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  • 网络Seal Cutting
  1. 篆刻艺术随笔(之四)&闲话刻技

    Seal cutting art informal essay ( four ) Chatting the Carving skill

  2. 高等院校篆刻艺术教育存在的问题和改进的办法

    The Problems of Seal Cutting Art Education in Universities and the Ways of Improvement

  3. 体会到了中国传统篆刻艺术的魅力。

    I suddenly realize the deep charm of traditional seal art .

  4. 主要是其篆刻艺术是对门生的影响。

    Mainly in the Art of Seal Carving is a protege of .

  5. 论篆刻艺术的书法基础

    On the Calligraphic Basis of the Art of Seal Cutting

  6. 中国的篆刻艺术源远流长。

    Chinese seal carving art has a long history .

  7. 对篆刻艺术的主体部分提出了质疑。

    Fourth , it raises a query to main body of seal-cutting arts ;

  8. 对当代篆刻艺术独立地位的思考

    Thinking of the Independent Position of Modern Seal Cutting

  9. 论书法与篆刻艺术

    On the Art of Calligraphy and Seal Cutting

  10. 赵之谦篆刻艺术研究初探

    On the Carving Art Research of ZHAO Zhi-qian

  11. 与印章历史相比,朝鲜的篆刻艺术历史只有250年左右。

    Compared with Indian history , Korean artistic seal cutting kept only about 250 years .

  12. 本文以文彭篆刻艺术的成因作为论题。

    In this paper , the causes of the text as Peng Cutting Art topic .

  13. 我的店铺主要是从是经营与研究中国传统篆刻艺术。

    My shop is mostly from the operating and research of traditional Chinese carving art .

  14. 篆刻艺术的形式美

    Form Beauty of Seal Cutting Expresses

  15. 篆刻艺术对视觉传达设计的影响与启示研究

    A Study on the Influence and Implication of the Art of Seal-cutting on Visual Communication Design

  16. 在这个长期的发展过程中,篆刻艺术涌现出两个空前繁荣,高度发展的历史时期。

    In the long development process , the art of seal-engraving has appeared two high development historical stage .

  17. 最后,对篆刻艺术在当代的发展作了全面的思考与展望。

    And last , it gives an overall thinking and prospect to seal-cutting arts in its present-day 's development .

  18. 篆刻艺术从中国起源后,目前已遍及世界各地。

    After steal cutting art originated from China , at present it has been spread all over the world .

  19. 目的深入了解掌握书法艺术与篆刻艺术的同与异、共性与个性。

    Intention : Profound recognition on art of calligraphy and seal cutting 's similarity and difference , commonality and individuality ;

  20. 定程度上,其书法篆刻艺术决定了其紫砂艺术的成就。

    To a certain extent , the prime determinant of his Yixing artistic achievements is his calligraphy and seal cutting art .

  21. 篆刻艺术之美是由书法、章法、刀法三要素组成,可谓方寸之间的大千世界。

    The beauty of Seal cutting art is composed of three elements , calligraphy 、 the seal structure 、 sword handicraft .

  22. 边款的形成是一个长期的过程,他与篆刻艺术的发展,文人的参与密不可分。

    In the long time , it 's related with the development of the seal cutting and the contribution of the intelligentsia .

  23. 怎么一个刻字了得&中国篆刻艺术与当代刻字艺术的比较研究

    How Remarkable It Is About Cutting & a Comparison Research on the Art of China 's seal cutting and that of Lettering of the Time

  24. 篆刻艺术是中国传统文化的重要代表和世界文化遗产的重要组成部分。

    The art of seal cutting is a key representative of the Chinese traditional culture and also an important component of the world cultural heritage .

  25. 如今印章仍被广泛地使用,而篆刻艺术比以往更加受人欢迎。

    Nowadays , seal are still widely used , and the art of seal-engraving has become more , not less , popular than ever before .

  26. 文中从文彭篆刻艺术形成的历史背景,生平和文徵明给予文彭篆刻艺术的影响进行简要阐述。

    Wen Peng Wen seal cutting art from the historical background , life and Wen Zheng Peng Cutting Art given to the impact of the text briefly described .

  27. 篆刻艺术在清代发展到繁盛的地步,取得了很高的艺术成就,流派纷呈、名家辈出。

    In Qing dynasty , the seal-cutting art developed prosperously into a high degree and made fairly lofty accomplishments of art , such as diverse genres and many eminent scholars .

  28. 文章深入考察和分析了印章史上主要文人篆刻艺术流派各自兴衰荣替的命运及其缘由。

    The thesis makes penetrating survey and analysis on the ebb and flow of major artistic schools in the history of seal cutting and on reasons for those rise and fall .

  29. 文中对于印用篆文书写性的注入的肯定以及印家以个性书风入印的强调,旨在推崇书法对于篆刻艺术的基础性地位。

    The thesis affirms the role of calligraphy in seal cutting and makes emphasis on the influence of calligrapher 's styles in that art , with aim to value the calligraphy 's fundamental status in the art of seal cutting .

  30. 歙县牌坊不仅具有独特的建筑风格及巧妙的构造,还融合了精美的石雕艺术、细腻的绘画手法、优雅的匾联文辞和别具神韵的书法篆刻等多种艺术手段。

    The SheXian Archway not only has special architecture style and artful construction , but also combines many artistic instruments such as fancy stone carving , exquisite painting ploy , gentler plaque diction and wonderful calligraphy .