
zhuàn kè
  • seal cutting
篆刻 [zhuàn kè]
  • [seal cutting] 刻印章(因印章多用篆文)。比喻精心书写或作文

篆刻[zhuàn kè]
  1. 篆刻艺术随笔(之四)&闲话刻技

    Seal cutting art informal essay ( four ) Chatting the Carving skill

  2. 高等院校篆刻艺术教育存在的问题和改进的办法

    The Problems of Seal Cutting Art Education in Universities and the Ways of Improvement

  3. 本文对《中国图书馆图书分类法》“J”类中,把“美术字写法”纳入“书法、篆刻”类目提出了不同的看法,阐述了自己的观点并拟定了粗略的分类框架。

    The present paper puts forward different view on the bringing of the art lettering into the class heading of penmanship and seal cutting under the " J " classed catalogue of the Chinese Library Classification , and elaborates a point of view , drafting a rough classification frame .

  4. 体会到了中国传统篆刻艺术的魅力。

    I suddenly realize the deep charm of traditional seal art .

  5. 之后,中国利用篆刻木块制成字体模板发明了印刷术。

    China developed printing , using signs cut into wooden blocks .

  6. 篆刻是中国古老的传统文化艺术。

    Seal cutting is one of the ancient Chinese traditional culture .

  7. 主要是其篆刻艺术是对门生的影响。

    Mainly in the Art of Seal Carving is a protege of .

  8. 他的老师和朋友中,有许多篆刻高手,这启发了他自刻印章。

    There were many carving masters , who inspired him very much .

  9. 论篆刻艺术的书法基础

    On the Calligraphic Basis of the Art of Seal Cutting

  10. 关于篆刻学科建设诸问题的思考

    Reflection on the Various Problems of Subject Construction of Seal-cutting

  11. 中国的篆刻艺术源远流长。

    Chinese seal carving art has a long history .

  12. 对篆刻艺术的主体部分提出了质疑。

    Fourth , it raises a query to main body of seal-cutting arts ;

  13. 是我国20世纪著名画家和书法篆刻家。

    Is a famous painter of the20th century , and calligraphy and seal .

  14. 对当代篆刻艺术独立地位的思考

    Thinking of the Independent Position of Modern Seal Cutting

  15. 相反,我们视觉艺术院并没有书法或篆刻的主修课程。

    By contrast , there is no Calligraphy or Seal Engraving major at AVA .

  16. 论书法与篆刻艺术

    On the Art of Calligraphy and Seal Cutting

  17. 中国印融入了篆刻,书法,美术和诗歌元素。

    Chinese seal blends the elements of engraving , calligraphy , painting and poetry .

  18. 赵之谦篆刻艺术研究初探

    On the Carving Art Research of ZHAO Zhi-qian

  19. 书法、篆刻对设计的影响&设计与中国元素;

    Calligraphy and seal influenced on the design & design and the Chinese symbol ;

  20. 与印章历史相比,朝鲜的篆刻艺术历史只有250年左右。

    Compared with Indian history , Korean artistic seal cutting kept only about 250 years .

  21. 本文以文彭篆刻艺术的成因作为论题。

    In this paper , the causes of the text as Peng Cutting Art topic .

  22. 我的店铺主要是从是经营与研究中国传统篆刻艺术。

    My shop is mostly from the operating and research of traditional Chinese carving art .

  23. 篆刻艺术的形式美

    Form Beauty of Seal Cutting Expresses

  24. 下面那个则是由陈祥耀居士所篆刻并致赠于我。

    The one below was carved and then given to me by Upasaka Tan Seong yeow .

  25. 篆刻艺术对视觉传达设计的影响与启示研究

    A Study on the Influence and Implication of the Art of Seal-cutting on Visual Communication Design

  26. 篆刻与按摩的融通

    Integrity Between Seal Cutting and Massage

  27. 其篆刻和绘画又是他艺术成就的重要方面。

    His seal cutting and traditional Chinese painting were the important parts of his art achievement .

  28. 篆刻的两个发展方向

    Two Development Orientation of Steal Cutting

  29. 篆刻千百年来,对中国人来说,图章是权利的象征。

    Seal Engraving ? To the Chinese , a seal was for many centuries a symbol of power .

  30. 篆刻与中国的书法、绘画一样,是从古至今传承下来的独特的中国艺术形式之一。

    Seal cutting with Chinese calligraphy and painting is as avers passed down the unique art in China .