
  • South China Tiger;Panthera tigris amoyensis;Chinese Tiger
  1. 对于政府来说,他们不去关心老虎是真是假,最重要的问题是以此得到华南虎保护基金。

    For governments , they do not care whether the tiger is true or false and the most important thing is to get the conservation fund for Panthera tigris amoyensis .

  2. 华南虎现状及谱系分析

    The Current Situation and the Pedigree Analysis of South China Tiger

  3. 他在带领中国林业局(StateForestryAdministration,SFA)的工作人员对野生华南虎了一次调查统计之后,即断言华南虎从野外绝迹。

    After leading officers from the State Forestry Administration ( SFA ) on a census of wild South China tigers , he declared that none was left .

  4. 热衷于攻防转换,并在CBA留下了很多精彩的扣篮。在CBA中,易建联已经从潜力新秀成长为明星球员,成为其CBA冠军球队广东华南虎队中的MVP。

    Loves the transition game and gets a lot of highlight dunks In the CBA , Yi has made a solid transition from prospect to star player becoming the MVP of his CBA champion Guangdong Tigers team .

  5. 易将首先在小牛队国家篮球发展联盟旗下的旧金山德克萨斯传奇队效力,根据该报道,他在本赛季的CBA联赛中为广东华南虎队打球时膝部受伤,因此需要一段时间恢复。

    Yi will start with the Mavs ' D-League affiliate , the Texas Legends in Frisco , while he rehabs from the knee injury he suffered while playing for the Guangdong Southern Tigers of the Chinese Basketball Association this season , according to the report .

  6. 许多人对在陕西发现华南虎是濒危动物而感到惊奇。

    Many people that tigers of south China are in Shanxi .

  7. 他的对华南虎的未来而言关系重大。

    His study has great bearing on the animal 's future .

  8. 华南虎是世界上最濒危的虎亚种。

    South China Tiger is the most endangered subspecies in Panthera tigris .

  9. 圈养华南虎食物通过消化管时间的初步测定

    Time of Food Passing through Alimentary Canal in Captive South China Tiger

  10. 圈养华南虎的行为与生理生态研究

    Studies on Behavior and Ecophysiology of Captive South China Tiger

  11. 我不知道是什么信念支撑着华南虎。

    I didn 't know what beliefs supported the South China tiger .

  12. 华南虎圈养种群的生命表及种群预测

    Life list of Population in pens and the forecast of South China Tiger

  13. 再比如,毫无疑问,公众对华南虎照片事件开始变得愤怒了,就可以说。

    The public is well getting angry with the controversial photo of tiger .

  14. 从陕西华南虎照片事件看我国的行政监督机制

    On China 's Administrative Supervision Mechanisms from Shanxi South China Tiger Photos Event

  15. 华南虎冷冻精液的品质

    The Quality of South Chinese Tiger Frozen Sperm

  16. 野生华南虎还没有灭绝,这确实是个好消息。

    As good news , the wild South China tiger have not been extinct .

  17. 野生华南虎已经绝迹了吗?

    Has the wild South China tiger extincted ?

  18. 周正龙甚至声称要亲自打死一只华南虎拖到北京来给大家看。

    Zhou even asserted to kill a tiger and drag it to Beijing for testimony .

  19. 华南虎圈养种群的统计分析

    Demographic Studies on Captive South China Tigers

  20. 近交对华南虎的影响

    The inbreeding impact on South China Tigers

  21. 列为国家保护动物的有华南虎、穿山甲、苏门羚、小灵猫。

    As a national protected animals are tigers , pangolin , serow , a small civet .

  22. 论互联网时代政府公信力的重塑&以华南虎事件为重点

    On Remoulding the Credit of Government in E-age & Focusing on incident of the endangered tiger

  23. 在广州动物园我看见一只老态龙钟的华南虎。

    In the Guangzhou Zoo I saw a South China tiger in its doddering old age .

  24. 从陕西华南虎事件看人民政府的公信力

    On the Credibility of People 's Government from " South China Tiger Event " in Shanxi

  25. 的民族象征&华南虎,许多中国人抱此。

    Many feel the same way about one of their national emblems : the South China tiger .

  26. 我仍然认为我不可能像华南虎,我没有它那牢不可摧的意志。

    I couldn 't consider myself as south china tiger , I haven 't strong will as him .

  27. 专家,中国各动物园和中心圈养的68只华南虎是仅存的华南虎。

    Many experts think the68 now kept in Chinese zoos and research centres are the only ones left .

  28. 许多领域中已不再适宜栖息地的老虎,例如至于华南虎。

    Many areas of China no longer have suitable habitat for tigers , such as for the South China tiger .

  29. 不过王维胜及其他中国官员都不否认华南虎亟需新血统的混入。

    Yet neither Mr Wang nor any other Chinese official denies that the South China tiger urgently needs new blood .

  30. 近几年来,越来越多的公共事件吸引了我们的眼球,如华南虎事件等。

    In recent years , we have seen more and more public events , such as the South China Tiger Incident .