
jiàn yì shū
  • proposal;memorandum;letter of recommendation
  1. 通过阅读Java社区过程(JavaCommunityProcess)的建议书:JSR-14来了解有关将泛型类型添加到Java代码中的讨论。

    Follow the discussion of adding generic types to Java code by reading the Java Community Process proposal , JSR-14 .

  2. 他说:我到芝加哥参加业务会议时,打开我的建议书才发现Ryan张冠李戴放错了建议书。

    2 : When I got to the meeting in Chicago and opened my proposal , I found out Ryan had put the wrong proposal inside .

  3. 阿瑟希望在明天的会议上把自己的建议书提交董事会。

    Arthur wants to put his recommendation before the board at a meeting tomorrow .

  4. 狼群派了一个使者到羊群那里送去一份缔结永久和平的建议书,其中提出,只要羊群放弃牧羊犬的看护,并把他处死,狼群便愿意与羊群和平相处。

    The wolves sent a deputation to the sheep with proposals for a lasting1 peace between them , on condition of their giving up the sheepdogs to instant death .

  5. XML模式建议书(XMLSchemaRecommendation)对用有名称空间的元素和属性定义文档结构有完整的规定。

    The XML Schema Recommendation has complete provisions for defining a document structure with namespaced elements and attributes .

  6. 与XML的其它规范一样,XML名称空间建议书是由W3C发布的。

    Like other specifications for XML , the XML Namespaces Recommendation is published by the W3C .

  7. 因此,XML名称空间建议书(XMLNamespacesRecommendation)还定义了直接与名称连接的前缀。

    Therefore , the XML Namespaces Recommendation also defines prefixes that are directly attached to names .

  8. XML信息集建议书(XMLInformationSetRecommendation)定义了XML文档中有意义的部分,它也以同一方法使用这个术语。

    The XML Information Set Recommendation , which defines the meaningful parts of an XML document , also uses the term in the same way .

  9. 而且,XML系列的其它W3C建议书使用名称空间来辨别它们定义的内容。

    Furthermore , other W3C recommendations in the XML family use namespaces to distinguish what they define .

  10. XML建议书没有定义任何元素名称,而是描述了可在XML文档中使用的两个属性:xml:space和xml:lang。

    The XML Recommendation defines no element names , but describes two attributes that can be used in XML documents , xml : space and xml : lang.

  11. 然后针对具体的寿险建议书系统存在的问题以及用户的需求,结合SOA架构的理论体系,运用SOAD的建模方法和设计流程,分析了原型系统在SOA模式下的系统模型。

    Then the writer analyses the existing problems and user requirements in Proposal system that is used as a prototype .

  12. W3C建议书考虑到HTTP,所以提供了优先于备用样式表的缺省样式表。

    The W3C recommendation allows for HTTP to provide a default style sheet that takes precedence over alternate style sheets .

  13. 详尽阐述的建议书需要完整的文档来分别描述转换或数据设计,XSLT和XML模式就是适用于此的两种情况。

    XSLT and XML Schema are two cases in which an elaborate recommendation requires a full document to describe the transformation or data design , respectively .

  14. xmlns前缀已由第一版NamespacesinXML建议书指定为没有关联的URI。

    The xmlns prefix has been specified by the first Namespaces in XML Recommendation to not have an associated URI .

  15. 美国预防医学工作组(U.S.PreventiveServicesTaskForce)上月发布了一份建议书草案,不主张服用钙和维生素D补充剂,称并没有充足的证据显示这样做利大于弊。

    Last month , the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force issued a draft recommendation against taking calcium and vitamin D , saying there wasn 't enough evidence of benefit to justify the risk .

  16. 该建议提供了在ITU-T建议书中参照其他组织文件的通用程序。

    This Recommendation provides generic procedures for referencing the documents of other organizations in ITU-T Recommendations .

  17. 术语说明:XForms建议书特别说明了不存在单个表单的XForms。

    Terminology Note : The XForms recommendation specifically notes that there is no singular form of XForms .

  18. 欧洲委员会(EC)所需的建议书将包括有关创新性的固态照明(SSL)系统的特定目标。

    A Call for Proposals by the European Commission ( EC ) will include a specific objective related to innovative solid-state lighting ( SSL ) systems .

  19. 声明类似于属性,但大多数W3C建议书把它当作一个单独的节点类型。

    The declaration resembles an attribute , but most W3C recommendations consider it to be a separate type of node .

  20. 根据CCSDS建议书,对AOS的特点、系统构成、业务分类和分层关系等部分作分析介绍。

    What CCSDS recommendation for AOS is and how AOS works are introduced in the first .

  21. 例如,XSLT建议书和大多数关于XSLT的书籍都使用前缀xsl来标识XSLT词汇表的元素。

    For example , the XSLT Recommendation and most books about XSLT use the prefix xsl to identify the elements of the XSLT vocabulary .

  22. 永源ZAP公司建议,建议书由保证邮件信发出,要求回执。

    ZAP Jonway recommends that the proposals be sent by certified mail , return receipt requested .

  23. 如果销售业务单位想要准备对请求建议书(requestforproposal,RFP)的响应,那么他们可以进行协作,处理库中不同版本的文档。

    If the sales business unit wants to prepare a response to a request for proposal ( RFP ), they can collaborate and work on different versions of a document in a library .

  24. 计算结果在感兴趣能量区间与ICRP建议书中的H(10)曲线符合较好。

    The calculated results are satisfied in interesting neutron energy fields , and the shape of the response curve agrees with H ( 10 ) curve in ICRP 74 report .

  25. 本文简要介绍了国际放射防护委员会(ICRP)1990年建议书(ICRP60号出版物)附件B的主要内容,并对危险系数、组织权重因子及新的放射性核素年摄入量限值等有关问题进行了初步讨论。

    Main contents of Annex B to ICRP 60 recommendations are outlined and risk coefficient , tissue weighting factors and new annual limits for intake of radionuclides are discussed in this paper .

  26. 本文系英国A机构委托国家留学基金管理委员会留学预科学院为A机构英语水平ESOL证书及课程所做的国内市场营销建议书。

    This thesis is actually a marketing strategy proposal for a Scottish official institute by Foundation College of China Scholarship Council .

  27. 第四次出现违反安全制度的行为,ehs部门写出承包商终止合同建议书,并取消其预审资格。

    The fourth time of violate the regulations , EHS section will give responsible for the item advice to terminate the contract , and cancel the pre-qualification of the contractor .

  28. 参考的geopak文件电子版本作为本建议书的一部分含在本建议书中。

    The referenced GEOPAK files are included electronically as part of this proposal .

  29. 国际放射防护委员会(ICRP)1990年建议书总结了十多年来辐射防护科学的新成果,必将对今后辐射防护工作产生重大影响。

    The summation by ICRP 1990 Recommendations of the new scientific findings in the field of radiation protection will bring about a great influence on radiation protection work .

  30. 人们普遍采用CCIR第500-Ⅰ号建议书推荐的主观评价法确定电视图像质量的好坏。

    The method for the subjective assessment of quality of the TV Picture recommed by CCIR ( Rocommendation 500 - ⅰ) is used commonly .