
tuán jié jīnɡ shén
  • spirit of unity;esprit-de-corps
  1. 这些女人之间存在着一定程度的团结精神和姐妹情谊。

    There was a degree of solidarity and sisterhood among the women .

  2. 队长尽力培养新成员之间的团结精神。

    The captain did his best to foster a sense of unity among the new recruits .

  3. 日本足球表现出的团结精神和其它体育项目形成了鲜明对比。

    The unity exhibited by Japanese soccer contrasted sharply with other sports .

  4. 你打算让我们国家的团结精神蒙羞吗?

    Do you want the solidarity spirit of our country to be shamed ?

  5. 我不接受我们无法再次弘扬团结精神的说法。

    I refuse to accept the notion that we cannot summon that unity again .

  6. 中国人民的伟大勇气和团结精神使我们备受感动。

    Chinese people 's great courage and spirit of solidarity that we have been impressed .

  7. 弘扬团结精神。

    Upholding the spirit of solidarity .

  8. 无论在日常生活中展现团结精神和同情之心,还是超越政治分歧开展对话、相互尊重……

    From solidarity and compassion in our daily lives , to dialogue and respect across political divides ...

  9. 推动千年发展目标的是一种团结精神和公平的道德原则。

    The Millennium Development Goals are driven by a spirit of solidarity and the ethical principle of fairness .

  10. 在得州政治生活中,他维系了一种自康纳利以来没有过的团结精神。

    He maintained a unity of spirit in Texas politics that also had not been seen since Connally .

  11. 试论和衷共济的团结精神

    On the Unity Spirit

  12. 他们指责柏林方面缺乏团结精神、将紧缩政策强加于人、而且为提高自身竞争力不惜损害他国利益。

    Berlin is accused of lacking solidarity , imposing contractionary policies and gaining competitiveness at others ' expense .

  13. 政府,特别是白宫中心一定要恢复团结精神。

    Coherence had to be restored to the government and especially to its center in the White House .

  14. 这体现了全球化光明的一面,彰显了团结精神,各方共同承担了推动卫生事业的重任。

    This is the bright side of globalization : a sense of solidarity and shared responsibility for health .

  15. 圣诞节时,我总会惊讶地发现,团结精神也是圣诞故事的核心。

    At Christmas I am always struck by how the spirit of togetherness lies also at the heart of the Christmas story .

  16. 这种团结精神和对公平的承诺将非洲的卫生需求置于发展议程的核心地位。

    This spirit of solidarity and commitment to fairness has placed the health needs of Africa at the centre of the development agenda .

  17. 我感到骄傲的是,这种团结精神扩展到了公共卫生领域之外,包括捐助者、工业界、开发银行、信息技术专家及其它方面。

    I am proud that we have seen this spirit of solidarity expand beyond public health to include donors , industry , development banks , experts in information technology , and others .

  18. 秉承金墉行长提及的全球团结精神,我们邀请各位加入全球解决方案伙伴关系,共同终结贫困、促进共享繁荣。

    In the spirit of global solidarity which President Kim spoke about , we invite you to join us in a global partnership for solutions to end poverty and boost shared prosperity .

  19. 信息社会的时代精神主要包括创新精神、平等精神、奉献精神、学习精神、国际精神、人性精神和团结精神七个方面。

    The zeitgeist of information society includes mainly seven fields , which are created spirit , equal spirit , present spirit , learn spirit , international spirit , humanity spirit and unite spirit .

  20. 运动在人类生活日益美好的变化中是一个重要的角色,它不仅建立了自尊,领导管理能力,团结精神,也为种族或公共的分歧建立桥梁。

    Sports can play an important role in changing people 's lives for the better , it can also build selfesteem , leadership skills , community spirit and bridges across ethnic or communal divides .

  21. 我国商业健身会所健身指导员队伍现状研究运动强身健体,有益身心,还有助发挥团结精神。

    Research into the Status Quo of Fitness Directors in Chinese Commercial Fitness Clubs Without question , participation in sport benefits our health and helps to generate a sense of well-being and a cohesiveness in society .

  22. 包括中国人民在内的亚洲人民对日本人民遭受的痛苦感同身受,纷纷伸出援手,再次向世人展示了亚洲人民同舟共济的团结精神。

    The Chinese people and people across Asia share the pain of the Japanese people and have extended a helping hand to Japan . We have once again demonstrated to the world the Asian people 's spirit of showing solidarity in difficult times .

  23. 这起案件可能令北京奥组委陷入非常尴尬的境地,因为他们曾再三强调自己保护知识产权的承诺,而且一直将这个存在了两年的口号誉为“奥运团结精神”的象征。

    The case threatens to become a serious embarrassment for the Beijing Organising Committee ( BOCOG ) , which has repeatedly stressed its commitment to protecting intellectual property and has hailed its two-year-old slogan as symbolising the " Olympic spirit of unity " .

  24. 宽扎节1966年由大学教授,美国黑人领袖卡林加博士创立。他相信一个特殊的节日有助于非裔美国人构筑强大的家族,学习他们的历史并建立团结精神。

    Kwanzaa was founded in 1966 by Dr. Karenga , a college professor and African-American leader , who believed that a special holiday could help African-Americans meet their goals of building strong families , learning about their history , and creating a sense of unity .

  25. 与会代表在推翻清朝专制统治、建立民国的过程中表现出强烈的团结精神和合作意识,在制定建国原则、建立统一政府、指导南北和谈等方面作了卓越有成效的工作。

    Delegates expressed fierce unity spirit and cooperation consciousness in overthrowing dictatorship of Qing Dynasty and formation of the Republic of China , produced a marked effect in formulating the principle of establishing a state , forming a united government and directing South North peace talks and etc.

  26. 墨西哥的经验显示,发挥强有力的领导作用和全球团结互助精神至为重要。

    The Mexican experience showed that strong leadership and global solidarity are crucial .

  27. 发扬团结协作精神;

    Develop the spirit of organization and cooperation ;

  28. 三是倡导团结互助精神,增强学生诚信意识。

    The third is to promote solidarity and enhance students ' awareness of honesty .

  29. 这些职员永远都是那么齐心工作,为这间公司营造了一种团结的精神。

    These clerks always work hand in hand to creat a united atmosphere for this company .

  30. 听从指挥,遵守时间,发扬团结协作精神。

    Listen to the commands , respect the time schedule , and develop a group spirit .