
  1. 百度选择了一个充满诗意的中文名字,因为它想要的世界记忆遗产。

    Baidu chose a poetic Chinese name because it wants the world to remember its heritage .

  2. 联合闽、粤、琼共同将“侨批”作为闽南文化经济圈的重要侨缘史料申报世界记忆遗产。

    Joint Fujian and Guangdong , Hainan will be common ," Overseas Chinese " culture should be an important economic circle edge of Overseas Chinese history to declare Memory of the World Heritage .

  3. 中国还有大量文明成果被教科文组织列入世界文化遗产、世界非物质文化遗产、世界记忆遗产名录。

    There are many more proud Chinese achievements that have been included in the World Cultural Heritage list , the World Intangible Cultural Heritage list and the Memory of the World list .