. 本文通过对一个人力资源管理系统开发经验的分析,结合JReport报表工具在应用过程中遇到的问题,力图展示给大家目前企业在报表模块智能化应用方面的进展情况。

    This article , through an development-experience share of human resources management system , and unifies the question which we meets in the application process of JReport , unfurl the present progress situation of enterprise 's intelligent application aspect in the reporting module .

  25. 抚宁县有线电视收费管理系统开发实例

    The Example of Developing CATV Charge - Management System in Funing

  26. 面向人员工作流管理系统开发框架的设计实现

    Design and implementation of development framework for human-oriented workflow management system

  27. 面向电子政务的公文管理系统开发与应用

    Development and Application of Electron Government Affair-Oriented Document Management System

  28. 面向化学实验的仓库管理系统开发与设计

    The development and design of warehouse management system based on chemical experiment

  29. 青铜峡灌区用水管理系统开发及应用研究

    On exploitation and application of water management system in Qingtongxia irrigation area

  30. 基于文件名的多媒体数据库管理系统开发

    Development on basis of multimedia database management system based on file name