
huá qiáo
  • overseas Chinese;Chinese citizens residing abroad
华侨 [huá qiáo]
  • [overseas Chinese] 华人侨居外国者

华侨[huá qiáo]
  1. 众所周知华侨是刻苦耐劳的。

    It is generally known that the overseas Chinese are a hardworking lot .

  2. 他们剥夺了大批华侨劳动人民的生活资料,然后将他们扫地出门。

    They deprived a large number of the overseas Chinese of their means of livelihood and drove them out of their residences in dire poverty .

  3. 这位老人是一位爱国华侨。

    The old man is a patriotic overseas chinese .

  4. 华侨离乡背井,远居海外,因此他们在感情上越来越向往故乡。

    Absence and distance make the overseas Chinese heart increasingly fond of their homeland .

  5. 多数老华侨深深怀念祖国。

    Most old overseas Chinese keep in the depths of their souls a longing for their motherland .

  6. 满街飘的中国国旗,是一个老华侨在事发时那出来分给大家的,很感动,真的,从来一向多一事不如少一事的中国人今天团结到一起站出来反抗

    Chinese police fight ? Number one is a person with batons to fight !

  7. 华侨回国定居的,在办理户口登记手续时,申请领取居民身份证。

    An overseas Chinese who returns to China for permanent residence shall , when going through the formalities of residence registration , apply for a resident identity card .

  8. 越界:广州H华侨农场越南归侨跨国流动研究

    Crossing Border : On Transnational Flow of Returned Overseas Chinese from Vietnam in H Overseas Chinese Farm in Guangzhou

  9. 但据新加坡CalamanderCapital估计,这将使华侨银行的资产管理规模增加两倍多,从而跻身亚洲前十。

    But this will more than triple OCBC 's AUM , vaulting it into Asia 's top 10 , on estimates by Singapore-based Calamander Capital .

  10. 中国汉语水平考试HSK作为测试母语非汉语者(包括外国人、华侨和中国少数民族考生)的标准化考试,日益受到人们的关注。

    HSK Chinese Proficiency Test , as a standardized tests of non-native Chinese persons ( including foreigners , overseas Chinese and Chinese minority candidates ), have become an increasing concern .

  11. 上周早些时候,华侨银行(OCBCBank)分析师巴纳巴斯o贾恩曾写道:历史上,军事干预一直都是结束政治冲突和建立合法政府的有效方法。

    In a note earlier this week , Barnabas Gan , an analyst with OCBC Bank , wrote , Historically , a military intervention has been effective in ending political strife and establishing a legitimate government presence .

  12. 充分开发利用华侨资源促进海南经济快速发展论海外华侨华人的认同

    Fully Exploiting Overseas Chinese Resources Promoting Economic Rapid Development in Hainan

  13. 华侨华人认同与中国&一种建构主义分析

    The Identity of Overseas Chinese and China & A Constructivist Analysis

  14. 海外华人华侨民族舞蹈教学现状与分析

    The Current Conditions and Analysis of Overseas Chinese Ethnic Dance Teaching

  15. 麦礼谦教授与美国华侨华人研究

    Professor Him Mark Lai and the study of Chinese American history

  16. 深圳市光明华侨畜牧场生态农业探讨

    Ecological Agriculture in Guangming Overseas Chinese Livestock Farm of Shenzhen City

  17. 徐:我们华侨会不能做这些啊!

    Xu : We Oversea Chinese Association can 't do this !

  18. 有些老华侨甚至躲藏了数十年,偷偷谋生。

    Some have to hide eking out a living for decades .

  19. 日本横滨开港与华侨社会

    On the Overseas Chinese Community in Yokohama of Japan Tianjin Port

  20. 海外华人华侨专业人才现状分析

    A study of the status quo of the overseas Chinese professionals

  21. 华侨城目前正在兴建又一新五星级酒店连锁。

    OCT is now starting a new 5 star Hotel Chain .

  22. 近年来华侨华人经济问题研究的进展和思考

    Pondering Over The Research Progress of Overseas And Ethnic Chinese Economic Issues

  23. 二战后东南亚华侨华人认同的变化

    Changing Identities of Overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia since World War II

  24. 晚清华侨政策研究

    The Study of Late Ching 's Policy to Overseas Chinese

  25. 近代新加坡神庙与华侨华人社会

    Temples and Overseas Chinese Society in Singapore in Modern Times

  26. 华侨的概念与定义:话语的变异

    The definition and concepts of Overseas Chinese : Transformation of the discourse

  27. 东南亚是闽籍华侨的主要侨居地。

    Southeast Asia is where most overseas Chinese from Fujian Province reside .

  28. 华侨城地产锦绣花园的顾客满意战略研究

    Research on customer satisfaction strategy in splendid garden of OCT real estate

  29. 广东华侨农场安居工程的特点及启示

    Characteristics of the Housing Project of Guangdong Overseas Chinese Farm

  30. 华侨的数量越来越多。

    The number of the overseas Chinese is becoming larger and larger .