
jiàn shè ɡōnɡ chénɡ shī ɡōnɡ hé tonɡ
  • contract for erection of construction projects;working contract for construction projects
  1. 建设工程施工合同DAB争端解决机制研究

    Study on DAB Dispute Settlement Mechanism of Construction Contracts for Construction Projects

  2. 我国建设工程施工合同承包人优先权的再研究

    On the Construction Contractor 's Compensation - Receiving Priority in China

  3. 建设工程施工合同具有很大的风险性。

    The contract for capital construction projects is full of risks .

  4. 第一节建设工程施工合同无效的几种情形。

    The first section construction project turn-key contract invalid several situations .

  5. 中国建设工程施工合同的发展轨迹与前景预测

    The Growth Path and Prospect Prediction of Contract Agreement in China

  6. 因此对建设工程施工合同的实务研究就具有了重大的现实意义。

    So the study of the building contract makes a real sense .

  7. 建设工程施工合同中两种付款方式的比较

    Comparison between Two Kinds of Payment Way in Construction Contract

  8. 建设工程施工合同的履行中,监理制度是一项具有特色的制度,由于监理工程师的介入,形成了一种建设方、施工方和监理方既相互协作又相互监督的三元格局。

    During the contract performance , supervision system is a profitable arrangement .

  9. 基于委托-代理模型的建设工程施工合同分析

    Analysis of construction project contract by means of commission-execution model

  10. 浅谈建设工程施工合同的风险防范

    Talking about the Risk Precaution of the Construction Project Contract

  11. 建设工程施工合同纠纷的产生及预防

    Construction Project Turn-key Contract Dispute 's Production and Prevention

  12. 施工企业如何加强建设工程施工合同管理

    Measures to strengthen construction contract management by construction enterprises

  13. 建设工程施工合同索赔预防措施综合研究

    A Comprehensive Study of Measures to Prevent Claims in Construction Contract for Construction Project

  14. 建设工程施工合同管理中的工程造价控制

    Costing Control in Construction Project Contract Management

  15. 因此,有效预防和化解建设工程施工合同纠纷有着重要作用。

    So to effectively prevent and dissolve the construction contract dispute has an important role .

  16. 建设工程施工合同纠纷案件审理中存在的诸问题&兼评最高法院《关于审理建设工程施工合同纠纷案件适用法律问题的解释》的不足

    Problems and related Legal Issues in the Handling of Cases of Disputes about Construction Contracts

  17. 第二部分从三个方面探讨了建设工程施工合同适用情事变更原则的必要性。

    The second part discusses the necessity to applicable of the principle from the three aspects .

  18. 并将此条件与建设工程施工合同相结合,分析了目前工程承包市场中的建设施工合同所存在的问题。

    Besides , the problems existed in signing construction project contracts are analysed using the model .

  19. 建设工程施工合同履约中的变更控制

    Variation Controlling of Construction Contract Performing

  20. 浅谈医院建设工程施工合同管理中的有关问题

    Contract Management of Hospital Construction Project

  21. 中外工程施工合同条件的比较研究&合同条件及应用问题建设工程施工合同履约中的变更控制

    A comparative study of construction contract conditions in Chinese and foreign contracts & contract conditions and their application

  22. 建设工程施工合同风险既有合同本身的风险,也有发包方强加的风险,在目前买方市场的情况下,这种情况更为普遍。

    Risks in engineering construction contract includes contract self risk and the risk imposed by owners , especially universal in purchaser market at present .

  23. 建设工程施工合同(简称施工合同)是承包单位在工程施工过程中的最高行为准则。

    The construction project contracts ( constructive contracts for short ) are by far the action rules of constructive corporation in the construction course .

  24. 验收合格不等于合同合法&对《关于审理建设工程施工合同纠纷案件适用法律问题的解释》第二条的质疑

    Being inspected and approved is different a legal contract & questioning the second term of Interpretation of Applicable Law of Certifying Construction Contract Cases

  25. 制定与工程量清单计价体系相适应的建设工程施工合同条件。

    Enacting the construction contract condition of the construction engineering , which is suitable for the valuation system of the list of engineering amount .

  26. 在处理建设工程施工合同纠纷中,最重要的莫过于合同效力的认定和处理原则。

    In dealing with these disputes , the most important is the homologation of the validity of a contract and the principle of management .

  27. 而其原因何在?以及怎样有效预防和化解建设工程施工合同纠纷?这些问题便成为本文研究的主要内容。

    What the reasons are ? How to effectively prevent and dissolve the construction contract dispute ? These problems will become the main content of this study .

  28. 建设工程施工合同是建设工程合同的一类,签订黑白合同是一种在施工合同的订立阶段和履行阶段中对法律的规避行为。

    The " black-and-white contract " is a behavior of circumvention of the law which appeared on the stage of the construction contract formation and implementation stage .

  29. 附保护第三人作用合同研究&兼论建设工程施工合同对第三人效力的法理依据

    The research of the Contract with Protective Effects Towards Third Parties & A discussion about the legal basis of the Construct Contract with effects towards third parties

  30. 本文章从理论阐述到理论联系实践分析,围绕情势变更原则在建设工程施工合同中的适用这一主题展开论述。

    This article expounds from theory analysis to theory analysis with practice , the principle of the changed circumstances in the construction contract is discussed as the center topic .